Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Ticket"
Die Bedeutung von "Ticket" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet i don’t have a ticket but I am just gonna give a shot and see if I can get by.?
It means you don’t have a ticket to go on to the ride, but you are going to try and see if you can sneak or trick your way on to the ride.
I don’t have a ticket, but I am just gonna give it a shot and see if I can get past security.
I don’t have a ticket, but I am just gonna give it a shot and see if I can sneak in.
I don’t have a ticket, but I am just gonna give it a shot and see if I can get onto he ride.
I don’t have a ticket, but I am just gonna give it a shot and see if I can get past security.
I don’t have a ticket, but I am just gonna give it a shot and see if I can sneak in.
I don’t have a ticket, but I am just gonna give it a shot and see if I can get onto he ride.
Was bedeutet Can you go half on a ticket for you to come here??
They are asking you if you could provide half of the cost for the ticket to go there. You will want to make sure, but it sounds like they are offering to pay the other half.
Was bedeutet There aren't any tickets left for the symphony concert, are there??
Yes, you are correct!
Was bedeutet to pay off all of those tickets under my windshield wiper?
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or asking me a question or thanking me? Sorry
Was bedeutet 1. Okay, I think you're next. 2. I'll take your ticket. 3. Come right around this way. 4. Keep your back straight. (In Spanish) ?
1. Ok, creo que te toca
2. Su entrada/boleto por favor
3. Venga por aquí
4. Mantenga recta la espalda (lo siento, no sé si se dice así en español jaja)
2. Su entrada/boleto por favor
3. Venga por aquí
4. Mantenga recta la espalda (lo siento, no sé si se dice así en español jaja)
Beispielsätze die "Ticket" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit a round-trip ticket for two thousand dollars.
위 문장의 해석이 '왕복권은 2,000달러 입니다.' 인데
for이 동사처럼 해석되는 건가요?
동사는 없는데 문장이 완성되는 경우가 또 있나요?.
위 문장의 해석이 '왕복권은 2,000달러 입니다.' 인데
for이 동사처럼 해석되는 건가요?
동사는 없는데 문장이 완성되는 경우가 또 있나요?.
"For" is never translated as a verb.
When talking about prices "for" is used.
- She bought a round-trip ticket for 2.000$.
- They offered me a round-trip ticket for 2.000$.
- This car was sold for 20.000$.
- You can buy a high-end speaker for only 50 bucks here!
- You paid 40$ for this crappy computer?
When talking about prices "for" is used.
- She bought a round-trip ticket for 2.000$.
- They offered me a round-trip ticket for 2.000$.
- This car was sold for 20.000$.
- You can buy a high-end speaker for only 50 bucks here!
- You paid 40$ for this crappy computer?
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit ticket.
If you don't buckle up, you might get a ticket.
Hurry up and buy the plane tickets before they're sold out.
The evidence that proves me innocent will be my ticket out of here.
Hurry up and buy the plane tickets before they're sold out.
The evidence that proves me innocent will be my ticket out of here.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit give me a two ticket to the city. how much the tickets. .
Что вы имеете в виду под “a two ticket”? Два билета или билет туда и обратно?
Can I get two tickets to the city? How much does it cost? - если вам нужно два билета
Can I get a round trip ticket to the city? How much does it cost? - если вам нужен билет туда и обратно
Can I get two tickets to the city? How much does it cost? - если вам нужно два билета
Can I get a round trip ticket to the city? How much does it cost? - если вам нужен билет туда и обратно
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit ticket inspector.
The ticket inspector looked at my ticket on the train.
I didn't like the ticket inspector because he looked meanTicket inspectors try to be as fair as possible.
I didn't like the ticket inspector because he looked meanTicket inspectors try to be as fair as possible.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit ticket.
You need a ticket to get onto the train.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Ticket" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen You have used this ticket und You used this ticket ?
If I say, "I have used this ticket," it puts emphasis or importance on the fact that I actually used this ticket. I would use this form if someone was trying to tell me that I didn't use the ticket, and I was trying to explain to them that "I have used this ticket."
If I say "I used this ticket," I'm only trying to tell someone that the ticket is used, because maybe they picked up the ticket and tried to use it, so I would tell them "I used this ticket."
If I say "I used this ticket," I'm only trying to tell someone that the ticket is used, because maybe they picked up the ticket and tried to use it, so I would tell them "I used this ticket."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I’m afraid the ticket cannot book online. und I’m sorry but the ticket cannot book online. ?
They are essentially the same thing. ‘I’m sorry’ just mean a the person is more apologetic.
I’m afraid this will not work.
I’m afraid we cannot do this.
I’m sorry, please try again later.
I’m sorry, I cannot help.
I’m afraid this will not work.
I’m afraid we cannot do this.
I’m sorry, please try again later.
I’m sorry, I cannot help.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen how much for all the tickets of the next show? und how much do i pay for all tickets of next show ? und how much is it for all the tickets of the next show? ?
