05 - Dok 0004 en 30
05 - Dok 0004 en 30
05 - Dok 0004 en 30
Commiss-Instr+Schemas_STANDARD_DOK-0004-EN(30)_2017-07-03 - Translated document in accordance with MRL 2006/42/EC 1 / 153
Table of Contents
2 ASSEMBLY.............................................................................................................. 13
3 COMMISSIONING................................................................................................... 23
4 TECHNICAL INFORMATION..................................................................................... 51
5 TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................... 68
1.1 Document History
Ix(1) Date of issue (2) Page What of
23 2016-06-21 85 # WDF.Fx-R1x-2 korrigiert. Neu Index 3. Bm
23 2016-09-12 106 # KAB.Y2x-x.x-R1x-2 neu eingefügt Am
23 2016-09-26 129 # STE.DMbw Schema nur betr. Stückliste korrigiert. Kabel jetzt auch dabei. Am
141 # 121.026a Schema nur betr. Stückliste korrigiert. Kabel jetzt auch dabei.
24 2016-10-07 # Index auf 24 gestellt, damit Dossier laufender Aufträge erneuert wird. Lw-frö
24 2016-12-15 104 # Schema KAB.M2-x.x-R1x-2 eingefügt für Auftrag vor der Auslieferung Am,bm
25 2016-12-21 102-103 # Schemas KAB.Fx-x.x-Rx Schlauchüberlängen gelöscht zugunsten 029-0009. Frö
145 # Schema MATSUURA eingefügt
68 # Bohrschablone hat neu Ø-Angabe bei Luft und Oel.
36 # Mit ACHTUNG auf möglicherweise falschen Ref.-pt. hingewiesen.
47-56 # Technische Informationen verbessert/erweitert.
80 # Tabelle von Schemas erstellt, die UND/ODER in anderen DOK's sind.
123 # Die Grafik zum selbst Herstellen von KAB erneuert.
133 # Bei STE.DMbw Kontur WMS gelöscht. Mehrere im Einsatz.
26 2016-12-22 107 # In KAB.M1x.x-R1-2 bei X2A1x Pin K u L war Beschriftung verkehrt. As
133-134 # In DMB-1.7m-Schemas den Schirm bei 4p. entfernt, Nrn korrigiert. Lw
65 # Neu ALLE OEM's in Kap. 10 in IHV aufgeführt. Frö
59 # Spindelgesichter neu dargestellt, gleich wie in ACA, und verschoben in Tech.Info frö
27 2017-02-08 91 # WDF.M2-R1x-S-2 ist neu dazugekommen. Hl
109 # KAB.M2-x.x-R1x-2 wurde Enc äu.Schirm eigenständig aufgelegt wg möglicher Störungen As
# KAB.M1-x.x-R1x-2 wurde gelöscht. Wenn R1, dann EQN. Am/hl
27 2017-02-13 91 # WDF.M2-R1x-S-2 getauscht. Jetzt mit Bild. Frö
28 2017-03-09 90-91 # Bei WDF.Fx-R1xx-S-2 und WDF.M2-R1x-S-2 Brücken für Axis present. As/frö
# Hinweise auf DOK-0301 Wartung eingearbeitet. Chm/hl
28 2017-03-13 141 # Auf Schema Steckerbilder getauscht. X2A… gehört oben. Te
110 # Steckerbeschriftung verdeutlicht auf Schema KAB.MI1-x.x-R1x-2 as
29 2017-04-05 42 # Bild GLA.HYD-vario erneuert. Frö
150 # Schema KAB.OK… kommt dazu. Wohl nur vorübergehend. Hl
70 # Bei Nockenring reinigen die Markierung richtig dargestellt. Zm
44ff # SCHRITT 11-12 DT-Anlage ausrichten erneuert aufgrund Vorlage stl Hl
126-127 # Schutzschlauch selbst und STE erneuert Frö
29 2017-04-27 90-94 # Beschriftung Kabel beidseits: WDF.Fx-R1x-S-2 (Kap. 9.1.5) As / frö
# Neue Länge abmanteln bei Leistung: WDF.M1-K-2…, WDF.M2…, WDF.MI1… (Kap. 9.1.2-4)
# Beschrift. Kab. beidseits + neue Länge abmant. bei Leistung:WDF.M2-R1x-S-2 (Kap. 9.1.6)
97 # KAB. … w-K8(R1) (Magnescale RU77-Y) Belegung korrigiert. Bm/as
30 2017-07-03 110 # Kapitel 9.5, Schema KAB.Rx-x.x-R1… neu mit Schutzschlauch über Oel-Luft. Fehler frö Frö
154 # 2 KAB….DMd nur noch in Tab der OEM-Schema erwähnt. Sind in DOK-0215 und -0279 As
89ff # In WDF-Schemas neuen SIEMENS Leistungsstecker eingefügt. Div. grafische Verbess. As/frö
121, 113 # Adapter Motor Leistung ist neu Teil der Baugruppe Motor. Am
42 # Entlüften Gegenlager bei Tx- besser dargestellt Chm/hl
43 # SCHRITT 11: Ref u Umkehrspiel erfass u parametr anders dargestellt Chm/hl
Change index and date are entered in each footer. …__DOK-xxxx-xx.00 (1)_...._YYYY-MM-DD (2).docx
1.4.2 Detailed «smart doc» system documentation for commissioning, operation, maintenance, …
Saved on the USB stick and attached (protected from water and dirt) to the motor cover on the system.
