Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Ridge"

Beispielsätze die "Ridge" benutzen

Q: Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit ridge.
A: Another was dragged up to the ridge of the hill.

The edge of this ridge is rounded.

Up here on the ridge there was wind and quiet.

That ridge is a long ways off.

I sat as on the ridge of a wave.

This ridge is wanting in the south.

He felt the muscles ridge under his clutch.

Once up on the edge of the ridge we halted to listen.

Over the ridge bounded the pajama brigade.

Let them run to that ridge and save our brothers.

Then he climbed cautiously to the ridge and peered over.

Ridge after ridge was formed in the twinkling of an eye.

The ridge commanded a view in both directions.

Wait behind the ridge where no one can see you.

Just then a figure topped the ridge beyond them.

But when the ridge was gained no village was in sight.

Straight ahead of him the ridge swung to the left.

Dean swept the ridge line with his glass.

They stood on a ridge and leaned against the wind.

Over the ridge of the beach came a man.

Within a few minutes the ridge was ringed with flame.

We crept up on the edge of the ridge and looked over.

Crista: a ridge or crest.

Just beyond it comes a sharp ridge of rock.

On the outer side of each lateral ridge is a fissure.

A blunt ridge divides the two surfaces.

We rode on until we came to a narrow ridge of ground.

Ranger began to work up the sage ridge to the right.

It was well that the ridge afforded clear going.

The crest of the ridge was only half a mile away.

The granite ridge is rich in quartz and in tourmalines.

Keel: an elevated ridge or carina.

He rounded the end of the ridge and stopped short.

The ridge has a remarkably rich alpine flora.

The village was practically on the top of a ridge of hills.

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