Din 50962

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15 1: 2008.

Schmitiefcrolp AG
OrN 5-b'1(2-
*wu rvl4*<,) 6* 5 uLt

Ubersetz, ns"nlr;,f'Yi#'"'l
DIN-Normen I

Man uskriptil bersetzu ngen

i; Dle in Kopie beigeft:gte Rohiibersetzung wurde vom Dl\_spraclendienst

nicht auf ihre Richtigkeit gepruft. oesnJro schrieEr das o",]t"J"
c fiir Normung e. V (DtN) ausdrocktich jegliche Haftung t{.tl" O"i"n-nlnfigk"it
bzw Vollstandigkett aus
Jede^Aa der Vervietfri,tigung, auch auszugsweiSe, ist
nxr mit Gerehmrgung
qE des DIN Deutsches instjtu: fltr Normung e. V., Berlln, gestattel.


qc) Translations of
3q DIN-Standards
.g Typescript translations
z The attached types.ript transtation has not been checked
by DIN_sprachen_
dienst for its accuracy. Deutsches Instttut fur Normung e V
the.efore, assume responsibl,ity fo. its correclnesi o, iOhtj arnnot.
On no account shall lhe translation be coasjdered authorizeJ
Oy olN.
No pal.1 oi this document may be reproduced without ihe prior permlssion
DIN Deutsches lrstitut for Normung e. V, Berljn.

Beuth Verlag GmbH . Berlin . Wien

'15 12.2OA8. Schm ittercroup AG


. qE

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'15 12
2008, SchmitrerGroup AG

Typescript trans,ation Augusl 199e

Translated o. behatfof Beuth Ver,ag GmbH DtN 50962

Thts rrpeeclpl anstaton has nal been

che.kat ot^DtN Sptd'haoda"t tol
nst'tiirut ui.rl],.ii i ,;,;;,;;;;;,';;;;;l ac.urac! Deuts. he.
.anpte,nes.\. o, * " ;'"
"ni,, "iii.iiu n';;;;;;"T:i:,i,';"r,:i:::,ly;::;';:";,"", ",
bP reoaouced @i!nau',," *", ii'.)i":.i
i,i,#:,,i'i!';221;*'*dv "i6iii),,rs^n-stny;ta+r,.,

Electrodeposited coa:ings

Chromated coatings of zinc alloys on jron and

aarvanis.he 0befti ge
steel ,/
.e - chtomatiede zinktegierungsiiberziige auf Eise,werkstoften
Revitements electrolytiqres _ Reyotemenas
electrolytiq.res ch.omatis cFalliages
tet et acier cle zinc sur
ICS 25.220.40 Sup€sedes {ae November 1 g97 e(tion
at page
lo.eword............-....... ::, 8 Coatings................-..........................5
Amendments.................---............,......... ts." Meleraroycoatrgs... ... ....
bq 1 Scope."",.......,...,...,...-,...-....,,,.......,...2
o z u]rofate coavers or coat,ngs ... ... 55
5: o r fieat reatfenl. . ... .... . ...
,.. ...6
2 Normafiverefereaces.....,.......-.....-.2 9, tests........_.......................... 6
3 Definitions.........................................3 v. ^Coating
Loal,ng n,ckness 6
3.1 E,ectroptaled coanrgs . .. .. 3 9.2 AJloy coltents
ca J z u-romat,ng Dass vatiTg. .. ....... .3 -_-"
e 3 eon'es,".
r r >tgn 'tca.l su/ace (fJrcltor surfacel 3 v^:+ uorroson,es,siarce....
-- 7

__ __ ..... ... 7
4 Desi9naaions...........,.............,,.....,....3 '10 fest report,....,,...,.....,,,..._.,,,....,,.......9
;"s 5 Service condition nrrmbers .............4 Annex A nformat ve) ...,.,,.,...,,.....,,,,..,,,. 1u
hllects of heat on chromated zlnc alloy
6 O.deringinformation............_.......,...4
.. .. .. ...
7 Bas:s materal,.,....-.,.....,,............,....,:l
coat '1gs ..
.... t0

Tllis standaad has been prepared bv Techrr.;
u-*"**";,i"i i"o, i,il;; il,[:"r t"",:;:il'"Tilr";]., ;#,n$che
t)be,z,ee o Le

This standa.d d,#ers frorn the Novembe..i997
edition a6 follows
- T€Ote3,co,r€qior,ncotumna,-ouF,esldlratiorto.Zl\.,.rnevar-Fsrnrow\2anrl3haveoeen
chanAed frDm 840 to 480

