learning target
Aim of this section is to learn the second way to speak about past events.
German English
Ich war heute im Kino. I was at the cinema today.
Ich hatte einen guten Tag. I had a good day.
Wir redeten die ganze Nacht. We talked the whole night.
Some weeks ago we spoke about the "Perfekt" which is mostly used to speak about the past.
Today we want to learn the second way to speak about the past: Das Präteritum.
Like in English there are three "Stammformen" (principal forms) for every verb.
The "Präteritum" is the same as the "simple past" in English.
Deutsch Englisch
We learned already how to conjugate verbs in the present tense at the very beginning of our studies.
The conjugation of the "Präteritum" form follows also strict rules:
In English you just add the ending "ed" to the stem for weak verbs (I learned, you learned, he/she/it learned
In German, unfortunately, you have to remember different endings - as usual.
Exception: Verbs in which the stem ends with "t", "d", "chn", "dn", "fn", "gn" or "tm" require an additional "e"
after the stem.
In English you just use the same word for strong verbs (I gave, you gave, he/she/it gave ...).
In German, unfortunately, you have to remember different endings - as usual.
du Präteritum + st gabst
Exception: When the Präteritum ends with an "e" the "e" before "n" is dropped in the "wir" and "sie" (plural) -
du Präteritum + st hattest
With separable verbs we do the same what we already did with the conjungation of verb in the present tense:
• split up the separable prefix and put it at the end of the sentence
• conjugate the verb as described above
• einkaufen (=weak verb) -> ich kaufte ein | du kauftest ein | er/sie/es kaufte ein | wir kauften ein |
ihr kauftet ein | sie kauften ein (to shop)
• nachdenken (=strong verb) -> ich dachte nach | du dachtest nach | er/sie/es dachte nach | wir
dachten nach | ihr dachtet nach | sie dachten nach (to think)
weak verbs
Infinitiv Präteritum ich du er / sie / es wir ihr sie
simple past
Infinitiv Präteritum ich du er / sie / es wir ihr sie
simple past
dürfen durfte durfte durftest durfte durften durftet durften was allowed to
Infinitiv Präteritum ich du er / sie / es wir ihr sie
simple past
heißen hieß hieß hießt hieß hießen hießt hießen were called
A last hint
In the examples above I wrote down all conjugated "Präteritum" forms for ich | du | er/sie/es | wir | ihr | sie.
You can forget immediately the conjugated form for "du" and "ihr" for all verbs apart from (sein, haben,
modal verbs, wissen). There is need to learn them ever because they are never used except from plays in
theaters which show the live in the middle ages. Instead you'd better use the "Perfekt" tense here. It sounds
much better.
• Präteritum: Du sprachst gestern mit Herrn Wolf. (You spoke to Mr Wolf yesterday.)
• Perfekt: Du hast gestern mit Herrn Wolf gesprochen. (You have spoken to Mr Wolf yesterday.)
The Präteritum example sounds odd and old fashioned. The Perfekt example sounds natural and much better.