Din 50962
Din 50962
Din 50962
Schmitiefcrolp AG
OrN 5-b'1(2-
*wu rvl4*<,) 6* 5 uLt
Ubersetz, ns"nlr;,f'Yi#'"'l
DIN-Normen I
qc) Translations of
3q DIN-Standards
.g Typescript translations
z The attached types.ript transtation has not been checked
by DIN_sprachen_
dienst for its accuracy. Deutsches Instttut fur Normung e V
the.efore, assume responsibl,ity fo. its correclnesi o, iOhtj arnnot.
On no account shall lhe translation be coasjdered authorizeJ
Oy olN.
No pal.1 oi this document may be reproduced without ihe prior permlssion
DIN Deutsches lrstitut for Normung e. V, Berljn.
. qE
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-Q d)
'15 12
2008, SchmitrerGroup AG
Electrodeposited coa:ings
__ __ ..... ... 7
4 Desi9naaions...........,.............,,.....,....3 '10 fest report,....,,...,.....,,,..._.,,,....,,.......9
;"s 5 Service condition nrrmbers .............4 Annex A nformat ve) ...,.,,.,...,,.....,,,,..,,,. 1u
hllects of heat on chromated zlnc alloy
6 O.deringinformation............_.......,...4
.. .. .. ...
7 Bas:s materal,.,....-.,.....,,............,....,:l
coat '1gs ..
.... t0
Tllis standaad has been prepared bv Techrr.;
u-*"**";,i"i i"o, i,il;; il,[:"r t"",:;:il'"Tilr";]., ;#,n$che
t)be,z,ee o Le
This standa.d d,#ers frorn the Novembe..i997
edition a6 follows
- T€Ote3,co,r€qior,ncotumna,-ouF,esldlratiorto.Zl\.,.rnevar-Fsrnrow\2anrl3haveoeen
chanAed frDm 840 to 480
Previous editions
tJN 50962 : '1997-i 1
Contin.red on pag€s 2 io 11
nocuxEfl cr':{ tRoL
1 0 ocT 2011
15 12 2008 Schmitercroup AG
Page 2 ol11
DIN 50962 : 1998 08
This slandard applies to chromaled z nc-rJt.
on rerrous meteria:s cs'tain:ns nickel or
anciorcooatt arii, comoo;;"i;lli-s"o"..ii5-.l'lY ::ltinss
coiros on res s an'es ro' vario s ,",'ess teve
,ett as rre cr.rei'ooioiiq ,;;;r zed li;,;i,,,l,lr.TYm s as
rhecoarins-s i.e-rhecos,'nn.r.r".",u,u,l'l*j,";:il::ff:"I;"lr:il::"#::";,;
p,rpo<es. This <ta40aro ooes not apoty.o
5emi-t'r rshed orodLc,a ),
Requ remenls on dimensions of mer co-nedrnq elerre-ls €rp <,cc'Red 'r
DJ\ tsoaoa;: gsjz-oi i"ir]:.".".'* r;,'Thalic€l
n'eads or 'd'v'oua
a0reeo upo. w,rn Il-e cuslomer 'or'loo-F'ls sha' be spe.lllcally
q NorE: ll/hen applying this slandard sreh*ory_requrremenls
such as rhe Directive on HezardoLs
s!bslaf ces, therist or l,{Ac vaiues. rhe rRK' r,sa a;d ;,#iecn;;i,;;;ff"i".
accide.t prevention resuratjons ror e eoroprar,"s
Urt;;;ffi;ffi,l.,iuiirrt ! n",r"n
2 Nonative iefe.ences
ioF This standad iacorporates, by daled or undated,Jeference,
provisions iror. other pubhceirons.
