Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Deep Generative Models
2.1. Generative Adversarial Networks
2.2. Image-To-Image Translation
2.3. Definitions
- Attribute: a meaningful feature, such as hair color, gender, size or age.
- Domain: a set of images sharing similar attributes.
- Unimodal image-to-image translation: a task in which the goal is to learn a one-to-one mapping. Given an input image in the source domain, the model learns to produce a deterministic output.
- Multimodal image-to-image translation: aims to learn a one-to-many mapping between the source domain and the target domain with the goal of enabling the model to generate many diverse outputs.
- Domain-independent features: those pertaining to the underlying spatial structure, known as the content code.
- Domain-specific features: those pertaining to the rendering of the structure, known as the style code.
- Image generation: a process of directly generating an image from a random noise vector.
- Image translation: a process of generating an image from an existing image and modifying it to have specific attributes.
- Paired image-to-image translation: source images X and the corresponding images Y are provided as a training set of aligned image pairs, as shown in Figure 2a,c.
- Unpaired image-to-image translation: a source image X and a corresponding image Y are from two different domains, as shown in Figure 2b,d.
2.4. Motivation and Contribution
- This review article provides a comprehensive review including general generative adversarial network algorithms, objective function, and structure.
- Image-to-image translation approaches are classified into supervised and unsupervised types with in-depth explanations.
- This review article also summarizes the benchmark datasets, evaluation metric, and image-to-image translation applications.
- Limitations, open challenges, and directions for future research are among the topics discussed, illustrated, and investigated in depth.
3. Generative Adversarial Networks’ Algorithms
3.1. Fully Connected GAN
3.2. Conditional GAN
3.3. Information GAN
3.4. BigGAN
4. GAN Objective Functions
5. GAN Structure
6. Image-to-Image Translation Techniques
6.1. Supervised Translation
6.1.1. Directional Supervision
6.1.2. Bidirectional Supervision
6.2. Unsupervised Translation
6.2.1. Unsupervised Translation with Cycle Consistency
6.2.2. Unsupervised Translation with Autoencoder-Based Models
6.2.3. Unsupervised Translation with the Disentangled Representation
7. Image-to-Image Translation Applications
7.1. Datasets
7.2. Evaluation Metrics
- The inception score (IS) [104] is an automated metric for evaluating the visual quality of generated images by computing the KL divergence between the conditional class distribution and the marginal class distribution via inception networks. IS aims to measure the image quality and diversity. However, the IS metric has two limitations: (1) a high sensitivity to small changes and (2) a large variance of scores [105].
- The Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) is used to measure the realism and faithfulness of the translated images that are based on human perception. Workers (“turkers”) are given an input image and translated images and are instructed to choose or score the best image based on quality and perceptual realism. The number of validated turkers varies by experiment.
- The Frechet inception distance (FID) is used to construct the FID score [106] that is used to evaluate the quality of the generated images and measure the similarity between two different datasets [80]. It is used to measure the distance between the generated images’ distribution and the real image distribution by computing the Frechet inception distance using the inception network. FID very accurately captures the distribution and it is considered to be more consistent than IS with noise level. Lower FID values indicate better quality of the generated images’ sample [107].
- The kernel inception distance (KID) [108] is an improved measure of GAN convergence that has a simple unbiased estimator with no unnecessary assumptions regarding the form of the activations’ distribution. KID involves a computation of the squared maximum mean discrepancy between representations of reference and generated distributions [87]. A lower KID score signifies better visual quality of generated images
- The learned perceptual image patch similarity (LPIPS) distance [109] measures the image translation diversity by computing the average feature distance between the generated images. LPIPS is defined as a weighed L2 distance between deep features of two images. A higher LPIPS value indicates greater diversity among the generated images.
- Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) [110] can be used to compute the FCN-score that uses the FCN model as a performance metric in order to evaluate the image quality by segmenting the generated image and comparing it with the ground truth label using a well-trained segmentation FCN model. A smaller value of the FCN-score between the generated image and ground truth means better performance. The FCN-score is calculated based on three parts: per-pixel accuracy, per-class accuracy, and class intersection-over-union (IOU).
