Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Proceeds"
Die Bedeutung von "Proceeds" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet you’ll have the proceeds on top of what Dad left you.?
"proceeds" means "money obtained from an event or activity." So this means "you'll have the money from [something] and also the money (or things) that Dad left you"
"left you" means "left for you," and probably means Dad has passed away, but I don't know the context.
"left you" means "left for you," and probably means Dad has passed away, but I don't know the context.
Was bedeutet I like traveling very much. I usually use the proceeds of investment to travel?
They use money they gained by investing to pay for travel. The most common form of investing is probably the stock market.
Was bedeutet proceeds?
Was bedeutet proceeds?
money from an event/activity.
In this case, money from the tax
In this case, money from the tax
Was bedeutet proceeds?
money/earnings. ^^
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Proceeds" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen proceeds und profits ?
So proceeds refers to an entire amount of money that is gained from a sale or an event, while profit is only the amount of money gained after you subtract the cost of how much money was used to produce the product.
So when something says "All proceeds go to charity" it is saying that all of the money gathered from the event or the product will go to charity. Meanwhile, if it were to say "All profits go to charity", it would mean that only the money earned after repaying the cost of production for the product or event, will go to charity.
Hope this helps a little. They are used in very similar situations, so sometimes it is hard to explain such tiny differences.
So when something says "All proceeds go to charity" it is saying that all of the money gathered from the event or the product will go to charity. Meanwhile, if it were to say "All profits go to charity", it would mean that only the money earned after repaying the cost of production for the product or event, will go to charity.
Hope this helps a little. They are used in very similar situations, so sometimes it is hard to explain such tiny differences.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen proceeds und earnings ?
The difference between proceeds and earnings is that proceeds is revenue; gross revenue while earnings is wages, money earned, income.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen proceeds und profit ?
Proceeds means all the money made, for example: I did a bake sale and the proceeds added up to 200 euro. Profit is anything more than what you spent. If you spent 50 euro on baking and the proceeds were 200 euro the profit is 150 euro.
Andere Fragen zu "Proceeds"
The entire proceeds from the sale of this book will be used for self-reliance of the dependent church and to build youth, the future leader of Korea.
klingt das natürlich?
klingt das natürlich?
× The entire proceeds from the sale of this book will be used for self-reliance of the dependent church and to build youth, the future leader of Korea.
✓ The entire proceeds from the sale of this book will be used for the self-reliance of the dependent church and to build the youth, the future leaders of Korea.
I am not sure if build the youth is what you are trying to say but build youth is not correct. I would need more context to fully understand.
✓ The entire proceeds from the sale of this book will be used for the self-reliance of the dependent church and to build the youth, the future leaders of Korea.
I am not sure if build the youth is what you are trying to say but build youth is not correct. I would need more context to fully understand.
If a musical proceeds go to charitable organizations,, do you call it as "charity musical" or "charitable musical" . can u please help to fix it if not correct? Thank you
I would like to say :
My dance club in my university organized a charity musical.
I would like to say :
My dance club in my university organized a charity musical.
Thank you!
'proceeds' is plural from of 'proceed' of a verb and also means kinda 'income' or
ls it right?
ls it right?
If it’s being used as a verb, it means like “follow”:
“Wisdom proceeds from (follows) study.”
If it’s being used as a noun, it has the meaning of money:
“The proceeds from this fundraising event will be donated to this charity.”
“Wisdom proceeds from (follows) study.”
If it’s being used as a noun, it has the meaning of money:
“The proceeds from this fundraising event will be donated to this charity.”
Our proceeds was very good, and we were enjoyed selling doughnuts. klingt das natürlich?
Change it to “our proceeds were very good” and “we enjoyed selling doughnuts”
All proceeds will be gave for children in need. klingt das natürlich?
"All proceeds will be given to children in need."
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