Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Session"
Die Bedeutung von "Session" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet in a session ?
It is a noun that means a period of time or a meeting.
The first session of the semester will focus on neuroanatomy.
The bailiff reminded the people that court was in session.
It is a noun that means a period of time or a meeting.
The first session of the semester will focus on neuroanatomy.
The bailiff reminded the people that court was in session.
Was bedeutet session?
A meeting or time dedicated to a certain activity.
“The music session starts at 5”
“The session usually goes by quickly”
“The music session starts at 5”
“The session usually goes by quickly”
Was bedeutet In the fourth session, the girls received a big paper heart and were asked to listen to a story. Each time they identified an insulting word or put-down, they had to tear off a piece of the heart. The boy in the story encounters numerous bad words.?
These girls were given paper hearts to rip up like a literal metaphor. Every time they saw an insult or any word that was meant to emotionally hurt them, they had to rip off a piece of the heart.
It's probably to make an impact on them and to help them understand what abusive language can do to a person.
The boy sees lots of bad words as well.
These girls were given paper hearts to rip up like a literal metaphor. Every time they saw an insult or any word that was meant to emotionally hurt them, they had to rip off a piece of the heart.
It's probably to make an impact on them and to help them understand what abusive language can do to a person.
The boy sees lots of bad words as well.
Was bedeutet be in session?
It means something like 'assembled and has started' or 'gathered and started'. However the 'be' in 'be in session' is usually not used, since it sounds a little unnatural to a native speaker.
An example sentence would be: "Class is in session." (And not "class is be in session")
Where it means that the class has gathered or assembled and has started.
I hope this helps.
An example sentence would be: "Class is in session." (And not "class is be in session")
Where it means that the class has gathered or assembled and has started.
I hope this helps.
Was bedeutet "the session guy" in 752?
Since they are a band, he most likely means the person in charge of the sessions that they play (practice sessions, recording sessions).
Beispielsätze die "Session" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit session.
At 8:00, the teacher announces that class is in session.
The singer had a recording session with the producer.
Session has two meanings: a period of time when classes take place, and a period of time devoted to an activity. The first sentence is the school definition, the second sentence is “a period of time devoted to something”.
The singer had a recording session with the producer.
Session has two meanings: a period of time when classes take place, and a period of time devoted to an activity. The first sentence is the school definition, the second sentence is “a period of time devoted to something”.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit in the session.
- In the session we will try to discuss everyone's views on the matter.
- In the session we will provide training.
- We learned a lot in the session.
- They provided refreshments in the session.
- There were many people in the session.
(Most of these examples are related to work/education).
- In the session we will provide training.
- We learned a lot in the session.
- They provided refreshments in the session.
- There were many people in the session.
(Most of these examples are related to work/education).
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Session" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen learning session und training session ?
Yes. because you learn when they show you or tell you what to do. The training doesn't have to be physical. As an example, they can be teaching you an information course online.
The difference in the words is that with "training" another person is involved.
Yes. because you learn when they show you or tell you what to do. The training doesn't have to be physical. As an example, they can be teaching you an information course online.
The difference in the words is that with "training" another person is involved.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen session und venue ?
A session can be any meeting, and a venue is just the place where people gather!
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen session und section ?
session either means meeting, assembly or period, time
section means part, segment, fraction or department
they have no common meaning
section means part, segment, fraction or department
they have no common meaning
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen session und meeting und conference ?
@CzarAngle: A meeting is a one-time gathering of people.
A session is a meeting or one part of a conference.
A conference is multiple meetings or sessions over a longer period of time like a day or a week.
A session is a meeting or one part of a conference.
A conference is multiple meetings or sessions over a longer period of time like a day or a week.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "you are prepared to listen to this session on CD." und "you prepare for listening to this session on CD." ?
(1) The sentence "You are prepared to listen to this session on CD." means you have finished or completed a set of standards, or you have studied enough and that makes you qualified to do a certain thing.
Another example would be:
You have finished High School. You are now prepared to go to College.
