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Anomaly detection with Apache MXNet  Finding anomalies in time series using neural networks.  In recent years the term anomaly detection (also referred to as outlier detection) has started popping up more and more on the internet and in conference presentations. This is not a new topic by any means though. Niche fields have been using it for a long time. Nowadays though due to advances in banking auditing the Internet of Things (IoT) etc. anomaly detection has become a fairly common task in a broad spectrum of domains. As with other tasks that have widespread applications anomaly detection can be tackled using multiple techniques and tools. This of course can cause a lot of confusion concerning what its for and how it works.  This article takes a look at how different types of neural networks can be applied to detect anomalies in time series data using Apache MXNet a fast and scalable training and inference framework with an easy-to-use concise API for machine learning in Python using Jupyter Notebooks. By the end of this tutorial you should:  Know what anomaly detection is and the common techniques for solving it  Be able to set up your MXNet environment  See the difference between different types of networks along with their strengths and weaknesses  Load and preprocess the data for such a task  Build network architectures in MXNet  Train models using MXNet and use them for predictions  All the code and the data used in this tutorial can be found on GitHub.  Anomaly detection  When talking about any machine learning task I like to start by pointing out that in many cases the task is really all about finding patterns. This problem is no different. Anomaly detection is a process of training a model to find a pattern in our training data which we subsequently can use to identify any observations that do not conform to that pattern. Such observations will be called anomalies or outliers. In other words we will be looking for a deviation from the standard pattern something rare and unexpected.  Figure 1 shows anomalies in a human heartbeat indicating a medical syndrome.  Figure 1. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is a type of heartbeat anomaly where you can clearly see how the delta wave broadens the ventricular complex and shortens the PR interval. Figure by Mateusz Dymczyk.  An important distinction has to be made between anomaly detection and novelty detection. The latter turns up new previously unobserved events that still are acceptable and expected. For example at some point in time your credit card statements might start showing baby products which youve never before purchased. Those are new observations not found in the training data but given the normal changes in consumers lives may be acceptable purchases that should not be marked as anomalies.  Anomalies can also be leveraged for multiple use cases:  Predictive maintenance. In factories or any kind of IoT environment you can build a model using data gathered during normal execution modes and use it to predict imminent failure. This means no unplanned halts in production.  Fraud detection. Financial institutions often use this technique to catch unexpected expenses: for example if your credit card got stolen.  Health care. Used for diagnostics for instance.  Cybersecurity. Ever wanted to catch all those intruders trying to hack into your system? Anomaly detection can help you.  Similarly as mentioned before a wide range of methods can be used to solve this problem. A few of the most popular include:  Kalman filters which use simple statistics  K-nearest neighbors  K-means clustering  Deep learning-based autoencoders  Several problems arise when you try to use most of these algorithms. For instance they tend to make specific assumptions about the data and some do not work with multivariate data sets.  This is why today we will look into the last methodautoencodersusing two types of neural networks: multilayer perceptron and long-short-term-memory (LSTM) networks. For simplicity this tutorial uses only a single feature for which other methods might turn out just as good but the great thing about neural nets is how good they are at modeling multivariate problems which is what youd probably want to do in production (especially when working with IoT time-series data as in this example).  Autoencoders  The kind of networks we will discuss here go by many names: autoencoder; autoassociator; or my personal favorite Diabolo. The technique is a type of artificial neural network used for unsupervised learning of efficient codings. In plain English this means it is used to find a different way of representing (encoding) our input data. Autoencoders are sometimes also used to reduce the dimensions of the data.  An autoencoder finds an approximation of the identity function (Id : X  X) through two steps:  The encoder step where the input data is transformed into an intermediate state  The decoder step which transforms it to match the number of input features  Figure 2. Autoencoder flow diagram where we input an image of a number (4) encode it into compressed format and then decode it back into image format. Figure by Mateusz Dymczyk.  For the math buffs this can be described as two transitions:  Usually autoencoders are trained by optimizing the mean square error between the output and input layers where X is the input vector Y is the output vector and n is the number of elements:  After we are done training our autoencoder we need to set a threshold which will decide whether we have predicted an anomaly or not. Depending on your exact use case and data there are different ways to set this thresholdfor example based on a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve or F1 score. The higher the threshold you set the longer it will take the system to detect an anomaly (and fewer will be detected in some circumstances). In this tutorial we will run predictions on our training data set after we are done training our model calculate the error for each prediction and find the mean and standard deviation for those errors. Everything higher than the third standard deviation will be marked as an anomaly.  System setup  We will need to first install a few tools before we can jump into data analysis and modeling. I highly recommend using some sort of a Python environment management system such as Anaconda or Virtualenv. This tutorial will use the latter.  