The data storage medium contains the following documents at a minimum:
«ADAT - DRIVE SET-UP DATA» Techn. data for this system
«PARA-…» Parameter list for the CNC control system supplied
«Operating manual STANDARD, DOK-0003»
«Commissioning manual STANDARD, DOK-0004»
«Commissioning manual, specific», e.g. SEP brother
Indexing accuracy report to VDI/DGQ 3441.
On T-systems, 1 report each for divider and swiveller / tilter
«Geometry test report». Acceptance data after final assembly
«PROFI-Catalog CNC Rotary Tables» overview. One each in
German and English
Special drawings from customer if available
Operating manuals for accessories such as hydraulic unit,
Electric shock from high motor voltage.
Danger of serious injury!
Switch off the system if flexible tubing or cables are damaged.
Always consult the regulations of the relevant technical personnel for installation and
Suspended systems can fall.
Risk of injury!
Never stand under suspended rotary table systems during transport.
Always use proper lifting equipment.
Put the load down when leaving the workplace.
Scissor effect when moving the indexing or tilting axis.
Risk of entanglement!
Always close safety door when working!
Non-round parts on the rotary table spindle can behave like shears.
When formless loads are moved on the tilting axis, varying spaces are created.
Remove tools, measuring and test equipment, etc. out of the system's range of
The EMERGENCY STOP circuit must stop the pL LEHMANN system.
Continued operation of an axis after an EMERGENCY STOP is prohibited!
Regulations require that the drive of the rotary axis (axes) be incorporated into the
As commissioning technician, you are responsible for checking and ensuring compliance.
Excessive tangential forces.
The gear unit can be damaged!
Always activate the spindle clamping when it is at a standstill. LED lit green,
Avoid impact when loading / unloading.
The spindle clamp can be released without compressed air and/or without actuation.
Continuous turning can cause serious demages.
Heat accumulation in the gear box can destroi it.
The motor becomes can overheat
Maintain a duty cycle of 20%-1min.
Read the instructions in this regard.
Personnel qualifications.
Only trained persons can operate the system safely and efficiently!
Training is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the «complete machine».
4. Inform supervisors.
The documentation of the «complete machine» is binding.
For more information, refer to the documentation of the «complete machine».
Training for how to respond in case of accidents and malfunctions is the responsibility of
the manufacturer of the «complete machine».
The documentation of the «complete machine» provides the necessary information on
actions to take AFTER accidents and malfunctions.
1.10 Safekeeping
Keep this commissioning manual in a safe place. It must be within easy reach for maintenance at all
Follow the instructions in the OPERATING MANUAL of the «COMPLETE MACHINE».
This commissioning manual for the pL LEHMANN rotary table is a lower-order part of the
overall documentation of the «complete machine»!
Nevertheless, this COMMISSIONING MANUAL applies in its entirety.
Because pL LEHMANN rotary tables always represent additional CNC axes incorporated
into a machine tool, the are considered to be an «incomplete machine» in accordance
with MRL 2006/42/EC.
It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the «complete machine» to prepare an
OPERATING manual in compliance with MRL 2006/42/EC. In this respect, this
commissioning manual is provided as a service.
When an auxiliary CNC control system is used, consult the instructions for this auxiliary
control system.
Int. SEP FAN Requirements for CNC control/machine page (for each axis ordered)
For the motor ordered, suitable input for the motor measuring system (encoder)
With angular position measuring system option: input suitable for WMS signal waveform
Passwords for activation of axis, position controller, M-function, etc. will be available at
Pre-programmed PLC for the additional axes (spindle clamping, referencing, M-function
etc.). Passwords available
The necessary diagrams, basic principles for parameter configuration etc. must be
available for commissioning.
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.2 Check packaging and scope of delivery .................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Accessories supplied loose LOZ.xxx ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Transporting ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.3.1 Always keep the center of gravity at the bottom .................................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Suspending correctly ............................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 Placing, aligning the system, bolting in the correct manner ..................................................................................... 18
2.5 Installing the maintenance unit ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.1 Dimensions.............................................................................................................................................................. 19
2.5.2 Connections ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
2.5.3 Settings ................................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.6 For better air pressure (Option) .............................................................................................................................. 22
2.6.1 Water separator 99% Art. no. pL: 125-0991 ............................................................................................................. 22
2.6.2 Pressure intensifier ................................................................................................................................................. 22
2.1 Introduction
In this main chapter "Assembly instructions", the individual steps from the arrival of the system to
commissioning readiness are explained. This complies with 2006/42/EC.
Personnel qualifications.
Trained professionals are required for the commissioning of a rotary axis!
Training is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the «complete machine».
pL LEHMANN offers training at different levels for service technicians.
For first-time commissioning in your facility, we recommend commissioning by a
technician from pL LEHMANN or one of our contract partners.
for EA-510/520.Ox
for T1/T2-5xx5xx
for T3/T4-5xx5xx
for LFX.510-xxxx
for LFX.507-xxxx
for M3/M4-5xx
for TF-5xx5xx
for GLA.5xx
for RFX.5xx
for M2-5xx
for EA-507
for EA-510
for EA-520
for EA-530
for EA-520
for EA-520
for EA-520
for EA-530
Consisting of
Item no.