(2) The sentence "You prepare for listening to this session on CD." means you still need to accomplish something or have to get ready to make you qualified to do a certain thing. A more complete sentence for this is "You prepare for listening to this session on CD by reading about it".
Another example would be like:
You prepare for the soccer game on Wednesday by doing drills.
Hope this helped!
Another example would be:
You have finished High School. You are now prepared to go to College.
(2) The sentence "You prepare for listening to this session on CD." means you still need to accomplish something or have to get ready to make you qualified to do a certain thing. A more complete sentence for this is "You prepare for listening to this session on CD by reading about it".
Another example would be like:
You prepare for the soccer game on Wednesday by doing drills.
Hope this helped!
Übersetzungen von "Session"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? we are scheduled to have a session
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? what the different between session and conference?
As nouns the difference between meeting and session is that meeting is (uncountable) the action of the verb to meet while session is a period devoted to a particular activity.
To explain more,
A meeting is a one-time gathering of people.
A session is a meeting or one part of a conference.
A conference is multiple meetings or sessions over a longer period of time like a day or a week.
To explain more,
A meeting is a one-time gathering of people.
A session is a meeting or one part of a conference.
A conference is multiple meetings or sessions over a longer period of time like a day or a week.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I wonder which one is more natural paraphrasing between 'debating session' and 'hand-on product' when I'd like to explain some interactions at the business exposium. Please answer me english speakers!:)
Oh! There's a difference in that "debating session" means a time period of discussion around a topic whereas "hands-on product" means an item that engages active participation.
And yes! If you're more comfortable asking in Korean, you can because I can understand it completely :-)
And yes! If you're more comfortable asking in Korean, you can because I can understand it completely :-)
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? session
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Andere Fragen zu "Session"
"It was a good session" or "It was good session" ? klingt das natürlich?
It was a good session.
I'm sending my transcripts for you, but I want to explain why I failed one session.
The ELS splits the course in 4 parts:
Beginner- sessions 101, 102, 103
Intermediate- sessions 104, 105, 106
Advanced- sessions 107, 108, 109
Master- sessions 110, 111, 112
We can choose to take reading and writing class, but it takes all day. Thus, I chose not to take it. However, when you achieve the masters level it is asked on the quizzes.
klingt das natürlich?
The ELS splits the course in 4 parts:
Beginner- sessions 101, 102, 103
Intermediate- sessions 104, 105, 106
Advanced- sessions 107, 108, 109
Master- sessions 110, 111, 112
We can choose to take reading and writing class, but it takes all day. Thus, I chose not to take it. However, when you achieve the masters level it is asked on the quizzes.
klingt das natürlich?
Otherwise it is very good! Well done!
"I want to make sure that we don't have any session today. I've sent a request on Italki. But I guess it is not available time for you." klingt das natürlich?
Try "I wanted to make sure that we don't have a session today. I sent you a request (message?) on Italki, but I guess you're not available."
After the session, Yoko spoke to the physiotherapist out of Hanako’s room, sayig her mother fell frequently and she was afraid of her mother's further falls. She understood that the mortality rate for hip fractures is high and there were also other risks of serious injuries in falls. For this reason, Yoko did not want her mother to walk much or be very active. klingt das natürlich?
Some small changes...
"After the session, Yoko spoke to the physiotherapist outside Hanako’s room, saying her mother fell frequently and she was afraid her mother might fall again. She understood that the mortality rate for hip fractures is high and there were other risks of serious injury in falls. For this reason, Yoko did not want her mother to walk much or be very active."
"After the session, Yoko spoke to the physiotherapist outside Hanako’s room, saying her mother fell frequently and she was afraid her mother might fall again. She understood that the mortality rate for hip fractures is high and there were other risks of serious injury in falls. For this reason, Yoko did not want her mother to walk much or be very active."
maybe then I'll reschedule our session on another available time for you! klingt das natürlich?
Maybe then, I will reschedule our session for another time when you are available.
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