Cited By
View all- Bing LLam WWong TJameel S(2015)Web Query Reformulation via Joint Modeling of Latent Topic Dependency and Term ContextACM Transactions on Information Systems10.1145/269966633:2(1-38)Online publication date: 17-Feb-2015
Query reformulation, including query recommendation and query auto-completion, is a popular add-on feature of search engines, which provide related and helpful reformulations of a keyword query. Due to the dropping prices of smartphones and the ...
Users frequently modify a previous search query in hope of retrieving better results. These modifications are called query reformulations or query refinements. Existing research has studied how web search engines can propose reformulations, but has given ...
Search engine users usually strive to reformulate their queries in the search process to gain useful information. It is hard for search engines to understand users’ search intents and return appropriate results if they submit improper or ambiguous ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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