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Internet-application (926)

Automates most tasks on video and audio streaming. Besides being a free/libre software, its goals are:
  • Move past command-line based streaming, by automating things.
  • Provide audio/video feedback for the volunteer at the station to monitor the streaming.
Its current features include:
  • Behave slightly differently according to user actions or loss of the feed.
  • GTK+ graphical user interface.
  • Ease to switch between testing mode -- for testing the audio and video chain without broadcasting -- to stream mode, which broadcasts the feeds.
  • In the event of main camera source failure, ABYSS changes the pipeline to fetch the video source from a backup USB webcam and then starts broadcasting again.
  • Each stream is actually recorded locally in three forms to allow easy post-processing: audio-only, raw-video, and audio-video.
Was used during LibrePlanet 2015 and 2016. ABYSS was previously know as Libre-Streamer.
The ADG library (Automatic Drawing Generation) is a set of functions focused on automating the drawing of mechanical parts. It is not a CAD system but a library providing a non-interactive canvas where you can put common CAD entities such as paths, xatches and quotes, to create your technical drawings. The final result can be displayed inside a GTK+ widget or exported to any cairo available format, such as PostScript and PDF documents or PNG and SVG images.
Authorized Entities Directory (Æ-DIR) is a Privileged Identity and Access Management (IAM/PIM/PAM) based on OpenLDAP Objectives:
  • Strictly follow need to know and least privilege principles
  • Agile data maintenance by consequent delegation of manageable small areas
  • Provide meaningful audit trails for compliance checks
  • Secure defaults
aFileDialog is an Android library which implements a simple and easy to use file chooser. His main features are:
  • The file chooser can be opened both as a Dialog or as an Activity.
  • You can filter the files using regular expressions.
  • Can select files or folders.
  • Can create files and folders.
aFileDialog is open source, licensed under LGPL 3, and is compatible with Android 2.2+.
AIM Sniff
AIM Sniff is a utility for monitoring and archiving AIM and MSN messages across a network. It can be used to monitor for cases of harassment or warez trading. It has the ability to do a live dump (actively sniff the network) or read a PCAP file and parse the file for IM messages. You also have the option of dumping the information to a MySQL database or STDOUT. AIM Sniff will also monitor for an IM login and then perform an SMB lookup on the originating computer in order to match NT Domain names with IM login names (handles).
aMule is short for "all-platform eMule-like file-sharing program", or, in short, "all-platform Mule". It's a port of the well-known eMule P2P client for the eDonkey2000 file sharing network, and supports most of eMule features. It also provides a small separate Web server and command line interface to connect to a running aMule via the network.
ANK djbdns
'ANK'_djbdns is a simple Web interface to configure djbdns written in mod_perl. It uses a MySQL database to hold DNS records. Features include advanced management of the file "data" including recording backups of all generated "data's", ability to keep a history of all changes, and the ability to show status of all registered domains at the local/remote DNS. The packages also alerts you about wrongly entered information, and when an error occurs while mounting "data".
AOLserver is a multithreaded, TCL-enabled, massively scalable and extensible Web server designed for large scale, dynamic Web sites such as Digital City and AOL.COM. It includes complete database integration, dynamic page scripting, and an open, extensible architecture.
aPAz is An ultra-light PHP AnonymiZer. It is intended to be a "Put it anywhere, browse everywhere application". You can use it on any Web server that uses PHP and allows socket functions.
AVideo /ævə'dɛjo:/ is a powerful, 100% libre video and audio downloader for GNU/Linux. With your freedom and privacy a #1 priority, avideo offers you peace of mind in watching everything from world news and documentaries to the latest cat videos. AVideo builds on the power of the infamous youtube-dl to ensure that the user's liberty is not sacrificed. YouTube-DL incorporates JS, SWF, and SDK interpreters in order to deliver some functionality. However, packaging these runs contrary to delivering freedom as a number 1 priority.

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