Identifying Communities in Dynamic Networks Using Information Dynamics
:1. Introduction
1.1. Basic Idea
1.2. Contributions
- Effective Dynamic Community Detection: We propose an information dynamics-based framework, which employs the batch processing technique to incrementally uncover community structures in dynamic networks. In addition, we develop a dynamic community detection method DCDID for revealing the communities by simulating the exchange of information between nodes in each time slice of dynamic networks. The DCDID method provides a natural manner to uncover community structure and obtains high-quality communities in each time slice (cf. Figures 7–12).
- Parameter-free: The DCDID approach does not require parameter settings and prior knowledge, and it automatically detects the communities through information dynamics driven by the local topological structure of the network.
- Scalability: Because of using the batch processing and incremental technology, DCDID only needs to update those communities where the subgraph changed and keep the rest of the subgraph unchanged in each time slice. Thus, DCDID has a low time complexity and can be applied to large-scale dynamic networks. (cf. Section 3.5).
2. Related Work
3. Methods
3.1. Preliminaries
3.2. Information Dynamic Model
3.3. Dynamic Community Detection Framework
- (1)
- Extract Changed Subgraph . Unlike static networks, the structure of dynamic networks is evolving over time. Nodes and edges in a dynamic network may occur or disappear over time, which may lead to constant changes in the community structure of the network. Next, we will analyze network events that may cause changes in community structure, including adding nodes, deleting nodes, adding edges, and deleting edges.
- (a)
- Add Nodes. Adding nodes refers to the new nodes added to the current time slice network compared with previous time slice network . Let denotes the set of added nodes, which is defined as follows:Conversely, when the added node is not inside the community, it may cause a change in the community structure, as shown in Figure 3c. In this case, it is necessary to record the added nodes and the connected communities and add them to the subgraph .
- (b)
- Delete Nodes. The deleted node refers to a node that is removed in the current time slice network compared with the previous time slice network . Let represent the set of deleted nodes, which is given by the following:
- (c)
- Add Edges. Similarly, the added edges correspond to the new edges in the current time slice network compared to the previous time slice network . Formally, we define the added edges as follows:
- (d)
- Delete Edges. The deleted edge refers to the edge removed in the current time slice network compared to the previous time slice network . Let denote the set of deleted edges, which is defined as follows:
- (2)
- Calculate Changed Communities . After obtaining the subgraph that may change, we need to redetect the communities in the subgraph. Here, we employ the information dynamics to discover the subgraph incrementally and obtain the corresponding community structure (cf. Algorithm 3)
- (3)
- Compute Unchanged Communities . Based on the acquired networks and , we can calculate all the communities and the communities that may change at the time slice. Therefore, the unchanged communities can be obtained by calculating the difference set of the two sets.
- (4)
- Compute Communities . Communities in the network at time slice t are composed of the unchanged communities at the previous time slice and the changed communities at the time slice t. Let denote the communities of network at time slice t, which is given as follows:
3.4. Dynamic Community Detection Algorithm
- (1)
- Community Detection based on Information Dynamics. Based on the information dynamics models, we identify the community structure by simulating the interaction of information on the network, which mainly involves several steps. In the beginning, each node is provided initial information in light of the local topology features (cf. Equation 3). Then, the information diffuses in the network and every node is constantly interacting with neighbor nodes. The exchange of information between nodes in the same community is more frequent than that in different communities. At each step, every node updates its information based on the information dynamics models (cf. Equation 7). As time evolves, the exchange of information between nodes tends to zero, and the information dynamics of each node in the network reaches the convergent state. Finally, the amount of information for each node in the same community is basically the same, and the information on each node in different communities is different. Therefore, we can naturally uncover the communities by considering the amount of information for each node.
- (2)
- Dynamic Community Detection. DCDID mainly consists of the three steps: initial community structure detection, calculation of subgraphs that have changed, and incremental community identification.
- (a)
- Initial Community Structure Detection. The initial community structure is the community partition of the network at time slice . There is no prior information about community structure in the initial time slice, so it is necessary to perform community detection on the entire network. We use the community detection based on information dynamics (CDID) to identify the community structure of the initial network at time slice . The CDID algorithm is given in the appendices (Algorithm 2 in Appendix A).
- (b)
- Changed Subgraphs. Considering the operations that may cause changes in the community structure, we divide the events that change the network into four categories: adding nodes, deleting nodes, adding edges, and deleting edges. Algorithm 3–6 in Appendix A show the specific process, and each type of event returns a subgraph that may change.
