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Complex Online Material Development in CS Courses

Published: 22 November 2020 Publication History


Computer Science (CS) education has a tradition of using online materials to teach courses, whether as a part of a course or having fully online courses. Commonly, the materials to present the subject matter are not just static objects like text or images but also contain automatically assessed exercises and other interactive content. This makes the course systems inherently tied to teaching – limiting pedagogical approaches, types of exercises, and available functionality. Increasingly, CS courses utilize multiple systems to handle various learning and course management related activities. The use of multiple systems brings about traditional software engineering problems, such as development, integration, maintenance, and testing. We present two small studies (case study and interviews) to highlight the issues in developing and running modern online CS courses. Based on these two studies we argue that online courses should be developed with a stronger software engineering approach considering the development process and tools. In addition, we define the term Complex Online Learning Material (COLM) to foster discussion and further research into improving instructor practices in online education.


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Koli Calling '20: Proceedings of the 20th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research
November 2020
295 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 November 2020


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  1. CS education
  2. course development
  3. material development
  4. online education
  5. service oriented architectures


  • Short-paper
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


Koli Calling '20


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  • (2023)Decades of Striving for Pedagogical and Technological AlignmentProceedings of the 23rd Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research10.1145/3631802.3631809(1-8)Online publication date: 13-Nov-2023
  • (2023)Automated Questionnaires About Students’ JavaScript Programs: Towards Gauging Novice Programming ProcessesProceedings of the 25th Australasian Computing Education Conference10.1145/3576123.3576129(49-58)Online publication date: 30-Jan-2023
  • (2021)Parents’ Acceptance of Educational Technology: Lessons From Around the WorldFrontiers in Psychology10.3389/fpsyg.2021.71943012Online publication date: 30-Aug-2021

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