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Multicellular spatial model of RNA virus replication and interferon responses reveals factors controlling plaque growth dynamics

Fig 5

Elevated STATP activity (larger kSTATP,IFNe) leads to arrested plaque growth.

(A) Images of the simulated plaques at 80 hours post-infection for a single simulation replica when kSTATP,IFNe was 1x, 10x, or 100x larger than its baseline value. Arrested plaque growth occurs when kSTATP,IFNe is 10x or 100x larger than baseline. (B) The median (solid line) and 5th and 95th percentiles (shaded regions) for 20 simulation replicas of the cell types over time for kSTATP,IFNe at 1x, 10x, or 100x larger than its baseline value of 45.9 μM hr-1. (C) The plaque radius’ linear growth rate at 80 hours, (D) the area under the curve (AUC) of the average Ve, and (C) the AUC of the average IFNe when kSTATP,IFNe is changed between its nominal value to 125.98x nominal, over 20 simulation replicas.

Fig 5
