D i g i t a l M a r k e t i n g account takes very limited time and the far reach of these servic... more D i g i t a l M a r k e t i n g account takes very limited time and the far reach of these services translates to free promotion for your business. 5. Email Marketing: In recent times, bulk emailing isn't a very favored promotional concept. However, if done well, and with good intentions, email marketing could be a powerful tool in your Company's online promotional arsenal. Personalized emails speak directly to the target audience, helps you get an immediate response and can aid in the opening of a line of communication with your prospective customer base. It's free and fast promotion-with an impactful feedback. 6. A Dedicated Digital Marketing Expert: If you aren't sure about pulling off a good promotional job individually, maybe it's a good idea to hire an innovative, enthusiastic Digital Marketing Consultant to handle your Company's online promotional strategy. This action will allow you to be on top of your promotional ideas while employing a professional to implement concepts that drive towards your expected results. Technology behind Digital Marketing: Developments in technology and the evolution of marketing are inextricably intertwined. Technology has underpinned major milestones in the history of marketing since its inception. The process tends to go something like this: ▪ New technology emerges and is initially the preserve of technologists and early adopters. ▪ The technology gains a firmer foothold in the market and starts to become more popular, putting it on the marketing radar. ▪ Innovative marketers jump in to explore ways they can harness the power of this emerging technology to connect with their target audience. ▪ The technology migrates to the mainstream and is adopted into standard marketing practice. The printing press, radio, television and now the internet are all examples of major breakthroughs in technology that ultimately altered the relationships between marketers and consumers for ever, and did so on a global scale. But, of course, marketing isn't about technology; it's about people: technology is only interesting, from a marketing perspective, when it connects people with other people more effectively. There are plenty of examples of technology through the ages having a significant impact on various marketstechnology that may seem obscure, even irrelevant today. The mainstream adoption of digital technologythe internet, the software applications that run on it, and the devices that allow people to connect both to the network and to each other whenever, wherever and however they want topromises to dwarf all that has come before it. The first global communications network: 'the highway of thought' To understand the explosive growth of the internet we need to look back at how early communications technology evolved into the global network of interconnected computers that 8 | P a g e D i g i t a l M a r k e t i n g today we call the internet. The story of electronic communication begins with the wired telegrapha network that grew explosively to cover the globe, connected people across vast distances in a way that seemed almost magical, and changed the world for ever. Early Networks: The internet story really starts in 1957, with the USSR's launch of the Sputnik satellite. It signalled that the United States was falling behind the Soviet Union in the technology stakes, prompting the US government to invest heavily in science and technology. In 1958, the US Department of Defense set up the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a specialist agency established with a specific remit: to make sure the United States stayed ahead of its Cold War nemesis in the accelerating technology race. You've got mail E-mail, which is still often described as the internet's 'killer application', began life in the early 1960s as a facility that allowed users of mainframe computers to send simple text-based messages to another user's mailbox on the same computer. But it wasn't until the advent of ARPANET that anyone considered sending electronic mail from one user to another across a network. In 1971 Ray Tomlinson, an engineer working on ARPANET, wrote the first program capable of sending mail from a user on one host computer to another user's mailbox on another host computer. As an identifier to distinguish network mail from local mail Tomlinson decided to append the host name of the user's computer to the user login name. To separate the two names he chose the @ symbol. E-mail, one of the Internet's most widely used applications, and one of the most critical for internet marketers, began life as a programmer's afterthought. The ARPANET was a solution looking for a problem. From ARPANET to Internet : The term 'internet' was first used in 1974 by US computer scientist Vinton Cerf (commonly referred to as the 'father of the internet', and now a senior executive and internet evangelist with Google). Cerf was working with Robert Khan at DARPA on a way to standardize the way different host computers communicated both across the growing ARPANET and between the ARPANET and other emerging computer networks. The Transmission Control Program (TCP) network protocol they defined evolved to become the Transmission Control Program/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite that's still used to pass packets of information backwards and forwards across the internet to this day. In 1983 the ARPANET started using the TCP/IP protocola move that many consider to signal the true 'birth' of the internet as we know it. That year, too, the system of domain names (.com, .net, etc) was invented. By 1984 the number of 'nodes' on the still fledgling network passed 1,000 and began climbing rapidly. By 1989 there were more than 100,000 hosts connected to the internet, and the growth continued. Making Connections-'birth of the Web' It was in 1989 that Tim Berners-Lee, a British developer working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, proposed a system of information cross-referencing, access and retrieval across the rapidly growing internet based on 'hypertext' links. The concept of a hypertext information architecture was nothing new, and was already being used in individual programs running on individual computers around the world. The idea of linking documents stored on different computers across the rapidly growing internet, though, was