ll) nor'1a,ive rF e.e-ces are Lled tl
lhe amr^n|rte otacp\ ,n ,,e rFxl and lhe pJbri Triese
si.o, s aje Lsleo
below Fo.da{ed retere-ces s:bseouel,enendmen.s -evistor<
appy ro lris,ELrcppdr sranda{ on.y when r-.orporateo ^.r
roor ol aly or lhese p.b.ca.iors
? ererces. l,le lalast eoiliol or the pLbtical.on refen-o ro apphei a-,enome,,r o, ,evrsro-. For ,rdareo
1o ocT 2011
vaLtD lF REg
15 12 2AAA, SchmilterGroup AG
' page 3 ot 11
DrN 50962
E* 3 Definitions
3.1 Electrcplated coalings
oq Meral coatrngs whrch are appled b\, catodrc )
deposilio,r of rnela, f.om an eteclrotytic soauljons (see
l]N 50902 : 1994-0a
3.2 Ch.omatitg,passivating
C earion of con,/eI5io- coa,,nos Dv ,.eai-",r,,
w,,lh wh c- conlain. ar ong otJ e. chemtc€,s
c6 cfrorn'Lrr .onpounds su,tdole tot the .rienoeo pt, pose
NOTEl. ln the conte{ olrhe present slaoda.d, chromating
and passivating arc cousidercd io be
identicat methods of crealino conversion coalings;nd
between lhese
ni rgilui ,irit"i[n,"*}r",iu ,ro"
\oTE 2 9.rlg:1:9 coa.ing< on e,ect,odepos. eo r1c a.ov (or,.1gs 1ie .seo ro i_prove
epoearalce and Lo-05on resrs.a.ce o, ,he r1e
coa,,19- wil"," .,"rili r"rr,"
coatings arc req!i.ed, 6Jrromarin. is generaly "rrr_", ""1","i*,ra,"ru,
us;; i""^pi"""'"aii.i"rii"
dep0s,ted zanc aitoy coalanos.
4 Desiglafions
The s),slem of lhe siruclure of lne stanriar., .Jesjgnation
and the codes io be lsed are descrjbed in
E DIN EN 1403 1994-10
Desqndton ot a Tinc;tov codtino m 1n5al oal (Eej and w[, a Tass ftac,ior of
(ZrNirt2j,.anr.,n--mtoc2lthrckr";soj8pm/8)ano"oto,ne."cn,omei,-siaj-'" " --
12 o/o -tckel
D.ies]alaxol of s zrnc alov coairig on a sree] parr (Fe) and w:1h a msss
(ZnFF\0 5t,. a ..r,n,-Jm oca, thrch iraction of 0.5% i.on
"fl. 8r u* o,r." .t o.,ri,.q (ri
r;ss oI8
Eleclrodeposj:ed coating DIN 50962 * FelznFe(o,5)8//F
15.12 2008. Schm tercroup Ac
Psge 4 ol11
DIN 50962 : 1998 - Oe
q 5 Service condition numbers
service cono tton rumbers (sae TaD,e ,tr e)orcss lne orpesao
sove.lty ot ..te cofiosrve a ac\,n the
se-vce co.roirrorc lo oe wlrnsrooo ov rhe ete-r.opt:.ao
.rsed, as specified in E DIN EN j403 . 19C4-10
rn,o- p,u,i ," *.i*' ji:"lrO* ," o"
".b ""t
Tabte 1: Examptes otservrce condrtions numbers
Servi.e .onditaon Severiry ot service condrtions
!al number
6 Ordering informalion
Deiairs on info*ktion ro be provided by ihe purchaser are specified rn
z E DrN EN 1403 i 1994-10
-Fe coal'"g mslhod 10 oe _seo,p. o Ucr,4"nakatrneeter,ro.yre,a_olteat,oy.ng-erneniradoas
lspec.Iieo vatues a"o pe m,fled dev:aro-;ange,
ou ,gr"fj
",rrr ir' .;;;r,"
-i": -,;;l';1.,
ForseMce condition numbers 0 and j jhe minimum coatrng
thickness, for servjce conditaon nrrnber
I lhe chofl-l6rm cotros,on tp.t rnFlnod ano fl-e.-:-tmLm co.tos.on res:stance o, rn- zr-"arov
s'atr be ag-eed Joo. by the -anuidclu,er and the purchaser "oet,rg
7 Basis material
The paats ao be coated with €a ?Jlov shalt nr
s,rru"e o"ietL wnri--,ili ;"r"",,",;,:*J';?t:7[1;1il,:l;#fi::;3"?'J;'""."i'i.";
coal.lgs On -drviduat wo.\piece( l1F\e may -d be.
in.La*" .__" ;".,;::-:^::-:
,nc,Ls'ons ol lore.sr ""larena. ano ram.rar,ons
co d we'd1. sr\4n^age ano toe cra.\s €s wel ,s wlo.! ";;':l:T
;"i""+'t :f,'#",li,l""*' :"".
ard yo,os
D-e,lo lne eflect. oI Ihe SJrlare ora,ly and ,ha po.,lot. aodpo
e,tec. o. < ncto-qeorre.,.a
'opologv on rl-e coat-q iliLkness on -"".urenerr o.-re roaring
;,^"":: ,;;';;:;."",",
beheviour. ft is recommended l]r€r ihe manuractu;;
required surface qllalily.