125-0982 Ues filter regulator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
125-0467 Oil VULCOGEAR 0.5L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
507-0007 Clamping shoe 2 2 2
510-0007 Clamping shoe 2 2 4 4 8 2 8 10 2 8 12 10
120-3703 Steel plug M8x1.5 2 4 8 2
120-1928 Steel plug M10x1.5 2 2 2 4 8 2 4 4 2 2 4 2 2
120-2516 Steel plug M12x1.5 2 2 2 2 2
420-0257 Setscrew M16x 16 2
125.6.003 Y-distributor for Ues 1 1 1
125-0987 Y-junction 1 1 1
125-0080c Hose BU Ø4/6 5
125-0080b Hose WH Ø4/6 5
125-0081 Closing nipple 1
125-0904a Support sleeve 1
125-0695a Coupling for oil 1
125-0693 Pneumatic module 1
160-0471 Pin G5, M12x1 6
160-0471a Pin, M12x1.5 6
160-0471b Pin, UNF ½“-20 6
160-0092 Socket head screw 6 6 6
410-0108 Setscrew M 8x 16 6 6 6
430-0343 Pin G8, M20x1.5 6
113-0040 Sock.head scr.M 8x 12 6
430-0371 Setscrew M 12x 16 6
2.3 Transporting
Suspended systems can fall.
Risk of injury!
Never stand under suspended rotary table systems during transport.
Always use proper lifting equipment.
Put the load down when leaving the workplace.
Do not loosen any screws.
The system is intrinsically geometrically aligned!
Never loosen screws / bolts on a fully assembled system.
Multi-axis systems in particular are already aligned and measured.
Suspend the system only as shown below.
Screw tightening torques.
The system can become warped and inaccurate!
Always use a torque wrench and the specified
The system was also assembled and measured
under these conditions.
Compressed air at least 4 bar at flow rate of 130 L / min.
The clamping does not function below 4 bar!
The rotary table displays the error message «clamped» and the system cannot operate.
The error message is visible on the red LED "ERROR" on the motor cover.
The target pressure ist 5-6 bar. A lower pressure also means a clamping force reduction.
Make sure the air supply : The pressure must hold 4 bar min. at a flow rate of 130 L /
The compressed air must be dry.
High water-laden air can cripple the system!
The maintenance unit can not cope with high humidity.
You must ensure the the air is dry.
For damage cause by condensation of water, we can not assume any cost.
2.5.1 Dimensions
2.5.2 Connections
2.5.3 Settings
Only use pL LEHMANN oil, VULCOGEAR V5.
Otherwise, the warranty will be invalidated immediately!
VULCOGEAR V5 was developed specifically for the very
demanding requirements of pL LEHMANN gear units.
It must not be mixed with other products.
Ensure that your maintenance service receives this information.
Visible and available at any time.
It must be possible to remove the sight glass (oil reservoir) from below!
It must be possible to check the oil at a glance.
Enough light and space must be available.
Route hoses safely.
Kinked or overheated hoses can cause malfunctions!
Pay attention to bending radii.
Hoses should not come into contact with hot chips or aggressive substances.
Table of Contents
3.1 General Information ................................................................................................................................................ 25
3.6 STEP 5: Position system, provisionally align and fix in place .................................................................................... 28
3.7 STEP 6: Specify and enter the axis names and directions of rotation ....................................................................... 29
3.7.1 EA-xxx.L and EA-xxx.R ................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.7.2 T1-xxxxxx.LL ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
3.7.3 T1-xxxxxx.LR ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
3.7.4 T1-xxxxxx.RL ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
3.7.5 T1-xxxxxx.RR ............................................................................................................................................................... 32
3.7.6 Axis names and directions for profile grinding machine ............................................................................................ 32
3.7.7 Zero position: Divider in vertical position ................................................................................................................... 33
3.7.8 Kinematics of all pL LEHMANN drives ......................................................................................................................... 33
3.9 STEP 8: Secure the area, test the tilting axis ............................................................................................................ 36
3.12 STEP 11: Recording the position of zero and the backlash, for parameterizing ........................................................ 43
3.13 STEP 12: Measure and parameterize rotation center position in X-Y-Z at 0° ............................................................ 45
3.15 STEP 14: Run test program at 100% rapid traverse. ................................................................................................. 46
3.15.1 Recommended warm-up prior to production ............................................................................................................ 46
3.15.2 Recommended cycle for stress test (ED 20%-1min) ................................................................................................... 46
4.10 Zero position of the spindle as well as orientation OPT and ZUB ............................................................................. 63
The manufacturer of the «complete machine» is responsible for initial assembly and
The enclosed «Assembly Instruction» according to 2006/42 / EC must be observed.
We recommend the use of a pL LEHMANN technician or VAR.
DC 0V must be connected to the same source.
The «blackBOX» electronics unit could otherwise malfunction or be destroyed!
Check for correct wiring of the 0 V potentials.
Check the DC 0V to earth. No voltage may be detected.
The + +24VDC supply must NOT switch off at an EMERGENCY STOP.
4. Note 1: Control of the outputs has already been optimized with regard to timing by the
«blackBOX» rotary table electronics.
5. Note 2: The «blackBOX» permanently checks the clamping even after "clamped" or
"unclamped" is displayed.
The normal
are evaluated
by the
The special
No. 1:
can be
evaluated by
the machine
Program these times after the Program these times after the
«unclamp» signal: «clamp» signal:
507 60 ms {?? ms} 100 ms {?? ms}
The special
510 90 ms {?? ms} 170 ms {?? ms}
No. 2: 520 100 ms {?? ms} 180 ms {?? ms}
530 150 ms {?? ms} 330 ms {?? ms}
No inputs are
available = With time control, dwell times must be programmed.
pure time
control. The figures relate to the trigger thresholds, 50bar for "unclamped" and 120bar for
{?? ms} = with counter bearing
ms = milliseconds
3.7 STEP 6: Specify and enter the axis names and directions of rotation
The following images of various pL LEHMANN systems in different positions on the machine table show
the axis names and the rotational direction of the spindles as defined in DIN 66 217.
