Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Remuneration"
Die Bedeutung von "Remuneration" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet remuneration package?
legal speak for "salary" (+ bonuses)
Was bedeutet remuneration?
Remuneration: is the reward or payback you get in exchange for something.
1. The remuneration he received for the car damage was considerable.
1. The remuneration he received for the car damage was considerable.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Remuneration" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen remuneration und consideration ?
remuneration is pretty formal word for payment for services.
Will there be a remuneration for teach Japanese at the university Japanese club.
What sort of remuneration, including salary and bonuses, do you anticipate in your first job after graduation?
consideration is very rare. I don't think I have ever heard it use. It suggests to me something one off, and slightly off the books, 謝礼金. I don't know how to use it.
Will there be a remuneration for teach Japanese at the university Japanese club.
What sort of remuneration, including salary and bonuses, do you anticipate in your first job after graduation?
consideration is very rare. I don't think I have ever heard it use. It suggests to me something one off, and slightly off the books, 謝礼金. I don't know how to use it.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen a remuneration und a wage und a allowance ?
A wage is the money someone earns in their job. For example:
“I work in a café. My wage is £8 an hour.”
An allowance means money that is given to someone weekly or monthly, typically by someone’s parent/guardian. For example:
“Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend? I just got my allowance from my parents.”
To be honest, remuneration is a difficult one. For me personally, I see it to signify money that is awarded to someone who performs a task voluntarily instead of it being a real job. It may not be in the form of money, it could be a gift too. For example:
“We are looking for anyone who can help organise our event. Anyone who volunteers will receive remuneration of a gift voucher.”
Hope this helps :)
“I work in a café. My wage is £8 an hour.”
An allowance means money that is given to someone weekly or monthly, typically by someone’s parent/guardian. For example:
“Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend? I just got my allowance from my parents.”
To be honest, remuneration is a difficult one. For me personally, I see it to signify money that is awarded to someone who performs a task voluntarily instead of it being a real job. It may not be in the form of money, it could be a gift too. For example:
“We are looking for anyone who can help organise our event. Anyone who volunteers will receive remuneration of a gift voucher.”
Hope this helps :)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen remuneration und salary ?
Salary is a type of remuneration. It is usually given periodically. Remuneration is closer in meaning to compensation: money paid to compensate one’s time and labor.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen remuneration und reward ?
Remuneration is specifically what you are paid/given for doing a job or providing services.
A reward is sort of like a bonus for doing something. For example, oftentimes police will offer a money reward for giving information that leads to solving a big crime.
Reward can have other meanings, like when you give your dog a treat for doing a trick, that is a reward.
A reward is sort of like a bonus for doing something. For example, oftentimes police will offer a money reward for giving information that leads to solving a big crime.
Reward can have other meanings, like when you give your dog a treat for doing a trick, that is a reward.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen salary,wages und remuneration ?
Salary tends to refer to regular payment that you would get less often than wages (so you might get a salary of 3000 a month, but get wages of 500 a week)
Remuneration can mean regular payments, but also can refer to one-off payments for goods/services (e.g. Transporting your furniture to a different house) it is also a more formal word that is more likely to appear in legal contexts
Remuneration can mean regular payments, but also can refer to one-off payments for goods/services (e.g. Transporting your furniture to a different house) it is also a more formal word that is more likely to appear in legal contexts
Andere Fragen zu "Remuneration"
remuneration package klingt das natürlich?
Natural but formal, you would normally only hear/see this word in a job interview / employment contract. Unless you work in HR / law or something.
Bitte zeig mir, wie man remuneration ausspricht.
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
I've got $15 as a remuneration for servicing. klingt das natürlich?
It should be 'I've got a payment of $15 for my service."
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