Drexel University
English and Philosophy
This study focuses on the imagery of youth and old age in the plays of Euripides, especially the Suppliant Women, considering frequently used words in each play according to a formula developed by Guiraud. The study identifies a motif,... more
In this paper we explore the perception of Borges’ The Garden of the Forking Paths by American, Hungarian and Italian university students, with the aim of seeing: affective reaction, appreciation of text properties, meaning assignment,... more
The scene: A sunny Sunday afternoon in Copenhagen in late Ja n u a ry of 1850. Four men, deeply immersed in conversation, are strolling through Fre d e r i k s b e r g Pa rk. They are well known to each other, two of them, Johannes... more
- by Stacey Ake
Ethics education is currently of major concern in higher education and in engineering in particular. There are many reasons for this, such as the seeming increase of cheating and plagiarism among students. Simultaneously, the level of... more
- by Stacey Ake
One of the most significant developments in the latter part of the 20th century and the first part of this new millennium has been the triumph of short-term over long-term thinking. We are increasingly a culture that looks neither to the... more