7.3. Practical Applications
7.3.1. Super-Resolution
7.3.2. Style Transfer
7.3.3. Object Transfiguration
7.3.4. Medical Imaging
8. Discussion and Directions for Future Research
8.1. Open Challenges
- Mode Collapse
- Lack of evaluation metrics
- Lack of diversity
8.2. Directions of Future Research
9. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
GAN Model | Full Name | Publication Year | Authors |
GAN | Generative Adversarial Network | 2014 | Goodfellow et al. [32] |
CGAN | Conditional GAN | 2014 | Mirza, M. & Osindero, S. [53] |
LAPGAN | Laplacian Pyramid GAN | 2015 | Denton et al. [74] |
DCGAN | Deep convolutional GAN | 2016 | Radford et al. [71] |
InfoGAN | Information-Maximizing GAN | 2016 | Chen et al. [54] |
CoGAN | Coupled GAN | 2016 | Liu et al. [89] |
VAE-GAN | Variational encoder-decoder GAN | 2016 | Larsen et al. [75] |
WGAN | Wasserstein GAN | 2017 | Arjovsky et al. [62] |
WGAN-PG | Wasserstein GAN with a Gradient Penalty | 2017 | Gulrajani et al. [69] |
BEGAN | Boundary Equilibrium GAN | 2017 | Berthelot et al. [67] |
EBGAN | Energy-Based GAN | 2017 | Zhao et al. [66] |
MAGAN | Margin Adaption GAN | 2017 | Wang et al. [68] |
CycleGAN | Cycle-Consistent GAN | 2017 | Zhu et al. [41] |
MMDGAN | Maximum Mean Discrepancy GAN | 2017 | Li et al. [65] |
DiscoGAN | Discover Cross-Domain GAN | 2017 | Kim et al. [83] |
LSGAN | Least-Squares GAN | 2017 | Mao et al. [59] |
ACGAN | Auxiliary Classifier GAN | 2017 | Odena et al. [126] |
Pix2Pix | Pixel-to-Pixel | 2017 | Isola et al. [76] |
DualGAN | Dual Learning GAN | 2017 | Yi et al. [84] |
UNIT | Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation | 2017 | Lui et al. [88] |
SRGAN | Super-Resolution GAN | 2017 | Leding et al. [115] |
PROGAN | Progressive Growing GAN | 2018 | Karras et al. [73] |
Pix2PixHD | Pixel-to-Pixel High-Resolution | 2018 | Wang et al. [77] |
MUNIT | Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation | 2018 | Huang et al. [42] |
DRIT | Diverse Image-to-Image Translation | 2018 | Lee at al. [79] |
UFDN | Unified Feature Disentangler | 2018 | Liu et al. [92] |
AguGAN | Augmented Cycle GAN | 2018 | Almahairi et al. [82] |
BigGAN | Large-Scale (Big) GAN | 2019 | Brock et al. [58] |
SAGAN | Self-Attention GAN | 2019 | Zhang et al. [72] |
CEGAN | Consistent Embedded GAN | 2019 | Xiong et al. [80] |
MSGAN | Mode Seek GAN | 2019 | Mao et al. [107] |
QGAN | Quality-Aware GAN | 2019 | Chen et al. [86] |
DRIT++ | Diverse Image-to-Image Translation | 2019 | Lee et al. [95] |
AsyGAN | Asymmetric GAN | 2019 | Li et al. [85] |
RelGAN | Relative Attributes GAN | 2019 | Wu et al. [96] |
Gated-GAN | Adversarial Gated Network | 2019 | Chen et al. [116] |
DOSGAN | Domain-Supervised GAN | 2019 | Lin et al. [93] |
SPA-GAN | Spatial Attention GAN | 2020 | Emami et al. [87] |
GMM-UNIT | Gaussian Mixture Modeling UNIT | 2020 | Liu et al. [90] |
GANILLA | GAN for Image-to-Illustration Translation | 2020 | Hicsonmez et al. [117] |
XGAN | Cross GAN | 2020 | Royer et al. [43] |
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Notation | Explanation |
Real Sample | |
Fake sample | |
(z) | Random noise vector |
p(x|y) | Conditional probability |
P(x,y) | Joint probability |
Generator Network | |
Discriminator Network | |
(y) | Discriminator output |
Discriminator loss | |
Generator loss |
Subject | Details | Reference |
Objective function | f-divergence | GAN [32], LSGAN [59], f-GAN [60] |
Integral Probability Metric (IMP) | Fisher GAN [61], WGAN [62], McGAN [63], GMMN [64],MMGAN [65] | |
Autoencoder | Energy function | EBGAN [66], BEGAN [67], MAGAN [68] |
Model | Generator Loss | Discriminator Loss |
GAN [32] | ||
LSGAN [59] | ||
WGAN [62] | ||
EBGAN [66] | ||
BEGAN [67] | ||
MAGAN [68] |
Dataset | Source | Year | Total | Classes | Application | Citations |
CelebA(CelebFaces) | [94] | 2015 | 202,599 | 10177 | Facial attributes | [44,79,82,83,85,88,89,90,91,93,95,96] |
RaFD | [97] | 2010 | 8040 | 67 | Facial expressions | [35,44,70] |
CMP Facades | [98] | 2013 | 606 | 12 | Façade images | [35,76,80,85,91,99] |
Facescrub | [100] | 2014 | 106,863 | 153 | Faces | [87,93] |
Cityscapes | [101] | 2016 | 70,000 | 30 | Semantic | [41,76,77,80,85,87,88,91,95,99] |
Helen Face | [102] | 2012 | 2330 | - | Face Parsing | [77,85] |
CartoonSet | [43] | 2018 | 10,000 | - | Cartoon Faces | [43] |
ImageNet | [103] | 2009 | 3.2 m | 12 subtrees | Diverse | [76,87] |
Method | Unpaired Images | Multi-Domain Translation | Multi-Modal Translation | Unified Structure | Bidirectional Translation | Shared Representation | Feature Disentanglement |
Pix2Pix [76] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
BicycleGAN [78] | - | - | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | - |
StarGAN [44] | ✓ | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - |
CycleGAN [41] | ✓ | - | - | - | ✓ | - | - |
UNIT [88] | ✓ | - | - | - | ✓ | ✓ | - |
GMM-UNIT [90] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | - | ✓ |
MUNIT [42] | ✓ | - | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
DIRT [79] | ✓ | - | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
DIRT++ [95] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
UFDN [92] | ✓ | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
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Alotaibi, A. Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation: A Review. Symmetry 2020, 12, 1705.
Alotaibi A. Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation: A Review. Symmetry. 2020; 12(10):1705.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlotaibi, Aziz. 2020. "Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation: A Review" Symmetry 12, no. 10: 1705.
APA StyleAlotaibi, A. (2020). Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation: A Review. Symmetry, 12(10), 1705.