Motor mounted on left = L = green, Motor mounted on right = R = pink
IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the rotational direction of the spindles changes when the rotary table is
positioned on the other side of the machine table.
We describe the rotational direction of the spindle and of the workpiece, respectively.
In programming systems, the motion of the tool is usually considered instead.
For rotary tables, it has been found beneficial to indicate the rotational direction of the spindle.
3.7.2 T1-xxxxxx.LL
3.7.3 T1-xxxxxx.LR
3.7.4 T1-xxxxxx.RL
3.7.5 T1-xxxxxx.RR
21. EA-L, EA-R, Links auf Maschinentisch 22. EA-L, EA-R, Rechts auf Maschinentisch
23. T1-LL, Links, vorne, auf Maschinentisch 24. T1-RR, Rechts, hinten, auf Maschinentisch
Check selected parameter list.
Incorrect parameters can damage the system!
We cannot guarantee the parameter lists are error-free.
You bear the responsibility. Check the values carefully.
3.8.2 Allow axis to rotate, check for proper clamping (each axis)
Close machine doors.
Rule out the possibility of accidents before turning on the drive system and traversing for the
first times!
Keep the axis in sight.
Keep persons away.
Keep the EMERGENCY STOP button within reach.
Always clamp the spindle.
Knocks can damage the precision gear unit!
During loading / unloading, the clamping must be «clamped».
Slowly move the tilting axis toward the end position while
observing the LED on the motor cover. As soon as LED «END1»
or «END2» (green) illuminates, the axis must stop.
It is not possible to continue.
Risk of mechanical collision! This can damage the worm gear!
Check the following points and reduce if necessary the speed!
Are the signals of the limit switches
available? Observe LEDs on the engine cover.
Responds the PLC correctly to these signals?
Remember that the slowing space of the
engine at full speed can be longer (up to 30 °)
as the possible stopping distance. Of all the
systems can be affected. Particularly but the
guy OLL or ORR (engine above. See picture).
Even large chuck or workpieces may collide
with the system. Limiting the travel if
necessary with the software limit switches.
NOTE 1: Only T systems have hardware range
limit switch.
NOTE 2: The hardware limit switches are not
adjustable. Do not adjust the cam ring.
NOTE 3: At www.lehmann-rotary-tables.com Download/PLC/…Guideline… you will find PLC
examples where only the first-operated limit switch is evaluated. So you can go away at
any time. Even if both limit switches are active.
NOTE 4: If the direction of rotation of the rotary table with parameters is changed, the limit
switch inputs END1 / END2 must be crossed out. Exception: If only one limit switch input is
evaluated by the PLC. Then can END1 and END2 be connected electronically to the black
NOTE 5: The outputs of the limit set by default as an opener. Adjustable to the black box.
The zero impuls of the motor encoder system could arrive in the same moment as the signal
of the reference point sensor.
In this case the reference point can float about 1 motor rotation, depending whitch signal will
arrive earlier.
Run the reference point several times and check the ever same and correct zero position.
If necessary, move the came ring on the spindel of the rotary table a little, maximum the
half of the way of a motor turn. More instructions see chapter 5.2.1 «Zero position of the
FANUC Standard PMCs do not know detect changes of direction during referencing.
If you start in the wrong position, you move to the limit switch.
For this reason, the system MUST be started from a certain position (area)!
When referencing, two signals MUST be received from the reference point switch. These
are «cam reached» and «cam exited». The next zero pulse from the motor encoder is then
The momory of positioning monitoring could be deleted.
That can slowly move the zero position.
The motor must hold the axis until the clamping system has full clamped.
The lag-error-memory shall NEVER be deleted.
The clamping must be unclamping for bleeding.
Otherwise the oil cannot flow!
Observe LED on the motor cover.
Pulsating bleeding works faster.
Clamp/unclamp conveys air bubbles along!
Observe LED on the motor cover.
Do not increase the oil pressure on maintenance unit for bleeding. Seals can be pushed
out or destroyed.
Get to know the vave funktion!
Misinterpretations are easily possible!
See the following pictures.
All housings are prepared in Milled partial surface for venting: EA rotary table (single modul):
this way: The plug GK.42 has a surface that (1)' Closed against contamination.
(1)' Pessure of oil 220bar. allows air to escape rapidly during (2)' Closed against contamination.
(2)' Locking plug GK.42. venting. Therefore, it must also be (3)' Closed against 220bar.
(4)' Threaded hole as parking for at the top during the venting
GK.41 if not used.. process.
T-system with counter bearing: Separate the counter bearings again: (This is the advantage!)
(1)' it open. The counter bearing can be separated without disassembling the
(2)' Closed now against 220bar. system. Simply insert GK.41, done.
(4)' GK.41 is parked.
Clamping force reduction with GLA.HYD-vario.
For EA-520 with 520 counter bearing and flexible hose!
The reduction is approx. 10%.
Applies equally to module and counter bearing.
Careful bleeding pays off.
Use WZP.BRAKY.KTR 5.0 control system.
3.12 STEP 11: Recording the position of zero and the backlash, for parameterizing
IMPORTANT: First align the system according to the «operating instructions DOK-0003»
chapter 3.
3. Ref. point correction (zero pos) tilting axis 4. Ref. point correction (zero pos) of dividing
a) Straighten the measuring mandrel vertically axis
b) Remember position on CNC
c) Move the reference point Do it in the same way as by the tilting axis.
d) Parameterize the position difference
e) Repeat, check
3.13 STEP 12: Measure and parameterize rotation center position in X-Y-Z at 0°
These steps are only necessary if a complete kinematic definition is created. This must be known:
Mechanical position of the zero point in X / Y
Distance from machine to spindle surface of the divider (Z axis).
