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  • Publication 23 January 2018

New edition of the EU Film Contest

The Commission is launching the second edition of the EU Film Contest today. Participants can test how much they know about European films for a chance to experience the Cannes Film Festival and discover the European audiovisual industry at work.

Poster of the European Union Film contest with snapshots of films and in the middle text "love european films? Join the EU film contest and win a trip to the Cannes Film Festival"

European Commission

Poster of the EU Film Contest

Last year, over 9000 film lovers from across Europe participated in the contest. 10 winners won their chance to travel to Cannes.

The EU film contest

The EU Film Contest aims to promote Europe's unique diversity of films and TV series in an accessible way to a wide audience. It particularly aims to reach young people with an interest in films/TV, but it is open to anyone aged 18 or above, from countries where the Creative Europe MEDIA programme is active. Professionals from the film industry are not eligible, yet they are encouraged to spread the word and promote the contest to their networks.

The 10 most successful participants will travel to the Festival from 14 to 16 May 2018. They will attend screenings of films (from La Quinzaine des Réalisateurs and La Semaine de la Critique) and meet film professionals.

The contest can be accessed (in 8 languages) on the film contest page.


The EU's Creative Europe MEDIA programme provides funding for the development and the circulation of European films as well as support to film festivals, cinema networks and distribution platforms. 

For this second edition multiple partners are involved: European Film Awards (EFA), Europa Cinemas Network, International Confederation of Arthouse Cinemas (CICAE), International Union of Cinemas (UNIC), European Film Promotion (EFP) and the European Film and Television Schools.

About Creative Europe MEDIA

Since 1991, the EU has been investing over €2.5 billion in European content, creativity and cultural diversity through Creative Europe MEDIA, helping European talents to work together across borders. Each year it supports around 2000 projects, including films, TV series, video games, training programmes, cinemas and much more. It helped the development, distribution and promotion of thousands of films, such as In the Fade, recently awarded with a Golden Globe for Best Foreign language film and shortlisted for Oscars alongside The Square, Félicité, On Body and Soul or The Wound, also supported by MEDIA.

European Film Forum

The European Film Forum is a structured dialogue between policy makers and stakeholders from the audiovisual sector. This dialogue takes place during film festivals, under different formats (such as conferences, round table discussions and workshops). This year again, Creative Europe MEDIA will organise European Film Forums in: Berlin (19 February), Cannes (14 May), Annecy (June), Barcelona (June), Venice (September), Lyon (October) and Tallinn (November).

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