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fpga International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays

The ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays is the premier conference for presentation of advances in all areas related to FPGA technology. For FPGA conferences, we solicit original submissions describing novel research and developments in the following (and related) areas of interest: * FPGA Architecture: Novel logic block architectures, combination of FPGA fabric and system blocks (DSP, processors, memories, etc.), design of routing fabric, I/O interfaces, new commercial architectures and architectural features. * FPGA Circuit Design: Novel FPGA circuits and circuit-level techniques, impact of process and design technologies, methods for analyzing and improving issues with soft-errors, leakage, static and dynamic power, clocking, power grid, yield, manufacturability, reliability, test; studies on future device technologies (e.g. nano-scale, 3D gate) for FPGAs. * CAD for FPGAs: Placement, routing, retiming, log

Next Conference
February 27 - March 1, 2025
Monterey , CA , USA
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