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Plasmare il futuro digitale dell'Europa
  • Pubblicazione 18 Gennaio 2018

European Film Forum goes to Berlinale 2018

In 2018 Creative Europe MEDIA will continue its stakeholders' dialogue under the European Film Forum conferences organised during film festivals or film and TV markets.

The first European Film Forum of this year will take place alongside Berlinale on 19 February 2018 and will focus on: The future of MEDIA: connecting Europeans through films. The conference will be followed by an event co-organised with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and a showcase presenting projects funded by MEDIA.

Stories are powerful ways of connection. They build bridges among cultures and societies. Films, in particular, reflect the challenges faced by our societies. Their role has often been to pave the way for progress, tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion. Through creativity and artistic freedom, the cinema industry has helped to raise awareness on important issues. Ultimately, films can touch each individual with powerful messages and thus encourage citizen engagement in society.

The European Film Forum at the Berlinale 2018 will be focused on citizens and specifically on how the MEDIA Programme of the future will be able to further connect with them. Discussions will be covering topics such as cultural diversity and how Europe's quality films can better reach audiences. The necessity of strengthening the competitiveness of Europe's cinema sector will also be debated, in particular given the growing importance of promotion and marketing.  

Prominent stakeholders from the industry, as well as high-level policy-makers both at national and European level will give their perspectives on these matters and will share their vision on the future of the MEDIA programme. 

The future of MEDIA: connecting Europeans through films (10:00-13:00)

EFF programme

Keynote speech by Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Mariya Gabriel

Film and Europeanness: conversation with Award-winning filmmakers Cristian Mungiu and Radu Mihaileanu on European identity, values and the distinctive character of European cinema.

Panel 1: Diversity for Creativity: Reaching wider audiences


  • Ildiko Enyedi, Award-winning Film Director;
  • Karsten Stöter, Film Producer, Rohfilm Factory;
  • Joanna Zak, Film Programmer at New Horizons Cinema and Producer;
  • Guy Borlée, Coordinator of the Festival Il Cinema Ritrovato - Cineteca di Bologna;
  • Oana Tarce, Co-Founder and Cultural Manager at CitiZenit.

Keynote speech by Rodolphe Buet (President, International, Global Road Entertainment): The Future of MEDIA after 2020: A contribution to the Debate

Panel 2: The competitive advantage: promoting films throughout production and distribution


  • Clare Jones, Managing Director,  Pi Studios;
  • Arturo Guillen, Vice President, comScore;
  • Frédéric Bereyziat, Deputy Managing Director, Unifrance;
  • Isabelle Andrès, Chief Operating Officer, Alchimie.

Closing remarks: Petra Kammerevert, MEP, Chair Committee on Culture and Education

Moderator: Marjorie Paillon

You can watch the webstreaming of the conference:


European Institute of Innovation and Technology: Powering Europe's Audivisual Innovators (14:30-15:45)

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is considering ways to unlock the potential of cultural and creative industries, by establishing an EIT Innovation Community on creative industries. In this context, this event will explore ways of bridging the gaps between technology and the content sector, in particular audiovisual industry.

  • Opening remarks: Roberto Viola, Director General, Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT), European Commission
  • Presentation by Martin Kern, EIT Interim Director (EIT): Making innovation in Europe!
  • Panel : Martin Kern, EIT Interim Director; Willem Jonker, CEO EIT Digital; Maria Luisa Garcia, Chief Operating Officer, 3 Ants
  • The way forward: Martin Kern, EIT Interim Director; Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director, Media Policy, DG CONNECT, European Commission;  Brando Benifei, MEP.

Moderator: Marjorie Paillon

Showcasing Creative Europe MEDIA (16:00-18:15)

The sessions will feature projects supported by Creative Europe MEDIA programme.

Opening remarks: Roberto Viola, Director-General, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Session 1: Reaching wider audiences through digital

ECVI (European Cinema & VOD Initiative) is a network connecting cinemas and VOD across Europe. It enables cinemas to offer their local audiences a personal, handpicked selection of films as Video on Demand for home viewing.

The speakers will share their experience with ECVI in their respective countries:

  • Philipp Hoffmann, CEO, KINO ON DEMAND;
  • Noortje van de Sande, CEO, PICL;
  • Josephine Létang, CEO, LA TOILE.

Session 2: Connecting audiences through inspiring stories

The session will put in the spotlight MEDIA supported films with powerful stories which help audiences relate and recognize shared values.


  • Martichka Bozhilova, Producer and Founder, AGITPROP;
  • Mette Hoffman Meyer, CEO & Executive Producer, The Why Foundation;
  • Mirsad Purivatra, Director of Sarajevo Film Festival

Closing remarks: Brian Holmes, Director, Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency (EACEA), European Commission

Moderator: Wendy Mitchell

About Creative Europe MEDIA

The MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe is designed to support European film and other audiovisual industries. It provides funding for the development, promotion and distribution of European works within Europe and beyond. It invests in the training of producers, film distributors, directors, and screenwriters to help them adapt to new technologies. Each year, MEDIA supports around 2,000 European projects including films, TV series, video games, training programmes, cinemas and much more


EFF Agenda
EFF Brochure
EFF_The future of MEDIA after 2020_A contribution to the debate_Rodolphe Buet

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