i,i,,.r"!l,i .i"i|'lii;;","#"i, ,n"
For narenals w,tF niqh te-sile s,elgths nansle sl.engrn >
t000N,_^,su.rab,e-]ar f,{l0tblftrrv€4\
orrarv z,nc ora'no- hear ;,;;:;
,:*::"f::T"ll-::lh9:: ': s
co-,nlprecl lne oargp- or nydrogF. 1orr'ed *', ,"',p;i,
ceidyeo b,rrr,. ..".r;,". i'r;;;-;""1
";;.' ih"o,ffi--\'4
DiN 50969 t990..2 dpp'y %\
1 0 ocT 2011
' Page S of 11
DtN 50962
I Coatings
8.1 l\4eta,aloycoatings
8.1.1 General
rlre_signi lcant surfaces (see 3.3) of the coated parts
shall not have any defects which impar, nerr
appeamnce and cor.osron rcsislance. e. g_ tarce pores.
rie coatings s, all ddlF'e ro the or4 +r.,rav
crect<s 1"ue oir,t s6so:f ;;;;fi; :;;r,
To derais o" mc adFFston sl angtt- rest r el"ods,
9 3. case ofdo-bt the-enutacru,e.r-dltrepu..ha_sershat.,eachaq.e"r""iii_rt,","jtr""", "ee
8.1.2 Zinc-nicket aIoy coatisgs
znc s oy coaliog having a mass r.dion o.r 'l2ak nicker (znNa(l2)) wilhrn lhe deviaron
rimils 6 %
Loa,nqs a,e ro be re\red,;;;,;;il;;'h;i#f.i':;'Xil,ffi?":'*ffi;JH: l#.;':;8i::i,;
spol welding. The effect o, ihe aDoted hesr re.jl_""s
co'Ios.on res'slance rn rhe v'ctn ly or 11; wed
sotdereo rornl consideraotu or
9 Coating lests
9.1.', cenera,
Conlorrity oflhe coating of signjfican: surlaces to tie minimum
coaling th:ckness as qivea ,n Taale 3
an-d-T€bte 4 ooes nor necessaaty ensure rhat lhe workpiece
wil achiev; a sp;;i;; ;;;;;;a;"""",""
9. 1.2 Coating thickness measurements
Eoth destruciive and non-desirudive m6thn.t<.tttay b€.usecl
to messure lhe :hickaesses of lhe zinc
alloy coat;ngs. The folowing destruerive nrethod is
iernittej ao;m;;;lng;;;il;ffi;;;;
- mjc'lscopy in accodance with OJN EN iSO j 463 j 1 995-01
Ifnon{estructive measurements are prefered, ihe fojlowing
methoG are permilted:
- magnetic methcds j.
Bccodance wilh DJN EN ISO 2178 I 1 995_01.
NOIE: Usable for zinc-njcket coatings wilh tiryrttations,
P€ge 7 oi 11
DrN 50962
9.3 Adhesion
a Iemoeralure or 220 'c. r-e coarilq sha.' nor sp€t,. p.e
o1 o. d"; ;;;;;L-,ij" o"iriri-"",
9.4 ".r.
Coarosion resistance
e 9.4.1 General
The chromale convers on coaliao on lh-" 7in. alloy coaiing
c ol lhe workpieces or aest sheets shatj be al
leasl 24 hours old betore lest. a;e conrrenceo.
lfthe citomaled sudaces have to be de,or€ased-before lesling_is
mmmenced, tJlen only cold orgenic
solven15 may be Lsed A'\ati1e cr-arinc aqe,F o. o_o,"*irS
crromale coa'ing\ aro reduce rie. p,orecJve etfe I Tne"recr,'0y,.
