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Recentlly, I feel I can speak English and since It's over than 750 hours. Honestlly, I think I would't be able to understand one but my life was changed keep doing,so I'm positive I never fail antill I stop trying.
klingt das natürlich?
klingt das natürlich?
After 750 hours studying I feel like I can speak English. Though I am not confident I would understand an English speaker. I enjoy learning English though, and I believe that I will be fluent someday. I will never fail until I stop trying.
Recentlly, I'm stadying English for exam but I don't feel like it because I guess I was tired maybe there is such a day to be tired which is like rainy day I think everyone should go shopping and meet with each friend.
klingt das natürlich?
Recentlly, I'm stadying English for exam but I don't feel like it because I guess I was tired maybe there is such a day to be tired which is like rainy day I think everyone should go shopping and meet with each friend.
klingt das natürlich?
× Recentlly, I'm stadying English for exam but I don't feel like it because I guess I was tired maybe there is such a day to be tired which is like rainy day I think everyone should go shopping and meet with each friend.
✓ Recently, I've been studying English for exams, but I don't feel like it today. I guess I'm tired. Maybe there are days where you feel tired, like rainy days. I think everyone should go shopping and meet with their friends on those days.
✓ Recently, I've been studying English for exams, but I don't feel like it today. I guess I'm tired. Maybe there are days where you feel tired, like rainy days. I think everyone should go shopping and meet with their friends on those days.
Recentlly,I think I'm gonna take English examu of Japane,so I study new vocabulary.Studying is to remember things and trying many things.
klingt das natürlich?
klingt das natürlich?
× Recentlly,I think I'm gonna take English examu of Japane,so I study new vocabulary.
✓ Soon I think I'm gonna take the English exam of Japan, so I'm studying new vocabulary.
× Studying is to remember things and trying many things.
✓ Studying is to practice and remember new things.
✓ Soon I think I'm gonna take the English exam of Japan, so I'm studying new vocabulary.
× Studying is to remember things and trying many things.
✓ Studying is to practice and remember new things.
Recentlly. I read one novel of alain de botton,namely,assays in love , i hope i wrote its name correctly.however , i just want to say de botton is one of my favorite authour, although he write every things you already knew but in a way that nobody can explain,simply but profound. klingt das natürlich?
It would sound better if you wrote it like this...
Recently I read a novel by Alain de Botton named Essays in Love. He is one of my favorite authors because although he writes about things one already knows, he puts it in a way no one else can, simple but profound.
Recently I read a novel by Alain de Botton named Essays in Love. He is one of my favorite authors because although he writes about things one already knows, he puts it in a way no one else can, simple but profound.
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