
AppSearchClient Client class for AppSearch. 
BatchResultCallback<KeyType, ValueType> The callback interface to return AppSearchBatchResult
GlobalSearchClient Client class for AppSearch. 


AppSearch The main entry point for AppSearch services. 
AppSearchBatchResult<KeyType, ValueType> Provides results for AppSearch batch operations which encompass multiple documents. 
AppSearchBatchResult.Builder<KeyType, ValueType> Builder for AppSearchBatchResult objects. 
AppSearchManager Provides access to the centralized AppSearch index maintained by the system. 
AppSearchManager.SearchContext Contains information about how to create the search session. 
AppSearchManager.SearchContext.Builder Builder for AppSearchManager.SearchContext objects. 
AppSearchOptions Options for instantiating a AppSearchClient and GlobalSearchClient  
AppSearchOptions.Builder Builder to construct instances of AppSearchOptions. 
AppSearchResult<ValueType> Information about the success or failure of an AppSearch call. 
AppSearchSchema The AppSearch Schema for a particular type of document. 
AppSearchSchema.BooleanPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a boolean. 
AppSearchSchema.BooleanPropertyConfig.Builder Builder for AppSearchSchema.BooleanPropertyConfig
AppSearchSchema.Builder Builder for objects
AppSearchSchema.BytesPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a byte array. 
AppSearchSchema.BytesPropertyConfig.Builder Builder for AppSearchSchema.BytesPropertyConfig
AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing another Document. 
AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder Builder for AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig
AppSearchSchema.DoublePropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a double-precision decimal number. 
AppSearchSchema.DoublePropertyConfig.Builder Builder for AppSearchSchema.DoublePropertyConfig
AppSearchSchema.LongPropertyConfig Configuration for a property containing a 64-bit integer. 
AppSearchSchema.LongPropertyConfig.Builder Builder for AppSearchSchema.LongPropertyConfig
AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig Common configuration for a single property (field) in a Document. 
AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig Configuration for a property of type String in a Document. 
AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder Builder for AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig
GenericDocument Represents a document unit. 
GenericDocument.Builder<BuilderType extends Builder> The builder class for GenericDocument
GetByDocumentIdRequest Encapsulates a request to retrieve documents by namespace and IDs from the AppSearchClient database. 
GetByDocumentIdRequest.Builder Builder for GetByDocumentIdRequest objects. 
GetSchemaResponse The response class of AppSearchClient.getSchema(String)  
GetSchemaResponse.Builder Builder for GetSchemaResponse objects. 
JoinSpec This class represents the specifications for the joining operation in search. 
JoinSpec.Builder Builder for objects
Migrator A migrator class to translate GenericDocument from different version of AppSearchSchema

Make non-backwards-compatible changes will delete all stored documents in old schema. 

PackageIdentifier This class represents a uniquely identifiable package. 
PropertyPath Represents a property path returned from searching the AppSearch Database. 
PropertyPath.PathSegment A segment of a PropertyPath, which includes the name of the property and a 0-based index into this property. 
PutDocumentsRequest Encapsulates a request to index documents into an AppSearchClient database. 
PutDocumentsRequest.Builder Builder for PutDocumentsRequest objects. 
RemoveByDocumentIdRequest Encapsulates a request to remove documents by namespace and IDs from the AppSearchClient database. 
RemoveByDocumentIdRequest.Builder Builder for RemoveByDocumentIdRequest objects. 
ReportSystemUsageRequest A request to report usage of a document owned by another app from a system UI surface. 
ReportSystemUsageRequest.Builder Builder for ReportSystemUsageRequest objects. 
ReportUsageRequest A request to report usage of a document. 
ReportUsageRequest.Builder Builder for ReportUsageRequest objects. 
SchemaVisibilityConfig A class to hold a all necessary Visibility information corresponding to the same schema. 
SchemaVisibilityConfig.Builder The builder class of SchemaVisibilityConfig
SearchResult This class represents one of the results obtained from an AppSearch query. 
SearchResult.Builder Builder for SearchResult objects. 
SearchResult.MatchInfo This class represents match objects for any snippets that might be present in SearchResults from a query. 
SearchResult.MatchInfo.Builder Builder for SearchResult.MatchInfo objects. 
SearchResult.MatchRange Class providing the position range of matching information. 
SearchResults Encapsulates results of a search operation. 
SearchSpec This class represents the specification logic for AppSearch. 
SearchSpec.Builder Builder for objects
SearchSuggestionResult The result class of the AppSearchClient.searchSuggestion(String, SearchSuggestionSpec, String)
SearchSuggestionResult.Builder The Builder class of SearchSuggestionResult
SearchSuggestionSpec This class represents the specification logic for AppSearch. 
SearchSuggestionSpec.Builder Builder for objects
SetSchemaRequest Encapsulates a request to update the schema of an AppSearchClient database. 
SetSchemaRequest.Builder Builder for SetSchemaRequest objects. 
SetSchemaResponse The response class of AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String)  
SetSchemaResponse.Builder Builder for SetSchemaResponse objects. 
SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure The class represents a post-migrated GenericDocument that failed to be saved by AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String)
StorageInfo The response class of AppSearchClient#getStorageInfo
StorageInfo.Builder Builder for StorageInfo objects.