Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Teacher"
Die Bedeutung von "Teacher" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet The teachers were taken through a program of talking about teaching events?
@Masaki0704 They attended a program or an organization to discuss the matters.
They were taken means that someone took them there.
They were taken means that someone took them there.
Was bedeutet I studied hard to be a teacher.?
It means that you worked for a long time, studied a lot, and then became a teacher. 😁
Was bedeutet He was fresh to the teacher ?
It's someone new
Was bedeutet If I were a teacher I would cook up some real scorchers for the children of doting parents.?
oof. probably provocative comments about the children. do you have context for this?
Was bedeutet That’s enough to raise teacher salaries by almost 3 percent, according to Mississippi Department of Education figures, not counting fringe benefits.
What does "fringe" mean here? similar to "trivial"??
What does "fringe" mean here? similar to "trivial"??
Fringe benefits are extra benefits you recieve when you have a specific job. For example, a fringe benefit would be a company car, or health insurance.
Beispielsätze die "Teacher" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit You are a horrible teacher .
I know that feeling all too well. My English teacher gave me a 06% grade, which is basically an F - - - - - if such a grade existed. I then switched to an online course that was supposed to take six months to complete... and I aced it in two weeks.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit teacher.
Bad teacher
Good teacher
Just an ok teacher
Good teacher
Just an ok teacher
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit require/we require teachers to have a university degree..
This job requires you to have good communication skills = You need good communication skills in this job.
They are required to wear uniforms = They must wear uniforms.
He requires his class to arrive on time everyday.
He has a rule for his class that they must arrive on time everyday.
Hope this helps!
They are required to wear uniforms = They must wear uniforms.
He requires his class to arrive on time everyday.
He has a rule for his class that they must arrive on time everyday.
Hope this helps!
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit teacher.
Teachers provide a great service to society.
Parents are their children's first teachers.
The child brought her teacher an apple as a gift.
Parents are their children's first teachers.
The child brought her teacher an apple as a gift.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Teacher" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I'd like to think I'm a great teacher und I think I'm a great teacher und I'm a great teacher ?
Whenever you hear somebody say "I'd like to think that I'm...", they are pretending not to say what they are actually saying. This can be in either a direct or indirect form. Your version here is the direct form – the person is bragging, but is pretending not to. An example of the indirect form would be something like –
I'd like to think that I'm not a really terrible teacher – the person is worried that somebody might think that they are terrible, so they are referencing this before anybody can say it.
The other two sentences are just straight bragging. They mean exactly the same thing. It doesn't matter whether you say - I think I'm a great teacher, or – I'm a great teacher. They are both expressions of what you think.
Whenever you hear somebody say "I'd like to think that I'm...", they are pretending not to say what they are actually saying. This can be in either a direct or indirect form. Your version here is the direct form – the person is bragging, but is pretending not to. An example of the indirect form would be something like –
I'd like to think that I'm not a really terrible teacher – the person is worried that somebody might think that they are terrible, so they are referencing this before anybody can say it.
The other two sentences are just straight bragging. They mean exactly the same thing. It doesn't matter whether you say - I think I'm a great teacher, or – I'm a great teacher. They are both expressions of what you think.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Who do you think the best teacher is?
und Who do you think is the best teacher?
und Who do you think is the best teacher?
They both mean the same thing but the second one doesn’t sound natural, to make it sound natural you could say “Which one do you think is the best teacher?” or you could ask the first one which sounds natural too - “Who do you think the best teacher is?” :) Hope this helps!
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen teacher und tutor ?
A teacher is someone who teaches inside of a school building (An adult). A tutor COULD be an adult or someone from a school building but typically, we have our friends or peers tutor us. Teachers supply work while tutors help us with it.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen she'd like if her teacher gave her less work und she wishes her teacher would give her less work ?
They both mean the same.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen The teacher said that he gets up at 7 every morning und The teacher said that he got up at 7 every morning. und This question is from book I’m studying ,and answer is “gets”. I think both are correct. I can’t understand why this book makes me choose just one for answer. ?
i would go with the first one, but both are right.
Übersetzungen von "Teacher"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "예비 선생님".
