Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Roof"
Die Bedeutung von "Roof" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet I put a roof over your head?
It's an expression that basically means "I provided for you" (specifically a place to live, which is what is meant by "a roof over your head").
Was bedeutet ‘Rain on the roof ever prattling’?
To prattle is to talk on and on about something not meaningful.
"Rain on the roof ever prattling" is a metaphor, likening:
-the falling raindrops on a roof
-talking on and on about something pointless.
"Rain on the roof ever prattling" is a metaphor, likening:
-the falling raindrops on a roof
-talking on and on about something pointless.
Was bedeutet go through the roof?
It is an expression like "His anger went through the roof" or "The ratings went through the roof". It means that something is doing really well or a score is really high
Was bedeutet "to Go through the roof"
that means "to increse", "to larger, grow the numbers", right????
that means "to increse", "to larger, grow the numbers", right????
aumentar demasiadamente
Was bedeutet "Why do you want me to come up to the roof so bad?" Why is here 'so bad' in this sentence??
It's an expression that means "so much"
It's a little negative though, like maybe you do not want to do something or like the idea of it.
"He wanted me to go on a date with him so bad, but I told him no"
It doesn't have to be negative though:
"She wanted to lose weight so badly"
It's a little negative though, like maybe you do not want to do something or like the idea of it.
"He wanted me to go on a date with him so bad, but I told him no"
It doesn't have to be negative though:
"She wanted to lose weight so badly"
Beispielsätze die "Roof" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Do you often say 'through the roof?
Is this a common word to use?
When do you use it?
through the roof.
Is this a common word to use?
When do you use it?
through the roof.
There are 2 definitions
1. to rise very high level
Prices have gone through the roof.
Sale of the new car has gone through the roof.
2. very angry or upset
When his lie was caught, the teacher went through the roof.
The first one is used very often.
1. to rise very high level
Prices have gone through the roof.
Sale of the new car has gone through the roof.
2. very angry or upset
When his lie was caught, the teacher went through the roof.
The first one is used very often.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit through the roof(idiom).
It can mean that a price or value has gone very high, or that people get angry.
Due to the shortage of vinegar, the price of sushi has gone through the roof.
Jackie thought that her parents would go through the roof when they found that she was transgender, but they immediately accepted it when she came out.
Due to the shortage of vinegar, the price of sushi has gone through the roof.
Jackie thought that her parents would go through the roof when they found that she was transgender, but they immediately accepted it when she came out.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit ①through the roof
②off the charts.
②off the charts.
You're sending me through the roof. This work is off the charts
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit ①through the roof
②off the charts.
②off the charts.
EX: "The ticket sales are through the roof!"
EX: "The amount of money we are making is off the charts!"
EX: "The amount of money we are making is off the charts!"
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Roof" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen roof und rooftop ?
It is the same. Roof is used more.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen 'roof' und 'ceiling' ?
roof = el tejado, está al exterior
ceiling = el techo, al interior
ceiling = el techo, al interior
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen roof und ceiling ?
The roof is what covers the outside of the top of a building and ceiling is what is inside on the top.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen roof und ceiling ?
The tall man bumps his head on the ceiling. The roof is something you can stand on. Ceiling is interior, roof is exterior.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen roof und dome ?
Roof is a common word used for the top do a house or building. Dome is only used for special buildings with round, spherical roofs.
Übersetzungen von "Roof"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 1:But ‘to/for’ me , those black roofs look like a vast untapped market.
Do they have the same meaning here? Or is there any slight difference? I know ‘for’ is more inclined to express how it affects you, but I just can’t tell the difference.
Do they have the same meaning here? Or is there any slight difference? I know ‘for’ is more inclined to express how it affects you, but I just can’t tell the difference.
Most English speakers have a hard time with this too. In this example 'to me' is correct because the speaker is giving an opinion, there's no real action. An example of 'for me' would be "It was important for me to go to the wedding." (the action is 'go to the wedding').
You'll definitely hear native speakers use both of them.
I hope this isn't confusing!
You'll definitely hear native speakers use both of them.
I hope this isn't confusing!
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? Hello! “He had his roof repaired.” Can we add to such a phrase by...? Like: “He had his roof repaired by a friend”. Thanks in advance!
He had his roof repaired by an old friend, and since the work only took a few hours they both went fishing afterwards, taking care not to get too drunk.
He had his roof repaired by an old friend, and since the work only took a few hours they both went fishing afterwards, taking care not to get too drunk.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? The roof of the house is in very bad condition.
Hope it helps you
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? The roof is slanted
The roof is slanted
Andere Fragen zu "Roof"
I bloodied the roof of my mouth. klingt das natürlich?
yes it is natural
The roof is surrounded by a wall which is as high as my height. klingt das natürlich?
While technically it is correct it would sound better to say "which is as tall as me."
I tried to make you fix roof tiles after lecturing her. klingt das natürlich?
"I tried to make YOU fix roof tiles after lecturing her."
who is you?
"I tried to make YOU fix roof tiles after lecturing her."
who is you?
Bitte zeig mir, wie man he landed on the roof of a block of flats ausspricht.
LANDed, not landED.
the roof helps keep out cold wind in winter and keep the inside cool in summer klingt das natürlich?
keeps* the inside cool
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