Install Virtualenv. On most systems it should be as easy as calling pip install virtualenv.  Create a new virtualenv environment by calling virtualenv oreilly-anomaly. This will create a new folder called oreilly-anomaly in your current directory.  Activate the environment by calling . oreilly-anomaly/bin/activate  Install Numpy Pandas Jupyter Notebook and Matplotlib by running pip install numpy pandas ipython jupyter ipykernel matplotlib  Install MXNet.  Add the virtual env as a Jupyter kernel: python -m ipykernel install --user --name=oreilly-anomaly  Run the notebook jupyter notebook .  In Jupyter choose oreilly as the kernel: Menu  Kernel  Change kernel  oreilly-anomaly  Data set  As mentioned in the introduction anomaly detection can be used on data with labels or without labels from different industries. Today we will use IoT-based data which can be used for predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance lets you using machine data predict ahead of time when an issue may occur. This has a number of advantages over scheduled maintenance. In traditional systems you would have to either know your machines really well to know how often they need maintenance or do frequent checks. Otherwise there would be a chance of a failure.  The data was gathered using hardware sensors made by a Tokyo based startup LP research. The sensors used this time can read up to 21 different values including linear acceleration (rate of change in velocity without changing direction) in the X Y and Z dimensions. Today for the sake of simplicity (and visualization) we will use only one feature: linear acceleration in X. In real life you probably would want to use more especially when using neural networks as they are great at figuring out all the features by themselves.  Figure 3 shows sample data gathered about this feature.  Figure 3. IoT data about linear acceleration along X axis of equipment. Figure by Mateusz Dymczyk.  As you can see the data is quite cyclical and already nicely scaledthis is not always the case. One thing to notice are the occasional spikes which must be recognized as normal and not anomalous. We will need to make sure our model is smart enough to handle them.  Feed-forward networks  When working on a machine learning problem starting with a simple solution and working your way up iteratively is always a good idea. Otherwise you can get lost in the complexity from the start.  For that reason we first will implement our autoencoder using one of the simplest possible types of neural networks a multilayer perceptron (MLP). An MLP is a type of a feedforward neural network meaning a network with no cyclesall the connections go forward (contrary to recurrent neural networks which we will use in the next section). An MLP is a simple network with at least three layers: input output and at least one hidden layer between them. A feedforward autoencoder is a special type of MLP where the number of neurons in the input layer is the same as the number of neurons in the output layer. A simple example appears in Figure 4.  Figure 4. A simple feedforward autoencoder (MLP). Figure by Mateusz Dymczyk.  The main advantage of MLPs is that they are quite easy to model and fast to train. Also a lot of research has been done using them so they are fairly well understood.  When modeling an MLP there are a few things you as the creator need to figure out including:  the number of hidden layers and number of neurons at each layer  the type of activation function used in each neuron  the optimizer used for training  All these choices will affect the results of your model. If you choose the wrong parameters your network might not converge at all take a long time to converge (for example if you choose a bad optimizer or bad learning rate) overfit the real-life data or underfit the real-life data.  Lets go through the most important parts of the code.  Data preparation  We first read the data from our CSV files using the Pandas framework. This will return a Pandas Dataframe:  train_data_raw = pd.read_csv('resources/normal.csv') validate_data_raw = pd.read_csv('resources/verify.csv')  Now we want to extract the columns which we will actually use for training and predictions:  feature_list = [" LinAccX (g)"] features = len(feature_list) train_data_selected = train_data_raw[feature_list].as_matrix() validate_data_selected = validate_data_raw[feature_list].as_matrix()  Before we start modeling our network we need to do some more preprocessing. The major drawback of MLP networks is their lack of memory. Each record is treated as a separate entity during training and predictions. When dealing with time series though the dependency between observations is very important. A single spike in our data does not necessarily mean an anomaly: that depends on its surroundings.  To tackle this we will create windowed records using a simple method which will go record by record and append window - 1 records to the back of it (in our case window will be set to 25 but this value should be based on your use case frequency with which you are getting readings and how fast you want your model to predict anomalies potentially sacrificing accuracy). This new type of record will have window  features size and will mimic temporal dependency between between timesteps. If we wish to utilize the first window - 1 readings though we need to pad them to the appropriate length because MLP networks require a constant number of inputs. In this example we will pad them with zeroes:  def prepare_dataset(dataset window):     windowed_data = []     for i in range(len(dataset)):         start = i  1 - window if i  1 - window >= 0 else 0         observation = dataset[start : i  1]         to_pad = (window - i - 1 if i  1 - window < 0 else 0)  features         observation = observation.flatten()         observation = np.lib.pad(observation (to_pad 0) 'constant' constant_values=(0 0))         windowed_data.append(observation)     return np.array(windowed_data)  When building machine learning models you dont want to use all the data for trainingthis might leave you with a highly overfitted model. For this reason it is normal to split the data into train and validation sets and use both for evaluation during training. Normally splitting the data is easy but with time-series data it gets a bit more complicated. This is because of the temporal dependency between records: the context in which each datapoint appears is very important. This is why in this tutorial instead of randomly sampling the data we will simply find a split point and use it to split the data into two subsets (80% of the data for training and 20% for testing):  rows = len(data_train) split_factor = 0.8 train = data_train[0:int(rowssplit_factor)] test = data_train[int(rowssplit_factor):]  Now we need to prepare a DataLoader object which will feed the data in a batched manner to MXNet:  batch_size = 256 train_data = batch_size shuffle=False) test_data = batch_size shuffle=False)  This iterator will pass the training data in batches of 256 records. This is especially important if youre running on the GPUbatches that are too big can quickly result in out-of-memory errors. On the other hand batches that are too small will lengthen training time.  