Previous editions
tJN 50962 : '1997-i 1
Contin.red on pag€s 2 io 11

nocuxEfl cr':{ tRoL
1 0 ocT 2011


15 12 2008 Schmitercroup AG

Page 2 ol11
DIN 50962 : 1998 08

This slandard applies to chromaled z nc-rJt.
on rerrous meteria:s cs'tain:ns nickel or
anciorcooatt arii, comoo;;"i;lli-s"o"..ii5-.l'lY ::ltinss
coiros on res s an'es ro' vario s ,",'ess teve
,ett as rre cr.rei'ooioiiq ,;;;r zed li;,;i,,,l,lr.TYm s as
rhecoarins-s i.e-rhecos,'nn.r.r".",u,u,l'l*j,";:il::ff:"I;"lr:il::"#::";,;
p,rpo<es. This <ta40aro ooes not apoty.o
5emi-t'r rshed orodLc,a ),
Requ remenls on dimensions of mer co-nedrnq elerre-ls €rp <,cc'Red 'r
DJ\ tsoaoa;: gsjz-oi i"ir]:.".".'* r;,'Thalic€l
n'eads or 'd'v'oua
a0reeo upo. w,rn Il-e cuslomer 'or'loo-F'ls sha' be spe.lllcally
q NorE: ll/hen applying this slandard sreh*ory_requrremenls
such as rhe Directive on HezardoLs
s!bslaf ces, therist or l,{Ac vaiues. rhe rRK' r,sa a;d ;,#iecn;;i,;;;ff"i".
accide.t prevention resuratjons ror e eoroprar,"s
Urt;;;ffi;ffi,l.,iuiirrt ! n",r"n
2 Nonative iefe.ences
ioF This standad iacorporates, by daled or undated,Jeference,
provisions iror. other pubhceirons.
ll) nor'1a,ive rF e.e-ces are Lled tl
lhe amr^n|rte otacp\ ,n ,,e rFxl and lhe pJbri Triese
si.o, s aje Lsleo
below Fo.da{ed retere-ces s:bseouel,enendmen.s -evistor<
appy ro lris,ELrcppdr sranda{ on.y when r-.orporateo ^.r
roor ol aly or lhese p.b.ca.iors
? ererces. l,le lalast eoiliol or the pLbtical.on refen-o ro apphei a-,enome,,r o, ,evrsro-. For ,rdareo

FEr uN'199"2: 1977-12

:erms in Drawings ancl pais Lisis _ pals Llsts
Qo) DIN 50018:19S7,06
ca Sulphurdioxide corrosion iestifg in a saturaled atmosphere
5co DIN 50021 : 1988-06
SaJl spmy lesijng
;"p DJN 50902: 1994-07
Protective coatings on melats _ ConceFs, appticalion
mehods and surface prepa.ation
,lN 50903:1967-0'l
llic coalings pores, incl:lslons, blislers
- and cracks _ Definitions
z DIN 50969 : 1990,12
Testing of hiqh-strenoih sleel butLdrno elemenls for resistance
to hydrcgen-induced brillle fraclure
and Jdvice on rne pre,enrron ofsuclifracr-r.
DIN 50987: 1987-07
Measuremenl otcoaling thickness by lhe X{ay spectr.met
dc method
E DIN EN 1403I 1934-10
corros o- o ole.r on ol -elats Erelr.ooeposile.t Loat
ngs . vetFod oi rpecii\:1o oeneJa,
Jequie-'re-.s German /ers.on orDtN Etl HO: tggl
DIN:N ISO 1462: 1995-04
lve'a, ccoalrgs-Corringso e-th€nli,o.ea.oo.ctotnebast<-e,a
Ac.F,etateo corosion
resls.methodforrreevatJat,oro,."ere<JllsL,SO.+OZrSrrr "-."' C"i_.nr",i,o;_
EN ISO 1462:199sr!

DIN EN ISO 1463 : 1S95-0f

Vela'lic orde cod.ings - tVeasLreren. otcoatfiq lf r lrass - lV.rroscoo,calmelhod
(lSO'463 Gerran ve.sro" ot FN ,SO 1463 tg94
DtN EN tSO2t78 1995.04
') s.. orr,r rg+:ro,a
')s:::,r:';o"o,i.E s
aern ron or semL rinrshed Dm.L.rs "76;-{,.;
"rt *o," ' '' -'-'.," "-; '"'* "","" "o,oa, 06,,ss r ci-avpa-o...a-. !\*t[rErT CoaiTROL

1o ocT 2011

vaLtD lF REg
15 12 2AAA, SchmilterGroup AG

' page 3 ot 11
DrN 50962

Non-magneric costinqs on maoneirc s!hs

mebod irso 2i7,,idir; .;;:il#*:1":*%"Ssuremenr orcoatrns th;ckness - I\rasnetic

DIN EN ISO 2819: 1995"01

I""l'"'f;i:l$fl:g;fi:r,i":ifillliii;!1":1::d"l^":'jieo €no chem c,, v deposi,oo coa,inss

rnes,on (lSO28t9:i98Or
trN tSO28tg r9q4 Cerman v",so-
)lNISO 4042 : i9S2,06
Fasleners - Etectropla:ed coalingst identicatwira
tSO 4042i1989
UVV Gallanotechnit NGB 57)
(eequlators lorll.e p-eventro" ot ac,c,da.rls
.r ,1e e,ecr-op,al1q ndLslrv) rVGB57,
cari He,,.naans Ver.aq <G ' Jxemb ,rger s-. +og
sori:6 i3
fechnische Regeln lur cetahrstotte (Techfitc)at.utes "o-?",
for hazardous sLibslances (TRGS), e.g
- 903 and,RGS 900 IRGS
Cad Heyfianns Ve ag KG; Lu)emburger St.. 44g,
50939 Cologne
D rect'\,e on nazaldoJs suDrtarces or26 Oclober ,993
ue_ sc"pr tsLndes-Verlag C.nb-. pos, Do, tZ038O
53045 Bonn

