Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Poisonous"
Die Bedeutung von "Poisonous" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet poisonous
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Beispielsätze die "Poisonous" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit poisonous.
definition 1: a substance or a plant that can cause death or illness if eaten or touched
- "That mushroom is poisonous. We cannot eat it."
definition 2: unpleasant or bad
- "The sisters had a big fight. There is a poisonous atmosphere around them."
- "That mushroom is poisonous. We cannot eat it."
definition 2: unpleasant or bad
- "The sisters had a big fight. There is a poisonous atmosphere around them."
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Poisonous" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen poisonous und venomous ?
Poisonous refers to something that is harmful / toxic if ingested (eaten).
Venomous refers to something that is harmful / toxic if injected (such as through a bite, sting, or needle).
Venomous refers to something that is harmful / toxic if injected (such as through a bite, sting, or needle).
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen poisonous und poisoning ?
poisonous - something is poisonous (poison ivy)
poisoning- (if you drank that you will get food poisoning)
I really hope that helped
poisoning- (if you drank that you will get food poisoning)
I really hope that helped
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen poisonous und venomous ?
Something is venomous when it is injected directly into the skin, such as a snake bite or a jellyfish sting. Something is poisonous when it is absorbed by simply touching or eating it such as poison ivy or a poison dart frog. Both venom and poison are extremely toxic, but the difference lies in how it is delivered.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen poisonous und venonous ?
thank you @capp
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen poisonous und venomous ?
They are almost the same thing, but venomous is usually referring to animals, like a snake, spider, or scorpion or something like that. Poisonous can be used for animals but also anything else that is toxic.
Übersetzungen von "Poisonous"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? poisonous
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? poisonous
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Andere Fragen zu "Poisonous"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man poisonous ausspricht.
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Bitte zeig mir, wie man poisonous ausspricht.
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Bitte zeig mir, wie man poisonous ausspricht.
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poisonous klingt das natürlich?
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