Papers by Geana de Miranda Leschko
Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 2018
The process of community integration and the cohesion policy of the European Union are mainly con... more The process of community integration and the cohesion policy of the European Union are mainly concerned with the state realities, protagonists of the process. However, the search for a harmonious development that reduces differences between regions is making its way onto the community agenda. From the text of the Treaty of Rome to the current Treaty of Lisbon, from the first document on regional policy in 1965, through the creation of the Structural Funds (1989) and Cohesion (1994), to the current INTERREG V program (2014), the Europe of the Regions has been consolidating its position in the Europe of the States. The cities, local authorities and municipalities will have to wait until 1994, in the wake of the Treaty of Maastricht, to achieve a space within the complex framework of the Union. From the first URBAN (1994) to the Amsterdam Pact and the 2020 Urban Agenda (2016), cities have been gaining prominence in community multi-governance. At present, the challenges of the Union are, in large part, the challenges facing its cities. We are facing the challenge of a Europe of Cities within the framework of glocal governance.
La realidad de una ciudad difusa y en cambio continuo pone de manifiesto la crisis del planeamien... more La realidad de una ciudad difusa y en cambio continuo pone de manifiesto la crisis del planeamiento tradicional como instrumento adecuado para la definición y el control de la ocupación del territorio. Las posturas desreguladoras que priman una política de mercado frente a una planificación obsoleta conducen a un crecimiento no sostenible, y es necesario compatibilizar la eficiencia económica y la justicia social. El texto analiza las raíces de esta crisis en un contexto de nueva territorialidad y organización de la sociedad, y sienta las bases de su renovación como instrumento básico en un ámbito tanto urbano como territorial. Se hace patente la necesidad de un nuevo marco de planificación estratégico, concebido desde la distinción entre "planes estructurantes" (directores) y "planes operativos"(englobados en aquellos), con diferentes implicaciones temporales y de gestión. Palabras clave: ciudad difusa, planeamiento urbanístico, plan estratégico, planning-bydoing, plan estructural y operativo.
This paper carried out aims to present the approaches and major existing policies in Latin Americ... more This paper carried out aims to present the approaches and major existing policies in Latin America and Europe oriented to approach the problems of the urban vulnerability. This approach is a contribution to advance the treatment of this problem from a holistic perspective that is multisectoral, sustainable and participatory. To achieve this goal, an approach is made to the evolutionary context of the treatment of informality and urban insecurity in Latin America, culminating with the hegemonic adoption of the integrated urban development approach in the countries of the region. It expands on the Brazilian experience, describing the fragile relationship between the legal and policy framework established and the results of the implementation of integrated regularization programs settlements in the region. The paper also includes, linked to its overall objective, an exposure of urban policies developed within the framework of the European Union, mainly through the URBAN Community Initiative and the integration of its method in the current EU Cohesion Policy. In fact, the exposition of the Spanish and French experience illustrates different strategies for the implementation of urban regeneration, with consideration and possible projection with relation to the slums of Latin American cities. All of this permeates by the analysis of the legal framework facilitating these policies and identifying different policy instruments used in the different national approaches.
Thesis Chapters by Geana de Miranda Leschko
Resumo e introdução em português da tese de doutoramento "Regime jurídico de uso e ocupação do so... more Resumo e introdução em português da tese de doutoramento "Regime jurídico de uso e ocupação do solo e da propriedade urbana no Brasil. Uma visão propositiva desde o ordenamento espanhol" defendida na Universidad de Deusto em 20 de janeiro de 2016.
Papers by Geana de Miranda Leschko
Thesis Chapters by Geana de Miranda Leschko