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View all- Yazdani-Abyaneh AHirzallah MKrunz M(2024)Countermeasuring Aggressors via Intelligent Adaptation of Contention Window in CSMA/CA SystemsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.341623212(88216-88230)Online publication date: 2024
One of the primary goals of many defence applications is the detection and immediate response to human activities. Human activity detection has been proposed using various technologies, such as surveillance cameras and sensor-equipped wearable devices. ...
Gait is a biological characteristic for video surveillance and many other applications, which can be used to identify individuals at a large distance. In this paper, a gait classification framework based on CNN Ensemble (GCF-CNN) is proposed, ...
Recently, deep learning and character recognition have drawn the attention of many researchers. The deep neural networks have state-of-the-art performance in solving many classification and recognition problems. The Optical Character Recognition (...
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