E* 3 Definitions
3.1 Electrcplated coalings
oq Meral coatrngs whrch are appled b\, catodrc )
deposilio,r of rnela, f.om an eteclrotytic soauljons (see
l]N 50902 : 1994-0a
3.2 Ch.omatitg,passivating
C earion of con,/eI5io- coa,,nos Dv ,.eai-",r,,
w,,lh wh c- conlain. ar ong otJ e. chemtc€,s
c6 cfrorn'Lrr .onpounds su,tdole tot the .rienoeo pt, pose
NOTEl. ln the conte{ olrhe present slaoda.d, chromating
and passivating arc cousidercd io be
identicat methods of crealino conversion coalings;nd
between lhese
ni rgilui ,irit"i[n,"*}r",iu ,ro"
\oTE 2 9.rlg:1:9 coa.ing< on e,ect,odepos. eo r1c a.ov (or,.1gs 1ie .seo ro i_prove
epoearalce and Lo-05on resrs.a.ce o, ,he r1e
coa,,19- wil"," .,"rili r"rr,"
coatings arc req!i.ed, 6Jrromarin. is generaly "rrr_", ""1","i*,ra,"ru,
us;; i""^pi"""'"aii.i"rii"
dep0s,ted zanc aitoy coalanos.

z 3.3 Sigriflcant surface {function surface}

,re aq-eed -po1 a.r sula.es h .an be ,o]^1.d br a (ple.a r.vrns
[;:J]1:*"i[".* whr,

4 Desiglafions
The s),slem of lhe siruclure of lne stanriar., .Jesjgnation
and the codes io be lsed are descrjbed in
E DIN EN 1403 1994-10

Desqndton ot a Tinc;tov codtino m 1n5al oal (Eej and w[, a Tass ftac,ior of
(ZrNirt2j,.anr.,n--mtoc2lthrckr";soj8pm/8)ano"oto,ne."cn,omei,-siaj-'" " --
12 o/o -tckel

Elect,oCeposited coating DIN 50962 _ Fe//Z.Ni(12)g/A

D.ies]alaxol of s zrnc alov coairig on a sree] parr (Fe) and w:1h a msss
(ZnFF\0 5t,. a ..r,n,-Jm oca, thrch iraction of 0.5% i.on
"fl. 8r u* o,r." .t o.,ri,.q (ri
r;ss oI8
Eleclrodeposj:ed coating DIN 50962 * FelznFe(o,5)8//F
15.12 2008. Schm tercroup Ac
Psge 4 ol11
DIN 50962 : 1998 - Oe

Desg-anon o'a rnc arroy coar'_g on a sre€r orrr

(zloo(1)), a nn,num iocat lrrr \ness lFe, and wnh E r,rasc f?cr,on or r % coba[
o. E ,rm r8t .nd ye row cflo nati jO
Etecircdeposiied coati.g DtN 50962 Fe/lZnCo(1)B//C
Desqnatton of a zrnc alloy cortino on a steel
rrcknes\oi8/m(8t yellowrrromalrq(ciano\eateo
.Ll.id(e (r2)
Etectrodeposited coating DIN 50962 _ Fe//ZnC

q 5 Service condition numbers
service cono tton rumbers (sae TaD,e ,tr e)orcss lne orpesao
sove.lty ot ..te cofiosrve a ac\,n the
se-vce co.roirrorc lo oe wlrnsrooo ov rhe ete-r.opt:.ao
.rsed, as specified in E DIN EN j403 . 19C4-10
rn,o- p,u,i ," *.i*' ji:"lrO* ," o"
".b ""t
Tabte 1: Examptes otservrce condrtions numbers
Servi.e .onditaon Severiry ot service condrtions
!al number

0 P ,retv dFcorative rnc cofiosivF s..ess/

oq 1 lndooaseMce ir waam, dry alrnosphe:es
=! 2 t"doo,servj ,
a -
es in whi6h condensalion
cr'rd urr ljrar oc..l.
may occ.la
/ 3 ouidoor exposLre io weather, norms{ty unaerlemperate
ca l1 ons