선생님이 되기 위해 준비중으로, 아직 선생님이 아니지만, 곧 선생님이 될 사람을 말하려고 합니다.
prospective teacher 이라고 써도 되나요?
선생님이 되기 위해 준비중으로, 아직 선생님이 아니지만, 곧 선생님이 될 사람을 말하려고 합니다.
prospective teacher 이라고 써도 되나요?
Yes, that sounds good to me. 👍
Prospective teacher = Someone who is planning to be a teacher. Someone who will probably be a teacher soon.
There is also the term "student teacher":
It is the part of a prospective teacher's training where they start teaching in a classroom, under the certified teacher's supervision. You can say "I am a student teacher" if you are at this stage of training.
Prospective teacher = Someone who is planning to be a teacher. Someone who will probably be a teacher soon.
There is also the term "student teacher":
It is the part of a prospective teacher's training where they start teaching in a classroom, under the certified teacher's supervision. You can say "I am a student teacher" if you are at this stage of training.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 얘들아 , 애들아
Sometimes , I heard my teacher said "Ok! Forks(?)" like that. I am not sure the spells, but sounds like that.
Does that mean "Ok, everybody!"?
Sometimes , I heard my teacher said "Ok! Forks(?)" like that. I am not sure the spells, but sounds like that.
Does that mean "Ok, everybody!"?
It’s used when you familiarly call several of your friends or peers to get their attention.
“Hey, guys!”
“Ok, guys!”
If it was a teacher/adult talking to their students/minors they might say:
“Ok, children!”
“Ok, everybody!”
I think this is what you meant. Hope this helped! 👍
“Hey, guys!”
“Ok, guys!”
If it was a teacher/adult talking to their students/minors they might say:
“Ok, children!”
“Ok, everybody!”
I think this is what you meant. Hope this helped! 👍
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? (teacher speaking to students)
Please pick the garbage if you see some around you.
Please pick the garbage if you see some around you.
Please pick up any garbage you see around you.
If you see any garbage around you, please pick it up.
If you see any garbage around you, please pick it up.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I'm not teacher
I’m not a teacher
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? {A teacher} is absent/off/off school today.
{A student} is absent/off/off school today.
{A student} is absent/off/off school today.
Not typical to refer to a teacher as absent. You would normally say he/she is “off” if taking a personal or vacation day, or “off school” if the school is closed that day. For student you would use “absent” if school is open but student is not attending class. If school is not open you would normally say student is “off school” or simply “off”.
Andere Fragen zu "Teacher"
Why teachers say "David out"? Why David out could mean class is finished?
@RavenYue I found a video. Acutally it seems more like a video podcast. The guy's name is David. And at the end it's just like I thought. He's simply saying, in a sort of cute way, "David signing off" as a way of saying goodbye. That's all folks!
We have a teacher and student relationship.
우리는 선생님과 학생 관계다
klingt das natürlich?
우리는 선생님과 학생 관계다
klingt das natürlich?
× We have a teacher and student relationship.
✓ We have a teacher/student relationship.
Not perhaps grammatically correct, but that would be common usage I believe.
✓ We have a teacher/student relationship.
Not perhaps grammatically correct, but that would be common usage I believe.
I look up to my teacher.
난 우리 선생님을 존경한다 klingt das natürlich?
난 우리 선생님을 존경한다 klingt das natürlich?
What you wrote sounds fine. Another option: "I respect my teacher."
(I'm a teacher at BU.)
"Yesterday was my last day of the semester at BU. The only student of my Friday BU class took the final exam. After he turned it in, I glanced at it and saw a lot of empty spaces. I’m too scared to grade it. I don’t want him to fail my class, but if he gets a bad grade, there’s nothing I can do. "
Hello! Do you think the sentences above sound natural? Thank you.
"Yesterday was my last day of the semester at BU. The only student of my Friday BU class took the final exam. After he turned it in, I glanced at it and saw a lot of empty spaces. I’m too scared to grade it. I don’t want him to fail my class, but if he gets a bad grade, there’s nothing I can do. "
Hello! Do you think the sentences above sound natural? Thank you.
these are better:
"the only student in my class..."
"I'm reluctant to grade it."
"the only student in my class..."
"I'm reluctant to grade it."
Bitte zeig mir, wie man Why are you an English teacher? ausspricht.
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