Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Slum"
Die Bedeutung von "Slum" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet You really slumming it now?
You're living in a really cheap way.
Was bedeutet slums?
extreme poverty. very poor
Was bedeutet slums ?
A very poor neighborhood where people live
Was bedeutet slumming it?
A "slum" is a place where homeless and poor people live. So "slumming it" is a slang term for living roughly, or without much. "They were slumming it as they lived on the streets"
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Slum" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen The slums were deemed off-limits und The slums were considered off-limits ?
"deemed" sounds more official and implies a legal dimension. "The slums were deemed (by the city, by the state) off-limits." "considered" is more general: "The slums were considered (by the townspeople, by visitors) to be off-limits."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen slum und favela ?
I think that what you call a favela, we call a slum.
I think!!?? I haven't been to Brazil so I don't know if there's an important difference 🤷♀️
I think that what you call a favela, we call a slum.
I think!!?? I haven't been to Brazil so I don't know if there's an important difference 🤷♀️
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen slum und skid row ?
A slum is where many poor people live and maintain the best kind of home they can. They are trying to lead normal lives, but are disadvantaged. Skid row typically describes an area with a visible population of alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes and so on.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen slum und ghetto ?
A slum is a poor neighborhood. The living conditions are very bad, and the houses and apartments are too small to hold everybody that lives there.
A ghetto is a neighborhood where a minority group lives. The original ghettos were formed in Europe, when Christian people forced Jewish people to live in certain city neighborhoods.
A ghetto is a neighborhood where a minority group lives. The original ghettos were formed in Europe, when Christian people forced Jewish people to live in certain city neighborhoods.
Andere Fragen zu "Slum"
“He was somewhere in the vague, brown-coloured slums to the north and east of what had once been Saint Pancras Station.“
Does it mean the slums are in the north and on the east of what had once been Saint Pancras Station?
Does it mean the slums are in the north and on the east of what had once been Saint Pancras Station?
yes. north of and east of.
"to the ..." can be used for other prepositions of place too, for example:
to the left of..
to the right of ...
to the side of ...
"to the ..." can be used for other prepositions of place too, for example:
to the left of..
to the right of ...
to the side of ...
He grew up in the slum of Chicago.
He grew up in the slum in Chicago.
Which expression is correct??
He grew up in the slum in Chicago.
Which expression is correct??
Unfortunately, Chicago has more than one slum. It has many. You have to say "a slum" of Chicago or "the slums" of Chicago.
Bitte zeig mir, wie man slum ausspricht.
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
I joined the slum tour planned by NGO, Reality gives in Mumbai. This Dharabi slum is third largest slum in the world and has plastic recycle facilities. I met a lot of tour groups in this area, and I wonder it contributes this area. Our tour agent, Reality gives spends the interest of the tour for improving an education such as English and computer programs for the kids in this area. I also participate the street art watching tour after that. Many big art painted on the apartment building wall were really amazing. I greatly enjoyed both of these. klingt das natürlich?
I joined the slum tour which NGO Reality gives in Mumbai.
Part of the tour was the Dharabi slum. It's the third largest slum in the world. It's a slum which has plastic recycle facilities.
I met a lot of tour groups in this area, and I wonder how they contribute to the area. Our tour agent, Reality uses the revenue generated by the tours to improve the area through education - such as English and computer programs for the kids. I even participated in one of of the programs which was a street art watching tour. There were many big, really amazing, art paintings on the sides of apartment buildings. I really enjoyed the tours.
Part of the tour was the Dharabi slum. It's the third largest slum in the world. It's a slum which has plastic recycle facilities.
I met a lot of tour groups in this area, and I wonder how they contribute to the area. Our tour agent, Reality uses the revenue generated by the tours to improve the area through education - such as English and computer programs for the kids. I even participated in one of of the programs which was a street art watching tour. There were many big, really amazing, art paintings on the sides of apartment buildings. I really enjoyed the tours.
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