Top height (center of rotation) of the swivel axis
Offset between the two axes of rotation
2. Offset 2
b) Take values from Geo-protocol and set them in the
The rotary table electronics blackBOX checks the duty cycle and enters
«Error 022» in the logbook if the time is exceeded.
Continuous turning can cause serious demages.
Heat accumulation in the gear box can destroi it.
The motor becomes can overheat
Maintain a duty cycle of 20%-1min.
Operating manual STANDARD.
The document DOK-0003 must be printed and available at the machine!
It contains important information about the load on the system.
The use of accessories is also described in this document.
4 Technical informations
4.1 Definition of the specific operating mode S3_ED20%-1min
All drive data refer to the operating mode «Intermittent operation S3_ED20%-1 minute» in accordance
to VDE0520 with loaded spindle with STANDARD load, according to the operating instructions
STANDARD, DOK-0003, chapter 5.
THE KEY MESSAGE OF THE DIAGRAMS IN WORDS: During the viewing period of 60 sec, a maximum
work time of 12 sec by max speed and STANDARD load is allowed.
Otherwise, the worm gear can be destroyed by overheating!
Run the rotary table for max 12 sec at max speed, especially when the module is cold.
Otherwise, the gear can be destroyed by different material extensions.
Otherwise, the worm gear can be destroyed by overheating!
Run the rotary table for max 12 sec at max speed, especially when the module is cold.
Otherwise, the gear can be destroyed by different material extensions.
Voltage: + 24V / 0V
Current: 0.1A max Standard 0.3A max with servo valve
1 input: "clamp", optionally + 24VDC ca.5mA
or 110VAC ca.25mA without hardware
For AC control, the «Input Clamp» software parameter must be set to «AC».
Otherwise, the pneumatic valve rattles.
8 outputs: Ready, Error, Unclamped, Clamped, Reference, Limit1, Limit2, Service.
Current: Each output individually max.50mA
NPN / PNP: Can be rewired collectively.
Buffer: The data is battery-buffered.
Software: On delivery, the current operating system and, due to the notified location, the
appropriate machine parameters are loaded.
Interface: USB interface, accessible from the outside.
Installation: All connections are plugged in, the print is inserted on a holding plate.
Connector J17: Pin 1+3 = Input «clamp», universal. The input electronic ist able for voltages from 24 V
to 130 V DC or AC.
IMPORTANT: The zero volt of AC resp the neutre shall never connected to zero volt
resp masse/earth of 24V DC. Even when they are connected on machine side! This can
cause difficult malfunctions.
DO NOT FORGET: When the signal «clamp» is AC, the parameter «Input terminal»
must be set to «AC» on the blackBOX. Otherwise the pneumatic valve rattles.
The previous input «clamp» on connector J5 pin 1 + 3 (version I) is further present, but
is no longer mentioned on the schematic.
Plug J18: Since about 11/2016 we always equip J18 with a resistor of 4700 Ohm. This serves for
the artificial loading of the output on the machine tool. This is often necessary for the
monitoring of the machine to work.
At 110V, the resistor is under the
motor cover screwed onto the
retaining plate in order to dissipate
the heat.
LED lamps: 12 LEDs in 4 colors on the motor
cover signal the operating condition
13 Realtime clock for the registration of data with time and date. Standard
15 Memory for recording process data (approx. 5000 history entries). Standard
Often faults on the blackBOX.
Don't connect 0V_AC with 0V_DC.
If the clamping signal is in AC, you must adjust on blackBOX the parameter DC AC
Ever connect the cable shield on machine side to earth.
threshold Signal
Bedeutung Kurzerklärung schw.(Bsp) (2)
Temperature Level Internal temperature exceeded
1 E 85 [C°] 0
Temperaturniveau Temperatur Intern überschritten
Humidity Level Relative humidity exceeded
2 E 50 [%] 0
Relative Luftfeuchte Relative Luftfeuchte überschritten
Box Overpressure Housing overpressure exceeded
3 E 500 [mbar] 0
Überdruck Gehäuse Überdruck Gehäuse überschritten
Box Underpressure Below min. pressure for motor add-on /
4 B 100 [mbar] 0
Unterdruck Gehäuse Mindestdruck Motoranbau unterschritten
Box Overcurrent Overcurrent at proportional valve
5 E x 0.100 [A] 1
Überstrom Prop-.-ventil Überstrom am Proportionalventil
Box Undercurrent Undercurrent at proportional valve /
6 B x 0.001 [A] 1
Unterstrom Prop.-ventil Unterstrom am Proportionalventil
System Overpressure Air pressure too high
7 E x 7.0 [bar] 0
Luftdruck zu hoch Luftdruck zu hoch
System Underpressure Air pressure too low
8 B x 4.0 [bar] 0
Luftdruck zu tief Luftdruck zu tief
Motor Overcurrent Overcurrent at motor
9 E x (10 [A]) 1
Überstrom am Motor Überstrom am Motor
Impact Max. X Impact / acceleration X exceeded 10 [g] 30
10 E 1
Max. Schlag X Schlag / Beschleunigung X überschritten [ms]
Impact Max. Y Impact/acceleration Y exceeded 10 [g] 30
11 E 1
Max. Schlag Y Schlag/Beschleunigung Y überschritten [ms]
12 Spindle Clamp Timeout «Clamp» time exceeded E 2 000 [ms] 1
threshold Signal
Bedeutung Kurzerklärung schw.(Bsp) (2)
Zeit «geklemmt» überschritten Zeit «Klemmen» überschritten
Spindle Release Timeout «Unclamp» time exceeded
13 E 2 000 [ms] 1
Zeit «gelöst» überschritten Zeit «Lösen» überschritten
Valve Spindle Clamp Current Overcurrent at clamping valve (short
14 Standby / Überstrom am circuit?) E 10 [mA] 0
Klemmungsventil Überstrom bei Klemmventil (Kurschluss?)
