Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Uniform"
Die Bedeutung von "Uniform" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet it used to be one uniform which we all crushed, because we were in the best shape of our lives.?
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Uniform" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen uniform und identical ?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen A uniform und An uniform ?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen uniform und similar und simple ?
Übersetzungen von "Uniform"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "I was excited about wearing the new uniform" or "I was excited about wearing a new uniform"?
Andere Fragen zu "Uniform"
1.Wearing uniform is uncomfortable and stifles a person’s individuality .
2.I think waering the same clothes gives a sense of unity which is important in our school lives.
Plz correct my mistakes, thank you!!
klingt das natürlich?
2.I think waering the same clothes gives a sense of unity which is important in our school lives.
Plz correct my mistakes, thank you!!
klingt das natürlich?
I think that uniform is a very good idea for many professions. For example, it is a must for doctors because the hospital needs to be clean, for soldiers because the military uniform disciplines, for flight attendants because it just looks beautiful and we can recognize the staff easily.
I think uniform is also a good idea for children at school. At the gymnasium where my daughter studies there isn't a school uniform but pupils have to where smart clothes. Girls should be dressed in light blouses and dark skirts or Sara fans, boys have to wear dark trousers and light shirts.
In my opinion it's a very good rule because children don't lose their individuality, and at the same time they dress neatly and smartly.
I believe that uniform should be compulsory at every school. klingt das natürlich?
I think that uniform is a very good idea for many professions. For example, it is a must for doctors because the hospital needs to be clean, for soldiers because the military uniform disciplines, for flight attendants because it just looks beautiful and we can recognize the staff easily.
I think uniform is also a good idea for children at school. At the gymnasium where my daughter studies there isn't a school uniform but pupils have to where smart clothes. Girls should be dressed in light blouses and dark skirts or Sara fans, boys have to wear dark trousers and light shirts.
In my opinion it's a very good rule because children don't lose their individuality, and at the same time they dress neatly and smartly.
I believe that uniform should be compulsory at every school. klingt das natürlich?
He was tall and sharply dressed in a fancy uniform.
What does "sharply" mean?
What does "fancy uniform" mean?
What does "sharply" mean?
What does "fancy uniform" mean?
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