Pathogens and Disease, Feb 1, 2015
Chlamydia psittaci and C. gallinacea are obligate intracellular bacteria infecting poultry. We co... more Chlamydia psittaci and C. gallinacea are obligate intracellular bacteria infecting poultry. We conducted a survey in two poultry slaughterhouses that were processing either exclusively ducks (A) or various poultry species except ducks (B). Cloacal swabs were collected from all incoming poultry flocks in the course of a week, and blood samples and pharyngeal swabs were taken from workers. Swabs were examined using PCR and sera were analyzed with two immunoassays. PCR testing revealed the presence of C. psittaci in 9/38 duck flocks and the complete absence of C. gallinacea in these flocks (slaughterhouse A), whereas 16/33 Chlamydiaceae-positive poultry flocks handled in slaughterhouse B harbored C. gallinacea only. In an episode of psittacosis in slaughterhouse A, where one PCR-positive worker presented clinical signs, seroconversions were detected in 10 workers. In contrast, serological responses of slaughterhouse B workers to C. psittaci were generally low. This is in line with the almost complete absence of C. psittaci in handled flocks, where in additional sampling campaigns the agent was detected only once in the course of a year. Our study indicates that C. psittaci has a certain preference for ducks, whereas C. gallinacea was the predominant chlamydial agent in chickens and guinea fowl flocks.
Actes des 11èmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Tours, France, les 25 et 26 mars 2015, 2015
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 2006
Lung Cancer, 2004
As the incidence of primary lung cancer in women seems to be increasing in parallel with that of ... more As the incidence of primary lung cancer in women seems to be increasing in parallel with that of smoking, we conducted an exhaustive epidemiological study in 137 hospitals in 2000. We identified 904 women with proven primary lung cancer (mean age 63.9 years), many of whom have never smoked (32.3%), particularly in cases of adenocarcinoma (43.4%). Small cell cancer accounted for 16.1% of cases. Adenocarcinomas were the most frequent (45.3%) of the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), followed by squamous cell (23.4%), large cell (11.6%) and bronchoalveolar (1.9%) carcinomas. About one third (32.2%) of NSCLC were stage III and 48.1% were stage IV. Over half of all adenocarcinomas were stage IV. According to multivariate analysis, adenocarcinoma is related to less smoking and younger age. In conclusion, many women affected by lung cancer have never smoked. Adenocarcinoma appears to be the most frequent form and more often at a metastatic stage.
Lung Cancer, 2015
To evaluate the impact of epidemiological changes observed in 10 years in men with NSCLC on 1-yea... more To evaluate the impact of epidemiological changes observed in 10 years in men with NSCLC on 1-year mortality; to compare prognosis factors of 1-year mortality according to gender. The French College of General Hospital Respiratory Physicians conducted two prospective epidemiological multicentre studies at a 10-year interval (KBP-2000-CPHG and KBP-2010-CPHG). These studies included all adult patients with primary lung cancer histologically or cytologically diagnosed between 1(st) January and 31(st) December for the years 2000 and 2010, managed in the pneumology department of the participating hospitals. A standardised form was completed for each patient. A steering committee checked recruitment exhaustiveness. Vital status 1 year after diagnosis was collected. In 2000 and 2010 respectively, 137 and 104 centres included 3921 and 4597 men and 748 and 1486 women with NSCLC. In 2010 compared to 2000, male patients were older but had better performance status (PS); they were less frequently ever-smokers and heavy smokers; their cancer (usually diagnosed at advanced stage) was more often adenocarcinoma (p<0.0001). In 10 years, 1-year mortality has significantly decreased in men (from 61.2% to 56.6%, p<0.0001) and in women (from 58.1% to 50.9%, p<0.0001), but remained higher in men than in women leading to increased difference between men and women. Decreased 1-year mortality remained statistically significant after adjustment on age, PS, smoking, and histology (men: OR=0.81, 95% CI=0.73-0.90, p<0.0001; women: 0.71, 0.57-0.88, p<0.002). Active smoking was not a prognosis factor in men (OR=1.04, CI=0.79-1.37, p=0.78); age (>75 years) had less impact on mortality in men than in women (men: OR=1.43, CI=1.22-1.67, p≤0.0001; women: OR=2.32, CI=1.71-3.15; p<0.0001). The improved 1-year survival in 2010 as compared with 2000 was independent of age, smoking, PS, and histology, suggesting that it reflected new treatment and strategy efficacy. One-year mortality remains higher in men than in women.
