A Low Complexity Near-Optimal Iterative Linear Detector for Massive MIMO in Realistic Radio Channels of 5G Communication Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Overview
2.1. MF-Based Detector
2.2. ZF-Based Detector
2.3. MMSE-Based Detector
3. Matrix Inversion Methods
3.1. Neumann Series
3.2. Gauss-Seidel
3.3. Successive Overrelaxation
3.4. Jacobi Method
3.5. Conjugate-Gradient Method
3.6. Richardson Method
3.7. Optimized Coordinate Descent Method
4. Complexity Analysis
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions and Future Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Notation | Meaning |
ratio between user antennas and BS antennas | |
5G | fifth generation |
K | number of user terminals |
N | number of BS antennas |
transmitted symbol vector | |
received symbol vector | |
slicer | |
n | additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) |
H | channel matrix |
decision variables | |
A | equalization matrix |
Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse | |
G | Gram matrix |
D | Diagonal matrix |
E | non-diagonal matrix |
L | lower triangular matrix |
U | upper triangular matrix |
relaxation parameter | |
number of iterations |
Method | Number of Multiplications |
NS | |
RI | |
SOR | |
GS | |
OCD | |
JA | +2NK |
CG |
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Share and Cite
Albreem, M.A.; Alsharif, M.H.; Kim, S. A Low Complexity Near-Optimal Iterative Linear Detector for Massive MIMO in Realistic Radio Channels of 5G Communication Systems. Entropy 2020, 22, 388. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040388
Albreem MA, Alsharif MH, Kim S. A Low Complexity Near-Optimal Iterative Linear Detector for Massive MIMO in Realistic Radio Channels of 5G Communication Systems. Entropy. 2020; 22(4):388. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040388
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlbreem, Mahmoud A., Mohammed H. Alsharif, and Sunghwan Kim. 2020. "A Low Complexity Near-Optimal Iterative Linear Detector for Massive MIMO in Realistic Radio Channels of 5G Communication Systems" Entropy 22, no. 4: 388. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040388
APA StyleAlbreem, M. A., Alsharif, M. H., & Kim, S. (2020). A Low Complexity Near-Optimal Iterative Linear Detector for Massive MIMO in Realistic Radio Channels of 5G Communication Systems. Entropy, 22(4), 388. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040388