-ables 3 ano 4 show,he ,e.alronshin( hF,u/ee-,.te:e-vcF

cord,io- rlmbers and I,e
;s mirinun coa-,nq t_ictne>se; ' ' "'* "
res slarce _imes tn sFon-ler t co,ros.on lests ard mtn rnlrn

6 Ordering informalion
Deiairs on info*ktion ro be provided by ihe purchaser are specified rn
z E DrN EN 1403 i 1994-10
-Fe coal'"g mslhod 10 oe _seo,p. o Ucr,4"nakatrneeter,ro.yre,a_olteat,oy.ng-erneniradoas
lspec.Iieo vatues a"o pe m,fled dev:aro-;ange,
ou ,gr"fj
",rrr ir' .;;;r,"
-i": -,;;l';1.,
ForseMce condition numbers 0 and j jhe minimum coatrng
thickness, for servjce conditaon nrrnber
I lhe chofl-l6rm cotros,on tp.t rnFlnod ano fl-e.-:-tmLm co.tos.on res:stance o, rn- zr-"arov
s'atr be ag-eed Joo. by the -anuidclu,er and the purchaser "oet,rg

7 Basis material
The paats ao be coated with €a ?Jlov shalt nr
s,rru"e o"ietL wnri--,ili ;"r"",,",;,:*J';?t:7[1;1il,:l;#fi::;3"?'J;'""."i'i.";
coal.lgs On -drviduat wo.\piece( l1F\e may -d be.
in.La*" .__" ;".,;::-:^::-:
,nc,Ls'ons ol lore.sr ""larena. ano ram.rar,ons
co d we'd1. sr\4n^age ano toe cra.\s €s wel ,s wlo.! ";;':l:T
;"i""+'t :f,'#",li,l""*' :"".
ard yo,os
D-e,lo lne eflect. oI Ihe SJrlare ora,ly and ,ha po.,lot. aodpo
e,tec. o. < ncto-qeorre.,.a
'opologv on rl-e coat-q iliLkness on -"".urenerr o.-re roaring
;,^"":: ,;;';;:;."",",
beheviour. ft is recommended l]r€r ihe manuractu;;
required surface qllalily.
i,i,,.r"!l,i .i"i|'lii;;","#"i, ,n"
For narenals w,tF niqh te-sile s,elgths nansle sl.engrn >
t000N,_^,su.rab,e-]ar f,{l0tblftrrv€4\
orrarv z,nc ora'no- hear ;,;;:;
,:*::"f::T"ll-::lh9:: ': s
co-,nlprecl lne oargp- or nydrogF. 1orr'ed *', ,"',p;i,
ceidyeo b,rrr,. ..".r;,". i'r;;;-;""1
";;.' ih"o,ffi--\'4
DiN 50969 t990..2 dpp'y %\

1 0 ocT 2011


ffi;- VAL|D IF RED,

15.12 2008, Schniriercroup AG

' Page S of 11
DtN 50962

Any.o.tamirat,on /co(os oT p-oducis or sca,e

o .,grease, d,1 etc., remain ng or LhF srdace.
parls 1o be coated sha be comdetetv
r ovabre bv rne arlonalc (le'r"g
proce<s_gFqLrpme^lnormaryuseJ_'' 'en a,ld oreodralof,

I Coatings
8.1 l\4eta,aloycoatings
8.1.1 General
rlre_signi lcant surfaces (see 3.3) of the coated parts
shall not have any defects which impar, nerr
appeamnce and cor.osron rcsislance. e. g_ tarce pores.
rie coatings s, all ddlF'e ro the or4 +r.,rav
crect<s 1"ue oir,t s6so:f ;;;;fi; :;;r,
To derais o" mc adFFston sl angtt- rest r el"ods,
9 3. case ofdo-bt the-enutacru,e.r-dltrepu..ha_sershat.,eachaq.e"r""iii_rt,","jtr""", "ee
8.1.2 Zinc-nicket aIoy coatisgs
znc s oy coaliog having a mass r.dion o.r 'l2ak nicker (znNa(l2)) wilhrn lhe deviaron
rimils 6 %

ii9 8.1-3 Zinc-i.on aloy coatings

coaiins having a rnass liacljon of 0,5 yo :ron (ZnFe(o,s))
within lhe deviation timiis 0,3 %
8.1.4 Zinc-cobalt alloy coatings
zr:crloy codhg baving a mass iraction o, 1 9o cobaal (z[co(1)) witlrin re deviat,on rirnals 0,6 %
c13 8.1.5 Zinc-iron-cobslt a:loy coatings
Z.nc allov coa'ino -av,rg a nass rrar or ot I ?o cobatr
t;a a1d 0 5 % rron (ZnCo(t)Fe(o 5,) w1h.. rne
deviation lm,rs 0.6 Do to t.2 qo cobal a-d 0.3 9o lo i O % rr.n

