Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Startle"
Die Bedeutung von "Startle" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet to startle ?
For example, "She was startled by the phone ringing."
Was bedeutet startle?
Is any action given upon someone while their senses are distractec(sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste included). This causes the person to "startle" in shock as a reaction. Do not confuse this with scaring someone, as the person is not frightened, just caught off-guard(not aware). Startle is one step below fright/scare.
Was bedeutet to startle ?
Taken by surprise
Suddenly surprised
Suddenly surprised
Was bedeutet You startled me back there!?
You frightened and surprised me at that time..
Was bedeutet startle?
to be scared or surprised like if someone jumped out of nowhere "AH you startled me"
Beispielsätze die "Startle" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit startle .
If someone scares or surprises you, you can just say, “You startled me!”
If you scare or surprise someone, “Sorry, did I startle you?” or
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” or “Did I startle you there? Sorry!
If you witnessed someone scared or surprised, “She/He looked startled”
Or if you notice a person looks startled you can say to them “You look startled. What happened?”
If you scare or surprise someone, “Sorry, did I startle you?” or
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” or “Did I startle you there? Sorry!
If you witnessed someone scared or surprised, “She/He looked startled”
Or if you notice a person looks startled you can say to them “You look startled. What happened?”
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit startle.
I startle easily, so make some noise if you approach me from behind.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit startle.
the loud noise made me startle
*BANG* "you startled me!"
like you were so scared it made you jump
*BANG* "you startled me!"
like you were so scared it made you jump
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit startle.
You startled me back there!
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit startle.
She startled (past tense) me.
I wan to startle you.
I wan to startle you.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Startle" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen startle und frighten ?
you would be Startled by a sudden surprise popping up. . it is the unexpected nature of the thing that startles , not the thing itself: it is
often used when a person appears at your side unnoticed -
Frighten is more scary and refers to the thing itself
They can both happen together
‘John appeared from nowhere and startled me. When i saw the angry look on his face i was frightened’
often used when a person appears at your side unnoticed -
Frighten is more scary and refers to the thing itself
They can both happen together
‘John appeared from nowhere and startled me. When i saw the angry look on his face i was frightened’
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen startle und frighten und scare ?
startled includes a bit of shock
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen startle und anticipate ?
Intimidate is usually when you intentionally scare someone.
The man pulled up his shirt to show me he had a gun. He wanted to intimidate me.
Startle is usually not intentionally.
I sneezed so loudly it startled the baby . I’m sorry.
The man pulled up his shirt to show me he had a gun. He wanted to intimidate me.
Startle is usually not intentionally.
I sneezed so loudly it startled the baby . I’m sorry.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen startle und surprise ?
A good way to think of it is, if you "startle" someone, they will "start" to do something, like jump or run or defend themselves. At the very least, they'll stand up straighter for a second.
It has a negative or, at best, mischievous connotation. In a situation where you would say someone was startled, you could say they were surprised and it would still make sense, but at the same time a surprise can be more pleasant, like getting good news or a gift. No one would be startled by receiving a pair of shoes or finding out their cancer has gone into remission, but they might be surprised, for instance.
It has a negative or, at best, mischievous connotation. In a situation where you would say someone was startled, you could say they were surprised and it would still make sense, but at the same time a surprise can be more pleasant, like getting good news or a gift. No one would be startled by receiving a pair of shoes or finding out their cancer has gone into remission, but they might be surprised, for instance.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen startle und spur ?
spur = to encourage someone or something to do a thing.
startle = to surprise someone, usually because an event happened they did not expect.
I spurred to students to study more.
駆る, 駈る [かる]: (P, v5r, vt) to spur on, to urge forward, to impel, to drive at high speed (e.g. a car)
I was startled by a loud noise.
吃驚, 喫驚 [びっくり, ビックリ]: (P, adv, vs, on-mim, uk) to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump, (P, adj-f, on-mim, uk) surprise (e.g. surprise party)
startle = to surprise someone, usually because an event happened they did not expect.
I spurred to students to study more.
駆る, 駈る [かる]: (P, v5r, vt) to spur on, to urge forward, to impel, to drive at high speed (e.g. a car)
I was startled by a loud noise.
吃驚, 喫驚 [びっくり, ビックリ]: (P, adv, vs, on-mim, uk) to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump, (P, adj-f, on-mim, uk) surprise (e.g. surprise party)
Übersetzungen von "Startle"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? startle
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Andere Fragen zu "Startle"
I didn't mean to frighten you.
I didn't mean to startle you.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Are these expressions similar?
I didn't mean to startle you.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Are these expressions similar?
Nope, they’re different
To frighten someone is to scare them with the intention of making them feel afraid
To startle someone is to surprise them, can both be good or bad
To frighten someone is to scare them with the intention of making them feel afraid
To startle someone is to surprise them, can both be good or bad
I've always wanted to startle and prove you guys wrong in a good way. I didn't mea to keep it secret that I've been studying English behind the scenes. klingt das natürlich?
I think "I've always wanted to surprise and show you guys that I can study english but I didn't mean to do it secretly" is better
he startled me klingt das natürlich?
"It startles her as she screams loudly"
What does "as" mean?
What does "as" mean?
It means the same thing as "while" here.
Hey ! You let me feel startle ! klingt das natürlich?
Maybe "Hey! You startled me!"
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