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Faculty Research Seminar

Join us for the next Faculty Research Seminar on Friday, March 28. Faculty and staff from the College of Design and Department of Landscape Architecture will discuss Documenting Change, a multi-year grant-funded initiative aimed at documenting and developing educational materials around the adaptive reuse of the former Reynolds Building into the Gray Design Building, CoD and LA's current home. 

Window Repair Workshop at Shaker Village

The Department of Historic Preservation is holding a work weekend at Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill, one of Kentucky's best known National Historic Landmarks. In this workshop, students will sand, prime, and learn how to reglaze historic wooden windows. 

Lecture Series: Brian M. Kelly, AIA

 Although somewhat controversial, copy and error are unavoidable and necessary components of a contemporary design process. Sample, reference, and precedent are widely used techniques in design, and the rapid mass adoption of artificial intelligence tools has brought the copy even more into daily discussions. The current trajectory of Al is to remove error to create a tool which can be relied upon for its accuracy and predictability, but this is runs contrary to human intelligence of which it is attempting to replicate.

Graduate Composite Photos | Session 1

If you are a Spring 2025 graduate, stop by anytime between 12-1 pm to get your headshot taken for the class composite that will be displayed in the Gray Design Building. These are NOT cap and gown photos; casual dress is preferred. 

Book Talk: Villa and Palace in the Venetian Renaissance

Join Assistant Professor of Architecture Johanna Heinrichs for a discussion about her book Villa and Palace in the Venetian Renaissance: The Palladian House Between Country and City, recently published by Cambridge University Press. Coffee and light breakfast will be served.

Graduate Composite Photos | Session 2

If you are a Spring 2025 graduate, stop by anytime between 12-1 pm to get your headshot taken for the class composite that will be displayed in the Gray Design Building. These are NOT cap and gown photos; casual dress is preferred. 

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