8.2 ChIomate convercion coatings

qg 8-2.1 ceneral
slme offte coating meiar is arways dissorved duriog the chrofialion process,
'emoved var.es ,"o- 02 lo 2Lm dFp"noing or r,o p.o*ss
The amouat of maleiar
Z r.o a-",;' tu" f"rf.un ,afo
I cons,da,Uon wnen aoDtvrnq *e
".ecrrooen..,,e"d c*.trg .:""" ;ih";;
lhjckness nray not be €rhreled in places.
".eo_ ,, ,i, i."i!i.
""n,i ""r,,rq
Darnr, fiesiry creaied chroreie oonveasjon coErrngs are sLrsceptrbre
io abrasion. Abrasio, resislance
-t ::-::i*Yi". i" rhe rna ory:rs omcaas \l.ten a-a nor pos-p oce"s.; ;;;; ;",:,
rrnseo .cr-romarFo
and d ed. ienoerdl.res o. 1inc. -.n .nd zrnc-cobaI coarings
st"ai r" "",.q
rhose.oranc-nicrer coarinqs shalr nol be arroweo to eicJeJii6 :6.
oDsen/ed whFn rne rpspect.ve oan5 a"e tr,F-.,sed tieab.hrlow,f.s,u.Oiqtleire;iJr:":can
De a(htpved Dy "uitabt" ado,l.o.at lrea,melt InFlnods .

Thp Lfroma e con\ieJsron coat'rq 5-a I

-omD prFtt elL.orp lr e e.edrotylt.attv dopo\i,.d coalirg. ao-
nere lo ir secu?,y and I'ave a un;,0 m appeaia^ce *,rf
tf" oi1ni"";.;";;;r;:i;"
There m€y be changes 10 the appearance of tlrreaded parts "r"eliion ""
rsed to achieve the desired coef,icleni ol fricrron. tn casewhenoortr,-ir,"
rubricanls wilh a dry surface are
prrchasel shallreacl tg'eerent on rhe coattlg chara.tetisttcs. "i _i i,i"lii
rii, l""o r"
8.2.2 Process groups and euring
prccesses a.e calegorized inro vafious process
ideniiiied by tie correspondjng telter es specif,ed in Tabte 2
sroups, which sratr
The thickness and colour of ihe chromate coaiing achiev€d
:Tl,:::^(::11!t: ? 19.rhe
will depend on ihe ch(
reratio.ship ofprocess sroups, cotous aM procesi aa ,€r€i\%
importani chrcmatng process condilions ;.e lre c;p;;iil".;;;;;il;1";;',1; %)
1 0 ocl 2011
Yeov r.o or13jZ
15 12 2iAA Schm,$ercroup AG
?age 6 oa 11
DIN 50962 ; 1998 - OB

balh, as well as the aluralion of the lreatmei ll

and :he amounl ol wo*piece moton or
agRat'on. electaotyle
Tne corrosior resistance of ch,orate conveB 'qs' ard ''Ls lne co-ros'on rei'stalce o{ ile
entre syslem, can be fudn.r ov ,oir.ll ,'oal
p'ocess is cared "sear.ns.rcooe rz as
so'"",rieocll'li:"-T""1:&":liil:i8l ^o'sanic aod:r,vcs. rtsis
C"'omaled sudaces can De seated bv immeGi
bvorrectaoo,r,onorsrriio.;;:ffi,;'".i;;;;'::"'bvwel'swrrhsorJ ons conrainins porymers o,
sorullons As rhe seariao oro;e;s is direcfly
in;ruded i,1.e ;;;;;;,il,;.1;;ish".;i;:",,,marion
coou/,ess (cea,,c,roma,e cod,.ss
electrcal resistance between a conlacl anrj thr
,,""""J:ffi:Tf""T:::.JTT;:';i::::: , ,,"
surrace' rnoeasrrq tie rncknFss o, brEhuy
co'oured coar.19" ,p1e6"5;;:o;;s"C;;;;no; T.ejdj
spd,eo, orlings: ' ' ' "'"cedDlv lnc{ea<es l1F re\lsulce the <amF aopl,es ,o'-
Some of the chromateo coaltfqs maoe bv Dtocr

Loa,nqs a,e ro be re\red,;;;,;;il;;'h;i#f.i':;'Xil,ffi?":'*ffi;JH: l#.;':;8i::i,;
spol welding. The effect o, ihe aDoted hesr re.jl_""s
co'Ios.on res'slance rn rhe v'ctn ly or 11; wed
sotdereo rornl consideraotu or

Table 2: Cotours of chromate conversion coati.gs

on zirc a oy coatings
'-5 ! qolgur
, !!'J9!11!ion el9!qs1sJ9!g _ Nane
5: u
C vellowsh.r.
yellowish btue-green
na rohL
or olive to a
^,-^- iridesceni
F black
*".t btack
Furlherseaiing p.ocesses ray ciange the .otour
9s 8,3 Heat Ceatment
g; Heat lreaiment lhat may be requrred for the sie(
)lparls aller applicalion oflhe eiecl'oplaled zinc alloy
.qc coaling shallbe carfleo oul betore chaomalion