Oral Sessions/Etiology and Epidemiology Gendei; Genome and Tobacco s27 Agency for Research on Can... more Oral Sessions/Etiology and Epidemiology Gendei; Genome and Tobacco s27 Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) maintained one of the largest TP53 database in the world. We analyzed the R7 version of IARC TP53 mutation database (updated in September 2002) from which 1775 lung cancer cases were used for analysis. Smoke exposure data were available for 705 cases. We
Pathogens and Disease, 2015
Chlamydia psittaci and C. gallinacea are obligate intracellular bacteria infecting poultry. We co... more Chlamydia psittaci and C. gallinacea are obligate intracellular bacteria infecting poultry. We conducted a survey in two poultry slaughterhouses that were processing either exclusively ducks (A) or various poultry species except ducks (B). Cloacal swabs were collected from all incoming poultry flocks in the course of a week, and blood samples and pharyngeal swabs were taken from workers. Swabs were examined using PCR and sera were analyzed with two immunoassays. PCR testing revealed the presence of C. psittaci in 9/38 duck flocks and the complete absence of C. gallinacea in these flocks (slaughterhouse A), whereas 16/33 Chlamydiaceae-positive poultry flocks handled in slaughterhouse B harbored C. gallinacea only. In an episode of psittacosis in slaughterhouse A, where one PCR-positive worker presented clinical signs, seroconversions were detected in 10 workers. In contrast, serological responses of slaughterhouse B workers to C. psittaci were generally low. This is in line with the almost complete absence of C. psittaci in handled flocks, where in additional sampling campaigns the agent was detected only once in the course of a year. Our study indicates that C. psittaci has a certain preference for ducks, whereas C. gallinacea was the predominant chlamydial agent in chickens and guinea fowl flocks.
Resume Ce cas clinique decrit la survenue d’une pneumonie chimique secondaire a l’inhalation des ... more Resume Ce cas clinique decrit la survenue d’une pneumonie chimique secondaire a l’inhalation des gaz d’airbag suite a un accident de voiture a haute cinetique avec rupture des airbags, chez un jeune homme sans antecedent notable. Cette pneumonie s’est traduite cliniquement par une oxygenodependance de courte duree et deux episodes d’hemoptysie et radiologiquement par des opacites alveolo-interstitielles diffuses. Ce diagnostic est rare et interessant a connaitre et a evoquer lors d’accidents similaires, surtout lorsque de telles images radiologiques ne trouvent pas d’autre explication diagnostique.
Mythologie Française, 2017
Article paru dans Mythologie Française, n° 266 (1er trimestre 2017) p. 17 à 28. Corrigé, résumé e... more Article paru dans Mythologie Française, n° 266 (1er trimestre 2017) p. 17 à 28. Corrigé, résumé et mots-clés Géodésie sacrée de la France Saint Michel gardien et guide des itinéraires sacrés antiques entre Mont-Cenis et mont Saint-Michel. Jacques Berruchon. Résumé L'archange saint Michel aurait tracé un itinéraire sacré entre le Gargano et le mont Tombe, futur mont Saint-Michel. Cet axe d'azimut 300° relie trois monts qui lui sont consacrés : Gargano, Sacra de San Michele et mont Tombe. Dès le passage au Mont-Cenis, il s'organise une répartition géométrique des grands sanctuaires selon des directions particulières. Ils sont associés entre eux par une géodésie de création plus ancienne : Puy de Dôme, Saint-Michelen-L'Herm, Reims, Montlhéry. Le trajet Mont-Cenismont Tombe a intéressé les rois et les tribus gauloises. Il est balisé par les mésaventures de taureaux qui sont aussi géomètres. Les Mediolanums sont associés aux tracés. Il s'agit d'un axe primordial pour comprendre les origines de la géographie sacrée d'une grande partie de la France.