Valve Spindle Clamp Current Current too low at clamping valve
15 Operation / Unterstrom am (broken wire?) B 1 [mA] 0
Klemmungsventil Strom zu tief bei Klemmventil (Kabelbruch?)
External pressure intensifier Error external pressure intensifier
16 1
Externer Druckübersetzer Fehler externer Druckübersetzer
License Expired License expired
17 0
Lizenz abgelaufen Lizenz abgelaufen
License Key Invalid License key incorrect
18 1
Lizenzschlüssel falsch Lizenzschlüssel falsch
System time (RTC) System time wrong
19 0
Systemzeit falsch Systemzeit falsch
Max. Revolution Speed Max. rpm exceeded (11 000
20 E
Max. Drehzahl überschritten Max. Drehzahl überschritten [rpm])
Accelerator IRQ Interruption request
Unterbruchsanforderung Unterbrechungsanforderung
Revolution On Time Max. On-time for motor duty cycle (ED)
22 E
Max. ED überschritten exceeded / ED Motor überschritten
Init. Operat.; No Module number No serial number parameterized
25 0
Keine Serie-Nr. parametriert Keine Serienummer parametriert
Init. Operation; Clamp Pressure Sensor initialization for clamping
26 Calib. / Initialis. Klemm.-sensor calibration not correct / Initialis. Sensor 0
unvollst. für Klemmung - Kalibrierung nicht richtig
Example of «SERVICE» LED yellow: Flashing code for «revolutions of the worm» («rev. of worm»)
Number of
flashes /
Blinkzahl Meaning / Bedeutung Short explication / Erklärung
4.9.1 Read out the error list from blackBOX to USB stick
The blackBOX records all errors in a history file. This history file can
be exported via the USB interface (Type USB-A).
For reasons of accessibility on the rotary table, only short USB sticks can
be used.
On delivery, one USB stick with the system data is inserted in this
connector port. For more information in this regard see chapter 1.
USB stick with a maximum of 8GB possible.
Risk of addressing errors on larger USB sticks!
This limitation is due to the software in the blackBOX.
1. Prepare USB stick for data backup by creating a
«Param» folder at the highest level.
Mixed connection
The «clamping» input and the 8 outputs are independent
groups. They can be configured differently in terms of PNP/NPN
4.10 Zero position of the spindle as well as orientation OPT and ZUB
The initial position «0°» is taken when mounting a rotary table modul, as well for mounting options and acces-
sories. Not to be confused with the reference point an the limit switches. The cam ring can be rotated on the
5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Malfunction table
Attach a mark, remove cam ring. a. Pull cam ring, clean. a. Place 4 shims 0.05mm under-
507: s=2.5mm (M5 in front) b. Clean also behind the ring. neath, slide on the cam ring,
510: s=1.5mm (M3) b. adjust the mark,
520;530: s= 2mm (M4) c. tighten the screws (3) with:
510 = 0,6Nm
507, 520, 530 = 1,2Nm
c. Remove shims.
6.2 Please CONSIDER when placing the mating connector on the machine
Electric shock from high motor voltage.
Danger of serious injury!
Always consult the regulations of the relevant technical personnel for installation.
Depending on the motor or servo, the cable ends on the machine side
already have connectors attached.
For connector assignment, see the diagram at «Diagrams WDF».
Hose length for air and oil also 10 m, the first 5 m in suitable flexible
tubing with non-leaking cable gland.
type I Code type II
(swiveller / tilter)
Red = Coding socket (item no. 120-2002) Blue = Coding pin (item no. 120-2001)
6.3.4 WDF. … -S … – Drilling template for control cabinet wall penetration «K8» & «R1»
With the WDF you receive this template printed on adhesive film.
6.4.2 Angular position measuring system WMS with round connector M23 for WDF.R1 (Option)
We supply the wired device coupling as shown, with screw-on cover. Cable length 10 m.
For more diagrams corresponding to the different signal types used with the WMS, see chapter 9.2.
Check plug compatibility.
Check conformity of harness with the machine!
In addition to connector type and coding, correct signal assignment is also decisive.
No changes may be made to the wiring harness.
The use of a complete wall penetration is possible at any time.