9 Coating lests

z 9.1 Coating ahickness

9.1.', cenera,
Conlorrity oflhe coating of signjfican: surlaces to tie minimum
coaling th:ckness as qivea ,n Taale 3
an-d-T€bte 4 ooes nor necessaaty ensure rhat lhe workpiece
wil achiev; a sp;;i;; ;;;;;;a;"""",""
9. 1.2 Coating thickness measurements
Eoth destruciive and non-desirudive m6thn.t<.tttay b€.usecl
to messure lhe :hickaesses of lhe zinc
alloy coat;ngs. The folowing destruerive nrethod is
iernittej ao;m;;;lng;;;il;ffi;;;;
- mjc'lscopy in accodance with OJN EN iSO j 463 j 1 995-01
Ifnon{estructive measurements are prefered, ihe fojlowing
methoG are permilted:
- magnetic methcds j.
Bccodance wilh DJN EN ISO 2178 I 1 995_01.
NOIE: Usable for zinc-njcket coatings wilh tiryrttations,

- X-ray specl.omelr:c melhods in ac.ordance with DtN

50987 : 1987-07.
The thickness ofchroma:e conversion coalings rs not laken
:nlo accoun,

9.2 Alioy contents

The alloy compound fiaclions of nic,!el, iaon anal/5r eobalt
as specified in subcla
1 5 12 2AA8. Schmitterc.oup AG

P€ge 7 oi 11
DrN 50962

determined using sl]ilab,e meihods, e. g.

- alomtc ab.omlton soec(roscopy (AASI

NOT!: kon conienl coalings only on ircn_free basis rnaterial,
*nickel, atso by means ofthe x_ray speclromeiric

9.3 Adhesion
a Iemoeralure or 220 'c. r-e coarilq sha.' nor sp€t,. p.e
o1 o. d"; ;;;;;L-,ij" o"iriri-"",

9.4 ".r.
Coarosion resistance
e 9.4.1 General
The chromale convers on coaliao on lh-" 7in. alloy coaiing
c ol lhe workpieces or aest sheets shatj be al
leasl 24 hours old betore lest. a;e conrrenceo.
lfthe citomaled sudaces have to be de,or€ased-before lesling_is
mmmenced, tJlen only cold orgenic
solven15 may be Lsed A'\ati1e cr-arinc aqe,F o. o_o,"*irS
crromale coa'ing\ aro reduce rie. p,orecJve etfe I Tne"recr,'0y,.
rc.,Lrl rh" .h^i ,;i__::-:^^1",
nor necessa,t! iunaore a" a oa..s:o, qii;c;:,,"r.;rH',lti;:il:
. ?? zinc-alloy coAed !€rts underseNice corditions. However,
as,ess-enls ofoi teren cort -g s)stem. ano,or lhe.oarinqs resulrs.an be used to obtar quahE:tve
The.corosio'r resrs'arce a'o19 s.a.p eoges. o,rlte_d.ho,es and put cred open .gs. n ay
levejs lisr€o rebres 3 r' end 5 r'iresa rol aLttave lne
'r arelc o'tro -espective wortpmei
the sisnifican: surraces, :he ma.uiacn,re. end tire p.rcr,nn", "i" """'""i't""i" -q
ur,rri iji"i"oi-rl?i]i""..iJ
o! s
*1"1.T,,"":" resis,arce. e ov d-sisl _odi;ar,ons .".,,,'.i-r';,;";",;"i;;;.,"q ""n,"""
p,oc"r5 0, j-;,n]."r:iio,.a,s
ili"lTJ:tx::*fl;]"j;j:;,'::il:ff fl::[]:"Troo,rnq
clC 9.4,2 Tesfing and evaiuatio, procedrae
i:i, t, Tesrs-ale,carried ou1 rn ,rne sar ne sprav (fog)
ss ;n 3ccordance wilh DrN 50!21 : 1988-06 and in an
q,C arlemalng water condensatton atmosoir-.re anij-aorrosion
Eo) DIN 50018 1997-06
test XfW iOS ti,'"i"*U#a" *,L

