Papers by silvia cacchiani
Review of Vistas of English for Specific Purposes. Edited by Nadežda Stojković
Procédés définitoires dans les vocabulaires juridiques français et anglais: le cas des emprunts-D... more Procédés définitoires dans les vocabulaires juridiques français et anglais: le cas des emprunts-Deuxième partie Nota Il contenuto di questo sito è regolato dalla legge italiana in materia di proprietà intellettuale ed è di proprietà esclusiva dell'editore. Le opere presenti su questo sito possono essere consultate e riprodotte su carta o su supporto digitale, a condizione che siano strettamente riservate per l'utilizzo a fini personali, scientifici o didattici a esclusione di qualsiasi funzione commerciale. La riproduzione deve necessariamente menzionare l'editore, il nome della rivista, l'autore e il documento di riferimento. Qualsiasi altra riproduzione è vietata senza previa autorizzazione dell'editore, tranne nei casi previsti dalla legislazione in vigore in Italia. Farum è un gruppo di ricerca dell'Università di Genova Pour citer cet article : Silvia CACCHIANI, Chiara PREITE, Procédés définitoires dans les vocabulaires juridiques français et ang...
The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation, 2020
The frequency of (pseudo-)Anglicisms in Italian has steadily increased in the past decades. In It... more The frequency of (pseudo-)Anglicisms in Italian has steadily increased in the past decades. In Italian, N+N compounds are rare and generally left-headed. Taking a broadly functional-cognitive perspective on the outcomes of contact with English right-headed word formation, the analysis discusses Italian classifying and identifying compounds primarily mediated through the press or coined for use as names and trademarks. The data suggest that English foreign compounding only ever has a reinforcing effect on word formation patterns that are already available to Italian. For example, favouring the spread from learned to non-learned word formation in second-generation neoclassical compounds. Additionally, while the pressure to adapt borrowed compounds from English leads to reductions to simplexes or loan translations, other compounds retain the English order of components. Thus we also find right-headed hybrid analogues and constructs with cognate bases that are formed in Italian by analo...
This paper sets out to investigate in what ways and to what extent Webster accounts for different... more This paper sets out to investigate in what ways and to what extent Webster accounts for different types and degrees of intensification within the enormously varied and ever-changing lexico-functional category of intensifiers, varying along dimensions like connotations, type and degree of expressivity, as well as style and register restrictions. Specifically, we shall investigate inclusion and characterization of intensifiers in Webster's American Dictionary against the background of Johnson's 1755 Dictionary using their electronic editions both as a dictionary and as a corpus. Reference will be also made to the Oxford English Dictionary online up to 1828 for comparison. Essentially, after compiling the intensifiers wordlists of Webster's and Johnson's dictionaries, we shall compare their treatment touching upon definition practices, usage labels and notes, examples and quotations. The main emphasis will be on Webster's lexicographic achievement rather than on his...
Adverbial intensifiers express the semantic role of degree. Here, we shall focus on English upgra... more Adverbial intensifiers express the semantic role of degree. Here, we shall focus on English upgrading intensifiers like very, absolutely, extremely, impossibly. Specifically, what we have mainly aspire at is to develop and apply a simple but efficient model that investigates the motivations behind choosing from among competing intensifiers in a non-haphazard way. Such a model is meant to work as a "combinatory chart" that allows for fair comparison ofnear-synonymic intensifiers with respect to a number ofparameters ofvariations (or textual preferences) on the morpho-syntactic, lexico-semantic and discourse-pragmatic levels. Its ultimate lexicographic contribution to the issue of predicate-intensifier collocations will be building a combinatory dictionary of English intensifiers and, later on, a bilingual combinatory dictionary of English and Italian intensifiers. 1. Corpus Data and Methodology bi the current paper we want to depict a model for investigating predicate-inten...
The present study is concerned with the need to compile English law dictionaries addressing the l... more The present study is concerned with the need to compile English law dictionaries addressing the law student from different legal systems, national and disciplinary cultures. To this purpose, we concentrate on three English law dictionaries currently available on the market: The Law Student’s Dictionary 2008 (LSD), Oxford Dictionary of Law 2006 (ODL), and The Longman Dictionary of Law 2007 (LDL). Whereas they target native speakers with various expertise (cf. Prefaces and/or informative blurb), in the absence of a pedagogical law dictionary for English learners they are most often recommended to non-native students. The investigation is carried out against the background of current debate on the genuine purpose of the dictionary (Wiegand 1977 ff.) on the one hand and its knowledge- and communication-orientated functions on the other (cf. e.g. Bergenholtz/Tarp 1995, 2003). Specifi cally, we adapt Wiegand’s (1977 ff.) actional-semantic theory of dictionary form in order to compare feat...
What are the effects of digital media on scholarly communication, both internal and external, and... more What are the effects of digital media on scholarly communication, both internal and external, and how do scholars react to the problem of context collapse, the situation that arises when internal communication among peers is suddenly put under public scrutiny? We approach this question by reviewing and contrasting the different functions of scholarly publishing and science communication for the academic community through a series of cases, and then discussing the relative reluctance of scholars to engage with new social media channels, such as blogs and Twitter, before this background. We close by describing different definitions of scholarly impact, and the role of novel approaches to evaluation that involve not just the academic community, but a wide variety of stakeholders.
Papers by silvia cacchiani