It seems to me you might be trying to ask how much it will cost for the tickets you're purchasing, correct? If you say, "How much for ALL the tickets", it sounds like you want to buy every ticket they have in the building, leaving none for other customers. I'm sure you mean to ask, "How much for the tickets?" The listener will understand that you mean the tickets YOU are buying if you just say, "the tickets".
Now, "How much for the next show's tickets?" "How much do I pay for the next show's tickets?" and "How much are the tickets to the next show?" all basically mean the same thing, but the context is important.
If you have already asked for the tickets and the cashier is giving them to you, use either the first or second question. You could also simply say, "How much is it?" They will understand "it" to be your purchase, which is the tickets.
If you are unsure whether you want to buy a ticket because you don't know the price, ask the third question. People usually say, "How much is a ticket to see _______?" If they like the price, they buy one. If they don't, then they don't buy one. You only really use this third question when you're unsure whether you can afford it, or maybe if you're with a group of friends who want to know if they can afford it. Hope this helps! :)
Now, "How much for the next show's tickets?" "How much do I pay for the next show's tickets?" and "How much are the tickets to the next show?" all basically mean the same thing, but the context is important.
If you have already asked for the tickets and the cashier is giving them to you, use either the first or second question. You could also simply say, "How much is it?" They will understand "it" to be your purchase, which is the tickets.
If you are unsure whether you want to buy a ticket because you don't know the price, ask the third question. People usually say, "How much is a ticket to see _______?" If they like the price, they buy one. If they don't, then they don't buy one. You only really use this third question when you're unsure whether you can afford it, or maybe if you're with a group of friends who want to know if they can afford it. Hope this helps! :)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen The tickets have been sold out. und The tickets have sold out. ?
"The tickets have sold out" is more common and natural. "The tickets have been sold out" means that for a long time there have been no tickets available. "The tickets have been sold out for 2 weeks."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen The tickets sold out in a month. und The tickets were sold out in a month. ?
You can use either, they both mean the same thing - that the tickets sold out in a month (sometime in the past)
Übersetzungen von "Ticket"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? 見えるところに、これをつけてください。(これ is like a ticket)
Please stick the sticker(ラベル) where it is visible.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I to booked the ticket for a concert o i bought. what is it usually used?
I use”purchased” or bought
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? ticket, tear, braces, crooked teeth, anesthetic, needle,cheek, drill, x-ray
Crooked teeth
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? there is no more tickets
"Is" (singular) -> "Are" (plural)
Eg. "There are no more tickets for this airplane"
Eg. "There are no more tickets for this airplane"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? did you buy the tickets ... the railway staition. please halp me with preposition.
Did you buy the tickets AT the railway station
Andere Fragen zu "Ticket"
Can I get a ticket for Resident Evil? klingt das natürlich?
It is perfect.
I bought tickets for 3 shows of PLACEBO in London exactly one year from now. I can't predict the pandemic situation one year from now, and I don't know if I will be able to go to London, but I will study English for one year. PLACEBO's base is London, but lead singer Brian Molko's English is American accented. I want to understand the MCs at the gigs. klingt das natürlich?
× I can't predict the pandemic situation one year from now, and I don't know if I will be able to go to London, but I will study English for one year.
✓ I can't predict the pandemic situation then, and I don't know if I will be able to go to London, but I will study English for one year.
× PLACEBO's base is London, but lead singer Brian Molko's English is American accented.
✓ PLACEBO's base is London, but lead singer Brian Molko has an American accent.
Usually repeating the same words don't flow well. So I'd change it to then instead. But it's not wrong per say.
✓ I can't predict the pandemic situation then, and I don't know if I will be able to go to London, but I will study English for one year.
× PLACEBO's base is London, but lead singer Brian Molko's English is American accented.
✓ PLACEBO's base is London, but lead singer Brian Molko has an American accent.
Usually repeating the same words don't flow well. So I'd change it to then instead. But it's not wrong per say.
You can buy the ticket up to 5.
You can buy up to 5 tickets.
klingt das natürlich?
You can buy the ticket up to 5.
You can buy up to 5 tickets.
klingt das natürlich?
× You can buy the ticket up to 5.
✓ You can buy the ticket for up to 5 people.
× You can buy up to 5 tickets.
✓ You can buy up to 5 tickets. 👍
✓ You can buy the ticket for up to 5 people.
× You can buy up to 5 tickets.
✓ You can buy up to 5 tickets. 👍
What does "to be on the ticket" mean? I read some definitions on several specialized websites but all of their explanations were kinda unclear
@lerable So in this context, it means that having a particular woman as an option on the ballot(ticket) would hopefully appeal to female voters.
The ticket will guarantee you free entry.
The ticket will assure you free entry
The ticket will assure you of free entry.
Are they the same and correct?
The ticket will assure you free entry
The ticket will assure you of free entry.
Are they the same and correct?
They are all the same and kind of correct.
While the last one is not technically wrong, any native speaker would actually say –
The ticket assures you of free entry ✔️
The same structure would be common in relation to the second sentence as well
They are all the same and kind of correct.
While the last one is not technically wrong, any native speaker would actually say –
The ticket assures you of free entry ✔️
The same structure would be common in relation to the second sentence as well
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