A Mammalian Lost World in Southwest Europe during the Late Pliocene
Figure 6
Biostratigraphic summary of the assemblage of large mammals in FP-1 (the position of FP-1, Trench B, is the result of the magnetostratigraphic investigation presented here).
The integral analysis of the information obtained of the FP-1 palaeomastologic assemblage permits us: to establish that the singular assemblage of FP-1 is slightly older (2.0 Ma) than the Olivola + Tasso FU; to observe the noticeable increase in the FADs in the Fonelas P-1 (Trench B) assemblage; to verify the existence of zone MNQ18 in chronologies older than Olduvai; and to put forward the hypothesis of one pre-Olduvai (C2r.1r) dispersal event between 2.1 and 2.0 Ma that would bring together the Asian and African large mammals (the old story on the configuration of European pre-Pleistocene ecosystems). Future research at FP-1 and the unpublished site of M-9 might permit us to verify the presence of different primates in the GB in so early chronologies.