Tesls as described in DtN 50021-SS determine ,he. protective

(co-prsing zjlc attoy a-d.onve,!on Lh.olaled.oau-gs) etrecr of the entire coellng systern
or ortho chomale.o"r:ng"-iipiiJo o. rn"
e ,:) eleclrodepos ted zjnc-alloy coat nos.
z Shon-lerrn conosion leslifa (est D N 50018-(FW 2,0 S) js pdmar
y used as a m€:hod ol locaiing
I dete,s in the coatrng svsre; rne rrsr appearance or ior*i"io" pioJr"ri
consda-ed to be l"e po i al wh..r redLclton o,thF o ot..,,uo oi ir,""rri]J
_" "' * u ii"l"*r
o-"" ior."-"";
\ /fren lesiinq the overatt system zinc altov an.t chromaled
coai:ng, iie poj.t at which reduciion olihe
protective effect commences s considered to be
the frsi aplearance of conosion products oithe
basis maledat; wlren testng cfr.omaie coa1ings, tn"
i. ii"lr.t
producls of the coatjng metal "it"rr,i,i "p;;;;"1i8..r,
corou' lnangeo of cr'rcmarp coarrngs ano aop-a-ance o. o3r\
"""* * unless
soots a.e not 10 be evaruBred
ornerw\e agreed whelt're cratns,s inrended to be useo roroecorarve p"ipo;;".-
In order ro carry out .ompararive lests of the corros oa pevention
achleved by d,f{eren: chromale
colvers'on coarilgs,-he u.derlv,nq zrnc a,ov codrnqs sh?.
rrsng lhe samp proce<s. lhe (ame ai,oV .ra(1io.s ard wnh r, e
o" i* j"." o:"i.;r,"r,",,
'* ' ' ,
sa,re roatinf 1;;^:;;;.
9.4.3 Minimum corrosion resistance achieved by chromated zinc alloy
coatings and
chrcmat€d coatings
Tables 3 and 4 siow the minimum test duraitons of satine sp.ay (iog) lesls SS in acc.adance witt)
t|N.50021 and sulpl.tur dtoxide / satuftted water atmosptrere'tesis'iiilt
DrN 50018,KFW 2.0
shall be achieved \,,1hout basisr,:rate.ht proai"L a"rufofi]ii' on pafis oa lesl
chromated zinc-aJjoy coatn gs "o"o"ion
Table 5 s"ows the
1tn 'nu-1 1es.du,€lons ol saltne sp.a)
-\ '!
DIN 5002 rtar sha I be acnieveo \.og) resls SS
6 -0-l cor.osro- p.a,.i. o"u".,jirino tn aice 'ffl) t \\
li,iJj att.J
I zLne
ooculrE(T coatrRol

3l 10 ocT 2011
2011 I E
+\""- -'--COPY ./+

15 12.2008 SchmLitercroup AG

Page 8 oi 11
DIN 50962 : 1998 - 0B

The lower conoston resrstances of barreL-naied parts
specifted ,n Tabte 5 are due to the lad mat
damaqe to the ch omale conver5ron **'oco;jinr cannol be tomplelely avoiced
pto""ia"" ro when using bafiel
"ppry "u"l"""orti"g""'"'""
There,rrasL seeeveuat.oc<de\cr,bed:.DtNEN.SO.46?).lcrspo,douor.rhemar.rracrure
a1d i.e ourcnasFr sr.r , ,edcn ao-eemF.r .n lhe ratins
les'ed slaL be agrFcO upor t,, ddvarce .or slgnilcatr'
.,_;;, t^.'."r";1";; l,;;ift;, ,"
spc( i4 el su ,rces <.na ;;,;r,, ;;;;; ""
Tie soe ne-5 J? evatua.eo wdhoL. a rrlr,tyrlg gtars.
Dy v,sJd r..pec,io1 a- noima read-q
oe,.-,.s,o,e ro corb,le oy a-oo,i,oi ne *"e, r;;;;'.
i.;i.'j .
Tabre 3: rvrinimum rocar coating thiclnesses an-d
.q corrosion resistance times of chromatecr zinc-
artoy coatinss subject.d ro rest DrN E00z1ss la.hs
Dr\ EN ,SO r462.
seNiat Mirimum locar chio;arion pr@ess rest DtN 50021,SS
coatingthickness qroup TBt hours wiihoui basis materialco o.i6h
in !m acc. to T.b,., ZnNi ZnFe, Znco, Znaeco

5! 'iA
2 5C
5: ,F
3 8;
;Oo) A
ca 12C
Tabre 4i Minimum rocar coafing :hic rnesses anal corrosion
resistance times of chromateozinc-
a:loy coatings sut je.led to test ttN 90018-KFW 2,0 S (.il;;;;;ii;
DtN Er\ tSO.4621
servic€ Minimtm locai -' .:;lX'**, r*t
cordition .".n.sih;;i;;"" airom,ii; DrN 5001s KFw z'i's
numbe, ,n pm ,"" i".rabte 2
acc. to Tabte i cyctes ,rtnoui b€src n!te,ia. oiiosron
znNr znFe, znco, znFeco

\22 z2
.A34 -2
4 C 3 5

I 1o ocT
co"r *ot-
\ ,nt-to tr negz*
15.12 2008. Schmitterc.oup AG

Page 9 of 11
DIN 50962

Table 5: Minimum coraosion resistance tim€s oI chromate coattngs in

sattne spray lfog) tesls
wft) DrN so02r-SS (lalrng number I o
in accordance
ln orN e-lrl5<jiio-zf
"" "p""n"l
zrnc alroy coating chroma1d p/@ess Test DIN 50021 ss
group a.c to Tabte 2. witn Test hours without coarins co(osion
and wirhour *dt.ns ar2). roaflng process