rc.,Lrl rh" .h^i ,;i__::-:^^1",
nor necessa,t! iunaore a" a oa..s:o, qii;c;:,,"r.;rH',lti;:il:
. ?? zinc-alloy coAed !€rts underseNice corditions. However,
as,ess-enls ofoi teren cort -g s)stem. ano,or lhe.oarinqs resulrs.an be used to obtar quahE:tve
The.corosio'r resrs'arce a'o19 s.a.p eoges. o,rlte_d.ho,es and put cred open .gs. n ay
levejs lisr€o rebres 3 r' end 5 r'iresa rol aLttave lne
'r arelc o'tro -espective wortpmei
the sisnifican: surraces, :he ma.uiacn,re. end tire p.rcr,nn", "i" """'""i't""i" -q
ur,rri iji"i"oi-rl?i]i""..iJ
o! s
*1"1.T,,"":" resis,arce. e ov d-sisl _odi;ar,ons .".,,,'.i-r';,;";",;"i;;;.,"q ""n,"""
p,oc"r5 0, j-;,n]."r:iio,.a,s
ili"lTJ:tx::*fl;]"j;j:;,'::il:ff fl::[]:"Troo,rnq
clC 9.4,2 Tesfing and evaiuatio, procedrae
i:i, t, Tesrs-ale,carried ou1 rn ,rne sar ne sprav (fog)
ss ;n 3ccordance wilh DrN 50!21 : 1988-06 and in an
q,C arlemalng water condensatton atmosoir-.re anij-aorrosion
Eo) DIN 50018 1997-06
test XfW iOS ti,'"i"*U#a" *,L
3l 10 ocT 2011
2011 I E
+\""- -'--COPY ./+
15 12.2008 SchmLitercroup AG
Page 8 oi 11
DIN 50962 : 1998 - 0B
The lower conoston resrstances of barreL-naied parts
specifted ,n Tabte 5 are due to the lad mat
damaqe to the ch omale conver5ron **'oco;jinr cannol be tomplelely avoiced
pto""ia"" ro when using bafiel
"ppry "u"l"""orti"g""'"'""
There,rrasL seeeveuat.oc<de\cr,bed:.DtNEN.SO.46?).lcrspo,douor.rhemar.rracrure
a1d i.e ourcnasFr sr.r , ,edcn ao-eemF.r .n lhe ratins
les'ed slaL be agrFcO upor t,, ddvarce .or slgnilcatr'
.,_;;, t^.'."r";1";; l,;;ift;, ,"
spc( i4 el su ,rces <.na ;;,;r,, ;;;;; ""
Tie soe ne-5 J? evatua.eo wdhoL. a rrlr,tyrlg gtars.
Dy v,sJd r..pec,io1 a- noima read-q
oe,.-,.s,o,e ro corb,le oy a-oo,i,oi ne *"e, r;;;;'.
i.;i.'j .
Tabre 3: rvrinimum rocar coating thiclnesses an-d
.q corrosion resistance times of chromatecr zinc-
artoy coatinss subject.d ro rest DrN E00z1ss la.hs
Dr\ EN ,SO r462.
seNiat Mirimum locar chio;arion pr@ess rest DtN 50021,SS
coatingthickness qroup TBt hours wiihoui basis materialco o.i6h
in !m acc. to T.b,., ZnNi ZnFe, Znco, Znaeco
5! 'iA
2 5C
5: ,F
3 8;
;Oo) A
ca 12C
Tabre 4i Minimum rocar coafing :hic rnesses anal corrosion
resistance times of chromateozinc-
a:loy coatings sut je.led to test ttN 90018-KFW 2,0 S (.il;;;;;ii;
DtN Er\ tSO.4621
servic€ Minimtm locai -' .:;lX'**, r*t
cordition .".n.sih;;i;;"" airom,ii; DrN 5001s KFw z'i's
numbe, ,n pm ,"" i".rabte 2
acc. to Tabte i cyctes ,rtnoui b€src n!te,ia. oiiosron
znNr znFe, znco, znFeco
\22 z2
.A34 -2
4 C 3 5
I 1o ocT
co"r *ot-
\ ,nt-to tr negz*
15.12 2008. Schmitterc.oup AG
Page 9 of 11
DIN 50962
,] ,r,#
c t2o 24A
q znNl 'F
lzo 240
Crf2 2ia 360
Alc znFe, znco,ztaeca , c a2a $, r
--6 t 120 1sl,
Ct 2 2no 360
Ftr2 ,aa .60
E6 ' Code accordrng to E DIN EN 14Ol r9q! r0
10 Test report
.1, Tne rest reool sra ' ,nctuoe lre to"ow -g deuits.
E) type ofworkpece tested ispecimenJ.
b) lype ofcoatrng,
c) type of basis materael,
d) preparation ofspecimens before corrosion tesling,
eJ type of corrosio| si.ess lo which sDecinen(s) wa! (were) exposed
and aur€tion ofexposurc,
g) aaea oflhe s:gn ilicaat su daces in mm2,
h) n urber of sign ificanl suafaces and:he local:on oltiese on the workpieee
z i) di€melerc ofde,ects, in mra.
j) evaluaiion daie.
k) details ofdeviations lromthis siandarct, ifany.
) See pase 2
Annex A (informative)
ir znNi
ZnNi znFe, znca,
ZnFe, znca, zn
A 360
z s6
F 360 t44
A 480 168
I c 480 21A
F 480 24A
A 600 1g2
4412 1,
120 360
F 72o 360
MASTER 1]']i Y
\vatto t
lff.,92 etoT *
1 5.'1 2.2008, Schmittec.oup AG
psge 11 of 11
D:N 50962
12o 24o
ZnFe, ZlCo, ZnFeCo
) See p"9€ 2.
.!? o
I 0 ocT alll