Modeling  The code for modeling is very brief thanks to the use of Apache Gluon a high-level interface to MXNet.  Our model will be a sequence of blocks representing hidden layers. To make modeling easy we will use the gluon.nn.Sequential for that:  model = gluon.nn.Sequential() with model.name_scope():  Adding hidden layers activation functions and a dropout layer now is a matter of simple MXNet method calls:  model.add(gluon.nn.Dense(16 activation='tanh')) # Adds a fully connected layer with 16 neurons and a tanh activation model.add(gluon.nn.Dropout(0.25)) # Adds a dropout layer  This will feed the input which we will pass later on to our model object to the first hidden layer containing 16 neurons pass it through an activation layerin this case tanh which not only is computationally cheaper than many other activation functions but has also been shown to converge quickly and achieve high accuracy for MLP networksand drop out a portion of our data so we do not overfit. In our network we will pass the output of Dropout layer to another hidden layer and repeat the cycle two more times (hidden layer with 8 and 16 neuronshidden layers should have fewer layers than the input one to find structure). Our final layer will not have any activation or dropouts after it and will be treated as the output layer.  Before modeling we need to assign initial values to the network parameters (in this case we are using the so-called Xavier initialization) and prepare a trainer object (here we are using the Adam optimizer:  model.collect_params().initialize(mx.init.Xavier() ctx=ctx) trainer = gluon.Trainer(model.collect_params() 'adam' {'learning_rate': 0.001})  For this problem (we are interested in calculating our loss as a difference between the output and input layers) we can use the gluon.loss.L2Loss to calculate the mean squared error for this:  L = gluon.loss.L2Loss()  Finally we prepare an evaluation method which will check how well our model does after each epoch:  def evaluate_accuracy(data_iterator model L):     loss_avg = 0.     for i data in enumerate(data_iterator):         data = data.as_in_context(ctx) # Pass data to the CPU or GPU         label = data         output = model(data) # Run batch through our network         loss = L(output label) # Calculate the loss         loss_avg = loss_avgi/(i1)  nd.mean(loss).asscalar()/(i1)     return loss_avg  And train in a loop for a number of epochs:  epochs = 50  all_train_mse = [] all_test_mse = []  # Gluon training loop for e in range(epochs):     for i data in enumerate(train_data):         data = data.as_in_context(ctx)         label = data         with autograd.record():             output = model(data) #Feed the data into our model             loss = L(output label) #Compute the loss         loss.backward() #Adjust parameters         trainer.step(batch_size)      train_mse = evaluate_accuracy(train_data model L)     test_mse = evaluate_accuracy(test_data model L)     all_train_mse.append(train_mse)     all_test_mse.append(test_mse)  Figure 5 shows how close the model works for our training data and validation data.  Figure 5. MSE results for training and validation data. Figure by Mateusz Dymczyk.  After fitting the model we can feed new data to make predictions:  def predict(to_predict L):     predictions = []     for i data in enumerate(to_predict):         input = data.as_in_context(ctx)         out = model(input)         prediction = L(out input).asnumpy().flatten()         predictions = np.append(predictions prediction)     return predictions  After calculating the MSE for all of our training data we can set our threshold for anomalies:  threshold =  np.mean(errors)  3np.std(errors)  Finally we can run predictions on a test data set which was in this case prepared by programming the robot engine to simulate failure (another option would be to use statistics to generate erroneous data). Figure 6 shows the resulting anomalies in red.  Figure 6. Anomalies in the test data set. Figure by Mateusz Dymczyk.  The robot was programmed so it would stutter around time 2000 and just before 4000 which the MLP diagnosed correctly.  As we can see even though our training data set contained a lot of scattered points between 0.1 and 0.2 our network was smart enough to figure out that if there are multiple such readings together theres probably something wrong. We can also notice that it properly predicts that some readings with such values around time 1000 are non-anomalous but it also gets some of them wrong. We might need to tweak the parameters (dropout regularization or split type) a bit to get a better model.  The necessity of windowing our data set can be shown by running our script with window size 1 (see Figure 7):  Figure 7. Results of MLP without proper windowing. Figure by Mateusz Dymczyk.  We clearly see that the network does not respect any temporal structure and simply overfits to the majority of our training data set which is approximately between [-1.. 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Anomaly detection with Apache MXNet Finding anomalies in time series using neural networks. In recent years the term anomaly detection (also referred to as outlier detection) has started popping up more and more on the internet and in conference presentations. This is not a new topic by any means though. Niche fields have been using it for a long time. Nowadays though due to advances in banking auditing the Internet of Things (IoT) etc. anomaly detection has become a fairly common task in…


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