don't tell mama

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

“I tend to be the type of personality that puts a lot of pressure on myself.  So instead of it creating freedom inside of myself, then I always feel like I have, sort of a responsibility to do my best. I would love to say like all the accolades gives me more confidence, but in some way it creates a pressure that I put on myself to try something new or do something different and as I’m maturing I’m kind of letting go of that a little bit and enjoying what I get to do without that sort of internal pressure. But I wouldn’t be where I am today without the nominations. I have to say I think that it made a huge difference in my career because I kind of got a late start. So it brought attention to roles that, that maybe people wouldn’t have paid attention to previously.”

amy adams

mvgnvsbane asked:

Did you mean if Tessa Thompson is joking because 'boys are the worst'? Because at this point I'm pretty sure that she's dating Janelle Monáe :D

yeah you know when straight girls make jokes abt “becoming” lesbians bc guys suck? i meant smth like that bc i don’t really know much abt her sexuality but oh god i hope you’re right bc they look soooo good together 

janelle monáe tessa thompson answered mvgnvsbane