9.2 Schemas for angle meas. Systems (WMS) on WDF stand with Harting (Option) ...................................................... 94
9.2.1 WDF.Mx-S(K)w-2-1Vpp_EnDat (SubD)........................................................................................................................ 94
9.2.2 WDF.Mx-S(K)w-2-1Vpp (SubD) ................................................................................................................................... 94
9.2.3 WDF.Mx-S(K)wd-2-CLiQ (RJ45) (Magnescale RU97-S) ................................................................................................ 95
9.3 Schemas for angle meas. systems (WMS) on WDF with connector M23 (option) .................................................... 95
9.3.1 WDF.WMS-1Vpp_EnDat (SubD).................................................................................................................................. 95
9.3.2 WDF.WMS-1Vpp (SubD) ............................................................................................................................................. 96
9.3.3 WDF.WMS-CliQ (RJ45) (Magnescale RU97-S) ............................................................................................................. 96
9.3.4 WDF.WMS-5VTTL (o) .................................................................................................................................................. 97
9.3.5 WDF.WMS-Mix (Connector Fabr. 3M SCR) ................................................................................................................. 97
9.3.6 WDF.WMS-Fx (Connector Fabr. PCR) ......................................................................................................................... 98
9.4 Diagrams for wiring harnesses KAB with connector HARTING «K8» ........................................................................ 99
9.4.1 KAB.Fx-x.x-K8x-2 – for motors FANUC α and β [CNC.xAX-FA] .................................................................................... 99
9.4.2 KAB.M1-x.x-K8x-2 – for motor MAVILOR ERN .......................................................................................................... 100
9.4.3 KAB.M2-x.x-K8x-2 – for motor MAVILOR EQN .......................................................................................................... 101
9.4.4 KAB.Y2x-x.x-K8x-2 – for motor YASKAWA SGMJV-04 (Y2a) and SGMJV-08 (Y2) ...................................................... 102
9.4.5 KAB.MI1-x.x-K8x-2 – for motor MITSUBISHI HF-KP .................................................................................................. 103
9.4.6 Option WMS 1Vpp-EnDat_02 for: KAB. … w-K8(R1) ................................................................................................. 104
9.4.7 Option WMS 1Vpp for: KAB. … w-K8(R1) .................................................................................................................. 104
9.4.8 Option WMS 5V_TTL for: KAB. … w-K8(R1) .............................................................................................................. 105
9.4.9 Option WMS EnDat_22 for: KAB. … w-K8(R1)........................................................................................................... 105
9.4.10 Option WMS DriveCLiQ SIEMENS for: KAB. … wd-K8(R1) (Magnescale RU97-S) ...................................................... 106
9.4.11 Option WMS FANUC for: KAB. … w-K8(R1) (HEIDENHAIN) ....................................................................................... 106
9.4.12 Option WMS FANUC for: KAB. … w-K8(R1) (Magnescale RU77-F) ............................................................................ 107
9.4.13 Option WMS MITSUBISHI for: KAB. … w-K8(R1) (HEIDENHAIN) ............................................................................... 107
9.4.14 Option WMS MITSUBISHI for: KAB. … w-K8(R1) (Magnescale RU77-M) .................................................................. 108
9.4.15 Option WMS YASKAWA für: KAB. … w-K8(R1) (Magnescale RU77-Y) ....................................................................... 108
9.5 Wiring diagrams of harnesses with round connectors «MIL» ................................................................................ 109
9.5.1 KAB.Fx-x.x-R1x-2 – for motors FANUC αi(s) and βi(s) ............................................................................................... 109
9.5.2 KAB.Fx-x.x-R2x-2 – for motors FANUC αi(s) und βi(s) ............................................................................................... 110
9.5.3 KAB.M2-x.x-R1x-2 – for motor MAVILOR/SIEMENS absolut coded (EQN) ............................................................... 111
9.5.4 KAB.MI1-x.x-R1x-2 – for motor MITSUBISHI HF-KP (DMG-MORI/AKIRA) ................................................................. 112
9.5.5 KAB.MI2-x.x-R1x-2 – Motor MITSUBISHI HF-(H)75S-A48; HF-(H)104S-A48 (DMG-MORI/AKIRA) ............................ 113
9.5.6 KAB.Y2 (and Y2a) -x.x-R1x-2 – for motor YASKAWA SGMJV-04 (Y2a) and SGMJV-08 (Y2) ....................................... 114
9.6 Diagrams Wiring harnesses KAB with «o» (= free cable ends) ............................................................................... 115
9.6.1 KAB.Fx-x.x-o-2 – for motor FANUC αi(s) and βi(s) .................................................................................................... 115
9.6.2 KAB.M1-x.x-o-2 – for motor MAVILOR ERN (SIEMENS 1FT6 incr.) (M1) ................................................................... 116
9.6.3 KAB.M2-x.x-o-2 – for motor MAVILOR EQN (SIEMENS 1FT6 abs.) (M2) ................................................................... 117
9.6.4 KAB.Y1-x.x-o-2 – for motor YASKAWA SGMAH (Y1) ................................................................................................. 118
9.6.5 KAB.Y2-x.x-o-2 [and] KAB.Y2a-x.x-o-2 – for Mot. YASKAWA SGMJV-08 (Y2) SGMJV-04 (Y2a) ................................. 119
9.6.6 KAB.MI1-x.x-o-2 – for motor MITSUBISHI HF-KP (MI1) ............................................................................................ 120
9.6.7 KAB.MI2-x.x-o-2 – for motor MITSUBISHI HF-(H)75S-A48 + HF-(H)104S-A48 (510…530) ........................................ 121
9.7 Connector set STE.xx for wiring harness STANDARD pL LEHMANN ........................................................................ 125
9.9 Diagrams for CNC controls systems from pL LEHMANN ......................................................................................... 127
9.9.1 pL LEHMANN CNC «FANUC PMi» and «FANUC 35iB» – KAB.Fx-x.x-K8x-2 ............................................................... 127
9.9.2 Interface of pL LEHMANN CNC «FANUC PMi» and «FANUC 35iB» .......................................................................... 128
9.9.3 pL LEHMANN CNC «ModulaNC» - KAB.M1-x.x-MNC-2 ............................................................................................. 129
9.9.4 pL LEHMANN CNC «CPS» with cabling Han42DD - KAB.Y3-x.x-CPS-2 ....................................................................... 130
9.1 Diagrams for wall penetrations WDF with HARTING «K8» & free cable «o»
9.1.1 WDF.Fx-K(w)-2 and WDF.Fx-S(w)-2 – for FANUC ()
9.1.2 WDF.M1-K-2 and WDF.M1-S-2 – for MAVILOR ERN incr. (SIEMENS+HEIDENHAIN) ()
9.1.3 WDF.M2-K-2 and WDF.M2-S-2 – for MAVILOR EQN abs. (SIEMENS+HEIDENHAIN) ()
9.2 Schemas for angle meas. Systems (WMS) on WDF stand with Harting (Option)
9.2.1 WDF.Mx-S(K)w-2-1Vpp_EnDat (SubD)
9.3 Schemas for angle meas. systems (WMS) on WDF with connector M23 (option)
9.3.1 WDF.WMS-1Vpp_EnDat (SubD)
9.4 Diagrams for wiring harnesses KAB with connector HARTING «K8»
9.4.1 KAB.Fx-x.x-K8x-2 – for motors FANUC α and β [CNC.xAX-FA]
The FANUC 35iB CNC is wired according to this diagram.