Mythologie Française, 2018
The campaigns of Joan of Arc have been prepared by Merline's prophecies. She has followed old sac... more The campaigns of Joan of Arc have been prepared by Merline's prophecies. She has followed old sacred iteneraries.acting like a Great Goddess saving the God of Thunder (Charles the seventh) . An ontological legend about the french kingdom has been rebuilt associating popular memories of the great goddess and a genuine fidelity to a very ancient scheme of sacred geography.A very successful exercise of political and religious communication indeed..
Revue Des Maladies Respiratoires, 2006
Mythologie Francaise, 2012
Hagiographies of a little number of britton saints follow antique lines, diagonals of a 36 apices... more Hagiographies of a little number of britton saints follow antique lines, diagonals of a 36 apices polygon. Saint Hervé, Saint Méen, Saint Pol of Leon follow specific oriented routes symbolic of their holy activities. It enables us to draw a quadrilater with the trips of four of them, forerunners of the Tro Breiz.
Mythologie française, 2012
Starting from the article: "Elements de géographie sacrée de la Bretagne" also on Academia, we gi... more Starting from the article: "Elements de géographie sacrée de la Bretagne" also on Academia, we give some applications of sacred geodesy, mainly paths of saints supporting their exploits. The Tro Breiz is probably a remnant of former circumambulations.It has been published in Academaia under the form of a draft with the title:"Art 2 GSB fig N et B def"
Mythologie française, 2011
Starting from alignments of places dedicated to St Michaël and relating them to summits known to ... more Starting from alignments of places dedicated to St Michaël and relating them to summits known to have been sacred for the Ancients we find that these places are linked in a precise geometric network including also megaliths, The network has precisely the form of a 36 apices regular polygon with a center at the Butte St Michaël. Neolithics have probably conceved the first lines with complements added in the Middle Ages by monks..
La Lettre d'Ïle-de-France journal of the Groupe d'Île-de-France de Mythologie Française, 2017
The basilica of Saint-Denis (near Paris) is linked by straight pathways to remarkable hillocks, m... more The basilica of Saint-Denis (near Paris) is linked by straight pathways to remarkable hillocks, mainly Montlhéry, and to great abbeys (Chelles). Saint Denis as a cephalophore moved the cult of Mercury from Montmartre to his burial place, holding his head in his hands.Suger wanted to make the basilica the place of coronation of the french kings.Saint Denis is anchored in the landscape of Île de France. according to a precise network founded o,n a 36 apices polygon.
Mythologie française, 2011
Saint Louis , king of France in the 13th century had a castle in Vincennes near Paris. The dungeo... more Saint Louis , king of France in the 13th century had a castle in Vincennes near Paris. The dungeon was centered by a pillar reminiscent of a legendary oak which stood nearby. The king served justice for everyone at the foot of that tree. The pillar is symbolic of an axis mundi. We give examples of similar architectural features representing a two-way link between heaven and earth.
Eléments de géographie sacrée de la Bretagne : suite.
Teaching Documents by JACQUES BERRUCHON
In Ile-de-France (the region south of Paris), the giant Gargantua throws stones and heavy rocks i... more In Ile-de-France (the region south of Paris), the giant Gargantua throws stones and heavy rocks i.e.megaliths (menhir and dolmens). Examining the routes from megalith to megalith we observe that they often follow an azimut multiple of 10° and that they cross at sacred places known for ancient cults, belonging to a regular pattern derived from a thirty-six sided polygon centered by the puy de Dôme. Secondary centers appear: Montlhery, Montjavoult. These megaliths are not erected at random , but according to a sacred geometry similar to that of Woodhenge and easily realized without instruments.
Teaching Documents by JACQUES BERRUCHON