- (c)
- Incremental Community Identification. At present, most incremental dynamic community detection methods adopt the fine-grained processing method, which processes an event when an event is generated. For example, when a node is added to the network, the node is detected. The advantage of this design is that the processing of events is takes place in real time, but the disadvantage is that it increases the computational complexity. Here, we employ a batch-based incremental community detection method. Based on the obtained subgraphs that may change, we employ the information dynamics model to incrementally detect the communities. The DCDID algorithm is given in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 DCDID |
Input: |
Output: |
1: Initial community detection |
2: |
3: Incremental community detection |
4: for to k do |
5: compute AN,DN,AE,DE using Equation (8)–(11) |
6: |
7: |
8: |
9: |
10: compute the unchanged communities |
11: |
12: compute using Equation (12) |
13: end for |
3.5. Complexity Analysis
- (1)
- Initial Community Partition. In the beginning, community detection is required for the entire network, so the time complexity is the time taken by the CDID algorithm. The CDID algorithm consists of three steps: information initialization, information dynamic interaction, and community partition. In the first step, CDID needs to compute the initial information, Jaccard similarity coefficient and contact strength. Thus, the time complexity of information initialization is , where k denotes the average degree, and n represents the number of nodes in the network. In the second step, the time complexity of information interaction is due to the local interaction strategy, where L denotes the number of iterations. It is typically between 20 and 100. In the third step, the time complexity is because of two loops for finding communities. Thus, the time complexity for the initial community partition is .
- (2)
- Incremental Community Detection. The incremental community detection mainly includes the calculation of the changed subgraph and the incremental partition communities. The calculation of the subgraph consists of adding nodes, deleting nodes, adding edges, and deleting edges. The time complexity of adding nodes is , where is the nodes set added and is the average degree at time slice t. Similarly, the time complexity of deleting nodes is . The time complexity of adding edges and deleting edges is because of only one loop. The next step is to detect the communities of the subgraph that have changed, and the time complexity is . Thus, the time complexity for incremental community detection is .
4. Experiments
4.1. Data Description
4.2. Evaluation Metrics
4.3. Performance Evaluation
- (1)
- Node Switch. Node switch refers to the transition of a node from one community to another in different time slices in a dynamic network. The parameter p represents the probability that a node switches community membership in different time slices. We varied the value of p from 0.1 to 0.8 and fixed the parameters , , and . Figure 7 shows the performance of comparison algorithms with different p on and metrics. Because of the limitation of space, we only display the results of community detection when p is 0.1, 0.4 and 0.8. In terms of the metric, DCDID and DYNMOGA methods acquired the best effects, and the values of obtained on each time slice were approximately 0.95. It demonstrates that the performances of these two methods are relatively stable over time. FacetNet also performed well, and the values achieved reached to 0.9. However, the FacetNet algorithm needs to specify the number of communities in the network, which is often unknown in the real world. DyPerm also had a stable performance, and the values of were basically maintained at approximately 0.8. QCA, InBatch, and LBTR methods initially implemented very high values because these algorithms use the Louvain method to detect the community structure of the initial time slice. However, the performances of these algorithms gradually declined over time. In particular, the values obtained by the InBatch algorithm were close to 0.2 when p was larger than 0.4. In terms of the metric, DCDID obtained the best effect, which achieved the highest value among these algorithms. DYNMOGA and FacetNet methods acquired better results than the other comparison algorithms. Although DyPerm attained good values, its values were very low. Because the granularity on the community partition of the DyPerm algorithm became increasingly fine with the increase of time slices, the number of communities it partitions was usually several dozen times the number of real communities. The values of QCA, InBatch and LBTR algorithms also decreased with the increase of time slices. In particular, the values of were close to zero when p was larger than 0.4 and the time slice was greater than 10.
- (2)
- Community Birth and Death. To investigate the effects of comparison algorithms on the birth and death event of communities, we fixed parameters , , , and , and varied the number of birth and death communities to generate dynamic networks. Because the dynamic LFR model cannot generate a dynamic network when the number of birth and death communities both reach 16, we changed the number of birth communities from 2 to 16 and varied the number of death communities from 2 to 8. Figure 8 reveals the performance of each algorithm on and metrics with different numbers of birth and death communities. In terms of the NMI metric, DCDID and DYNMOGA were very stable, and they obtained higher values than the other algorithms. FacetNet cannot run on this dynamic network because the number of communities in each time slice is constantly changing over time. DyPerm also performed well with the values stable at approximately 0.8, but the values were very low. In particular, its values were close to zero when the number of birth and death communities were greater than 8 and the time slice was greater than 12. QCA and LBTR achieved acceptable results, and they also obtained an value of 0.5 when the number of birth communities reached 16. By contrast, InBatch did not perform well in this group of experiments and obtained the lowest values of and .
- (3)
- Community Expansion and Contraction. To further evaluate the performance of each algorithm on the expansion and contraction event of communities, we fixed parameters , , , and , and varied the number of expansion and contraction communities from 5 to 40. As shown in Figure 9, DCDID and DYNMOGA acquired the best quality of community detection. Their values were stable at approximately 0.95, and values were stable between 0.8 and 0.9. FacetNet also yielded good results, and its values were stable at approximately 0.84. Although the DyPerm method achieved stable values at approximately 0.8, the values were relatively low, indicating that the quality of its community detection was not ideal. The effectiveness of QCA, InBatch and LBTR methods decreased gradually over time. It explains that these algorithms have higher cumulative errors.