9.4.4 KAB.Y2x-x.x-K8x-2 – for motor YASKAWA SGMJV-04 (Y2a) and SGMJV-08 (Y2)
9.4.10 Option WMS DriveCLiQ SIEMENS for: KAB. … wd-K8(R1) (Magnescale RU97-S)
9.5.6 KAB.Y2 (and Y2a) -x.x-R1x-2 – for motor YASKAWA SGMJV-04 (Y2a) and SGMJV-08 (Y2)
9.6 Diagrams Wiring harnesses KAB with «o» (= free cable ends)
9.6.1 KAB.Fx-x.x-o-2 – for motor FANUC αi(s) and βi(s)
9.6.2 KAB.M1-x.x-o-2 – for motor MAVILOR ERN (SIEMENS 1FT6 incr.) (M1)
9.6.3 KAB.M2-x.x-o-2 – for motor MAVILOR EQN (SIEMENS 1FT6 abs.) (M2)
9.6.5 KAB.Y2-x.x-o-2 [and] KAB.Y2a-x.x-o-2 – for Mot. YASKAWA SGMJV-08 (Y2) SGMJV-04 (Y2a)
9.6.9 Option WMS for: KAB. … w-o (= free cable ends) (HEIDENHAIN)
9.6.10 Option WMS for: KAB. … w-o (= free cable ends) (Magnescale RU77)
9.6.11 Option WMS for: KAB. … w-o (= free cable ends) (Magnescale RU97)
10.3.1 KAB.M1-x.x-MIa-2 – for machine VCP_600/800
10.3.5 KAB.M1-x.x-MId2-2, Tiliting axis without WMS – for machine HSM and LP
10.3.6 KAB.M1-x.xw-MId2-2, Tiliting axis with WMS – for machine HSM and LP
10.3.7 KAB.Y2-x.x-MIc-2 [and] KAB.Y2a-x.x-MIc-2 – for Mot. YASK. SGMJV-08 (Y2) SGMJV-04 (Y2a)
10.8 Akira-Seiki
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
Akira Seiki DOK-0218 KAB.MI1-x.x.-R1x-2 MITSUBISHI HF-KP
10.9 BFW
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
BFW DOK-0278 Fanuc
10.10 Brother
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
BROTHER Rx50X1 DOK-0264 KAB.SA-x.x-BRa-2 Sanyo R2AA060 und R2AA080
BROTHER "SPEEDIO" DOK-0241 KAB.SA-x.x-BRa-2 Sanyo R2AA060 und R2AA080
BROTHER TC-22B DOK-0200 KAB.Y1-x.x-BRa-2 Yaskawa SGMAH
BROTHER TC-32BN-FT DOK-0201 KAB.Y1-x.x-BRa-2 Yaskawa SGMAH
BROTHER TC- 32BN-QT DOK-0195 KAB.Y1-x.x-BRa-2 Yaskawa SGMAH
BROTHER TC-R2B DOK-0192 KAB.SA-x.x-BRa-2 Sanyo R2AA060 und R2AA080
Brother TC-S2D(N) DOK-0191 KAB.SA-x.x-BRa-2 Sanyo R2AA060 und R2AA080
10.11 DMGMori
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
KAB.M1-x.x-Dma-2 MAVILOR
DMGMori ecomill DOK-0279 KAB.M1-x.x-Dma2-2
10.12 DOOSAN
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
Akira Seiki DOK-0218 KAB.MI1-x.x.-R1x-2 MITSUBISHI HF-KP
BFW DOK-0278 Fanuc
BROTHER Rx50X1 DOK-0264 KAB.SA-x.x-BRa-2 Sanyo R2AA060 und R2AA080
DOOSAN DNMx, Mynx, VM DOK-0225
DOOSAN VC430, VC510 DOK-0252 Fanuc
10.15 HURCO
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
HURCO VMX 24/30/42 DOK-0190 KAB.Y2-x.x-HUb-2 YASKAWA SGMJV-08
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
HYUNDAI Wia F-Series DOK-0288 KAB.Fx-x.x-R2x-2 Fanuc
10.17 MAKINO
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
10.18 MAZAK
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
10.19 QUASER
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
KAB.Fx-x.x-K8x-2 Fanuc
KAB.M1-x.x-K8x-2 MAVILOR
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
TONGTAI DOK-0280 KAB.M1-x.x-K8x-2
10.21 OKUMA
Dokumen- Schema-Nr.
Maschine Typ Motor
tation und Bestell-Nr.
OKUMA Seite 149 KAB.M1-x.x-K8x-2 OKUMA
11 Contact
Peter Lehmann AG
Bäraustrasse 43
CH-3552 Bärau
+41 (0)34 409 66 66
+41 (0)34 409 66 00