,] ,r,#
c t2o 24A
q znNl 'F
lzo 240
Crf2 2ia 360

Alc znFe, znco,ztaeca , c a2a $, r
--6 t 120 1sl,
Ct 2 2no 360
Ftr2 ,aa .60
E6 ' Code accordrng to E DIN EN 14Ol r9q! r0

10 Test report
.1, Tne rest reool sra ' ,nctuoe lre to"ow -g deuits.
E) type ofworkpece tested ispecimenJ.
b) lype ofcoatrng,
c) type of basis materael,
d) preparation ofspecimens before corrosion tesling,
eJ type of corrosio| si.ess lo which sDecinen(s) wa! (were) exposed
and aur€tion ofexposurc,
g) aaea oflhe s:gn ilicaat su daces in mm2,
h) n urber of sign ificanl suafaces and:he local:on oltiese on the workpieee
z i) di€melerc ofde,ects, in mra.
j) evaluaiion daie.
k) details ofdeviations lromthis siandarct, ifany.

) See pase 2


15 12.2008 Schmfreroroup AC
' Page 10 of 11
DtN 50962 : 1998 _ OB

Annex A (informative)

Effects of heal on chromated zinc alloy coatings

zinc allov coatnss can decrease the lever or

]l:::X%iX;:I*t .onosion proledio, provjded by

In pffcaical spplicalions, dtifercnl ohro,nat6d ztnc atioy

coatrngs behave drfae.enuy when exposed to
heal. Thls behauoLrr depends on the tvoe of r'ncj rrrov pratins 1 F chro ra'e conv"'sron
on anv suoseq-e^r aoir o."'i;;,.;;i " 'oitnq a1d
:I:ff';Ti:i'; li :l',.:.'l"iii""gf I:l!:
.ss,a1d c,ac{ ns wnen , Fa,ed ma'as.r pa^ cu ar,
nav" ni: reen
"*pos"d:;;i", ir,ljiiii,iii,i"rr"Hliil l;"":ffi".;f;,l:li:iJJl"J;lffn$fi:
0r the iemper3lure 3.d tale duralion oa hea,ing,,whereby flte trme up to lhe onset of ;ennanent
damage decreases wdh risinq lemperatures. T he dan-ag ng e'lects of hear caa oe gererariv
Dy sea,'ng rt-e coatinqs reouceo

aor *lis reason, it js :ecornmended ihal rhe.m?nufactlrer

ff.q rentlv d}oosed lo tempe.sr-r-s aDole e0.C o?w and lhe pirrchaser of pads which are
Lo aod.,tona, rgr""_.nS on lne coroston
parts ,re,o rnd,r€,n oesp,re heal F>po1-re.
respec1rve lrrllt-"
reat r eal.renr t.mperaJre robrele_pe.atu-er. lhe aqrc". ",o,."""ri. ":Jli 1","
Ipatard ILe ta1g.h o,s.o.age oebr" cor oi,on H5Urq rs commanced
;r;;r"," ,"
5= Tables A,1 and A.2 lisl recommended mtnimum corrosro
rcststance vatues for iest D N S0021-SS
afler parts h6!F been reDr at a temoAra.Jre of 120 .C ror
o-e horr
Tabre A.1: [{ia:rnum rocat coating tt]icknosses-and
corrosion resistance limes --- '-.-.,
-.' of heat"stressed,
:(, _..._ chromared zinc-aloy coatrngs subjectedr. iu"i
ca otN 50021-ss rrdr rg r ,roer ro a, .per r,ea'- orrr Ei-ib fie: ,
Fo) SeiMce cordltiol lr,l,rrhum toca, Chromatron p,ocess
ii, ; numbe, acc. to coatrng thrckness orouoa.r.. to ,"",;;;;;,*"
Tabte 2 Testhours without basis material
Tabte 1 cofiosjon, after specimen has been at
120.C r S.c for ohe hoxr

ir znNi
ZnNi znFe, znca,
ZnFe, znca, zn
A 360
z s6
F 360 t44
A 480 168
I c 480 21A
F 480 24A
A 600 1g2
4412 1,
120 360
F 72o 360

MASTER 1]']i Y

\vatto t
lff.,92 etoT *
1 5.'1 2.2008, Schmittec.oup AG

psge 11 of 11
D:N 50962

:ableA.2l Minimum coarosion resastanca times oJ heat-strcssedr

chromaie coatings subiectecl
ro test DIN 50021-ss (?trr€ number j0 ,s <i i" biru'i.l
Zinc alby coathg
To6! DtN S0O21,SS
and without s€nng (T2I] Tesr hours without coating cor.oston. afer
speimen has ben al t20.C + i.C for one hour

12o 24o
ZnFe, ZlCo, ZnFeCo


')Code accordng to E DtN EN 1403I 1994-10

) See p"9€ 2.
.!? o




I 0 ocT alll

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