- (4)
- Community Merger and Split.Figure 10 describes the effectiveness of comparison algorithms when the number of merger and split communities varied from 5 to 40. We can observe that DCDID performed best in these comparison algorithms, and the value of each time slice was stable at approximately 0.96 when the number of merger and split communities was less than 20. DYNMOGA also performed well, which achieved better results of community detection than other comparison algorithms. As shown in Figure 10c, the results of DCDID, DYNMOGA, FacetNet and DyPerm algorithms fluctuated greatly when the number of communities merged and split in dynamic networks reaches 40, i.e., almost all communities in the network have changed. We can see that the and values obtained were lower in the seventh time slice, but the quality of the community detection of these four algorithms was still better than other comparison algorithms. The performance of QCA, InBatch and LBTR algorithms also decreased gradually over time. Interestingly, the values of InBatch had a higher improvement when the number of communities merged and split increased to 40 in the 13th time slice (Figure 10c). We analyzed the network structure of the current time slice and found that the community structure under this time slice was relatively clear, and there were fewer links between the communities. This may also be the reason the values of the DCDID, DYNMOGA and FacetNet algorithms had a peak in this time slice.
4.4. Runtime
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Algorithm
Algorithm 2 CDID |
Input: |
Output: |
1: Initialization of information |
2: for each node do |
3: for each node do |
4: compute the , using Equation (1)–(2) |
5: end for |
6: compute the using Equation (3) |
7: end for |
8: Information dynamic interaction. |
9: whiledo |
10: |
11: for each node do |
12: for each node do |
13: compute using Equation (4)–(5) |
14: compute using Equation (6) |
15: end for |
16: compute using Equation (7) |
17: |
18: ifthen |
19: |
20: end if |
21: end for |
22: the balanced state |
23: ifthen |
24: Break |
25: end if |
26: end while |
27: Find communities |
28: for each node do |
29: ifthen |
30: for each node do |
31: ifthen |
32: |
33: else |
34: |
35: end if |
36: end for |
37: end if |
38: end for |
Algorithm 3 Add_nodes |
Input: |
Output: |
1: for each node do |
2: if ) in the same community then |
3: |
4: else |
5: |
6: for each node do |
7: |
8: end for |
9: end if |
10: end for |
Algorithm 4 Del_nodes |
Input: |
Output: |
1: for each node do |
2: for each node do |
3: |
4: end for |
5: end for |
Algorithm 5 Add_edges |
Input: |
Output: |
1: for each edge do |
2: |
3: ifthen |
4: |
5: |
6: end if |
7: end for |
Algorithm 6 Del_edges |
Input: |
Output: |
1: for each edge do |
2: |
3: ifthen |
4: |
5: end if |
6: end for |
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Symbol | Definition |
n | number of nodes |
s | number of time slices |
mixing parameter | |
k | average degree of each time slice |
max degree of each time slice | |
minimum of community sizes for each time slice | |
maximum of community sizes for each time slice | |
p | probability of one node switching community membership between time slices |
number of community births for each time slice | |
number of community deaths for each time slice | |
number of community expansions for each time slice | |
number of contractions for each time slice | |
number of community mergers for each time slice | |
number of community splits for each time slice |
Dataset | S | ||||
HSD11 | 123 | 1271 | 20 | 0.51 | 7 |
HSD12 | 175 | 1629 | 18 | 0.43 | 8 |
PS | 239 | 6146 | 50.8 | 0.52 | 9 |
CW | 88 | 537 | 11.4 | 0.38 | 8 |
CC | 107,180 | 376,567 | 4.3 | 0.49 | 17 |
NCC | 107,166 | 376,543 | 4.3 | 0.49 | 17 |
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Sun, Z.; Sheng, J.; Wang, B.; Ullah, A.; Khawaja, F. Identifying Communities in Dynamic Networks Using Information Dynamics. Entropy 2020, 22, 425.
Sun Z, Sheng J, Wang B, Ullah A, Khawaja F. Identifying Communities in Dynamic Networks Using Information Dynamics. Entropy. 2020; 22(4):425.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSun, Zejun, Jinfang Sheng, Bin Wang, Aman Ullah, and FaizaRiaz Khawaja. 2020. "Identifying Communities in Dynamic Networks Using Information Dynamics" Entropy 22, no. 4: 425.
APA StyleSun, Z., Sheng, J., Wang, B., Ullah, A., & Khawaja, F. (2020). Identifying Communities in Dynamic Networks Using Information Dynamics. Entropy, 22(4), 425.