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How Much Water Should I Drink A Day [FREE Calculator]
Eat These SERIOUSLY Water Rich Foods When Dehydrated
Do you know it's possible to EAT your WATER? Here are 5 of the best water rich foods that are typically over 90% water so you can hydrate WITHOUT drinking water!
Drink Warm Water
Research shows that drinking a glass of warm or even hot water before a meal can make you fill up faster so you'll end up consuming less food.
What Is Glucomannan And Why Do You Need It
A fiber called glucomannan has been shown to cause weight loss in several studies. This is a type of fiber that absorbs water and "sits" in your gut for a while, making you feel more full and helping you eat fewer calories. Studies have shown that people who supplement with glucomannan lose a bit more weight than those who don’t.
Use Chopsticks...
If you are not familiar with using chopsticks in daily meals, learn to use chopsticks. They will force you to become mindful, as it is too hard to pile on foods between 2 wooden sticks.
The Hidden Danger Behind Salads
"Eating just a salad for lunch is probably the worst meal for weight management," said Manuel Villacorta, a San Francisco-based dietician and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "Have the salad, but have a sandwich with it, or a bowl of bean soup." As low-calorie as all those salad veggies are, without carbohydrates, they do nothing to knock down levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which tells the brain when to eat. Villacorta recommended carb-containing foods such as fruits
Breathe Heavy Before Breakfast...
No, not that way (though having sex can burn 85 calories or more). The best time for an aerobic workout is before breakfast, said Dr. Kathleen Hickey, a bariatric physician in private practice in Hillsborough, N.J. "This is when your insulin level should be its lowest, and therefore the energy for the workout has to come from fat".
Eat In Front Of A Mirror
This seems to be a crazy way to lose weight but try it once. Stay relaxed and watch yourself eating in front of a mirror. This way makes you conscious about the quantity of food you consume and how you are eating.
Why brush your teeth after dinner?
Brush your teeth after dinner. Why? "Because brushing your teeth and/or flossing right after dinner means you won't be as tempted to have a late-night snack or eat any more food."
Sit In The Right Spot...
You should sit at the end of the dining table if possible. This is according to author of The Thin Commandments Diet – psychologist Stephen Gullo. The seats at the centre spot will make it easy for anyone to take every kind of dish during the meal, such as chips, breads, and other types of sharing plates. Sitting at the end of the table means you ultimately eat less junk but still feel full.
Create A Health Haven at Home
If you have junk food at your house, you are going to consume more of it. Make your house a haven for only healthy food for most weeks of the year. Junk food is made to be consumed in large quantities and it is very hard to practice moderation on a food that does not trigger satiety until the package is already gone.