To provide an in depth study of the Cost Accounting Principles and Techniques for identification,... more To provide an in depth study of the Cost Accounting Principles and Techniques for identification, analysis and classification of cost components to facilitate managerial decision making. Learning aims The syllabus aims to test the student's ability to: Understand and explain the conceptual framework of Cost Accounting Explain the basic concepts and processes in determination of cost of products and services Understand the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) Apply marginal costing in decision making Apply the concept of Standard Costing for variance analysis Skill set required Level B: Requiring the skill levels of knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis. COST ACCOUNTING-INTRODUCTION TO COST ACCOUNTING [40 MARKS] 1. (vi) To control cost several legislations passed throughout the world and India too such as Essential Commodities Act, Industrial Development and Regulation Act...etc Due to the above factors, the Cost Accounting has emerged as a speacialised discipline from the initial years of 20th century i.e after World War I and II. In India, prior to independence, there were a few Cost Accountants, and they were qualified mainly from I.C.M.A. (now CIMA) London. During the Second World War, the need for developing the profession in the country was felt, and the leadership of forming an Indian Institute was taken by some This Study Note includes 1.1 Definition, Scope, objectives and significance of Cost Accounting, its Relationship with Financial Accounting and Management Accounting 1.2 Cost Objects, Cost Centres and Cost Units-Elements of Cost 1.3 Classification of Costs Introduction to Cost Accounting 2 COST ACCOUNTING members of Defence Services employed at Kolkata. However, with the enactment of the Cost and Works Accountants of India Act, 1959, the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (Now called as The Institute of Cost Accountants of India) was established at Kolkata. The profession assumed further importance in 1968 when the Government of India introduced Cost Audit under section 233(B) of the Companies Act, 1956. At present it is under Section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013. Many times we use Cost Accounting, Costing and Cost Accountancy interchangeably. But there are differences among these terms. As a professional, though we use interchangeably we must know the meaning of each term precisely. Cost Accounting : Cost Accounting may be defined as "Accounting for costs classification and analysis of expenditure as will enable the total cost of any particular unit of production to be ascertained with reasonable degree of accuracy and at the same time to disclose exactly how such total cost is constituted". Thus Cost Accounting is classifying, recording an appropriate allocation of expenditure for the determination of the costs of products or services, and for the presentation of suitably arranged data for the purpose of control and guidance of management. Cost Accounting can be explained as follows :-Cost Accounting is the process of accounting for cost which begins with recording of income and expenditure and ends with the preparation of statistical data. It is the formal mechanism by means of which cost of products or services are ascertained and controlled. Cost Accounting provides analysis and classification of expenditure as will enable the total cost of any particular unit of product / service to be ascertained with reasonable degree of accuracy and at the same time to disclose exactly how such total cost is constituted. For example it is not sufficient to know that the cost of one pen is ` 25/-but the management is also interested to know the cost of material used, the amount of labour and other expenses incurred so as to control and reduce its cost. It establishes budgets and standard costs and actual cost of operations, processes, departments or products and the analysis of variances, profitability and social use of funds. Thus Cost Accounting is a quantitative method that collects, classifies, summarises and interprets information for product costing, operation planning and control and decision making. Costing : Costing is defined as the technique and process of ascertaining costs. The technique in costing consists of the body of principles and rules for ascertaining the costs of products and services. The technique is dynamic and changes with the change of time. The process of costing is the day to day routine of ascertaining costs. It is popularly known as an arithmetic process. For example If the cost of producing a product say ` 200/-, then we have to refer material, labour and expenses accounting and arrive the above cost as follows: Material`100 Labour`40 Expenses`60 Total`200 Finding out the breakup of the total cost from the recorded data is a daily process. That is why it is called arithmetic process/daily routine. In this process we are classifying the recorded costs and summarizing at each element and total is called technique. Cost Accountancy: Cost Accountancy is defined as 'the application of Costing and Cost Accounting principles, methods and techniques to the science, art and practice of cost control and the ascertainment of profitability'. It includes the presentation of information derived there from for the purposes of managerial decision making. Thus, Cost Accountancy is the science, art and practice of a Cost Accountant. Scope of Cost Accountancy The scope of Cost Accountancy is very wide and includes the following:-(a) Cost Ascertainment: The main objective of Cost Accounting is to find out the Cost of product / services rendered with reasonable degree of accuracy. (b) Cost Accounting: It is the process of Accounting for Cost which begins with recording of expenditure and ends with preparation of statistical data. (c) Cost Control: It is the process of regulating the action so as to keep the element of cost within the set parameters. (d) Cost Reports: This is the ultimate function of Cost Accounting. These reports are primarily prepared for use by the management at different levels. Cost reports helps in planning and control, performance appraisal and managerial decision making. (e) Cost Audit: Cost Audit is the verification of correctness of Cost Accounts and check on the adherence to the Cost Accounting plan. Its purpose is not only to ensure the arithmetic accuracy of cost records but also to see the principles and rules have been applied correctly. To appreciate fully the objectives and scope of Cost Accounting, it would be useful to examine the position of Cost Accounting in the broader field of general accounting and other sciences. i.e Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Engineering and Service Industry. Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting: Financial Accounting is primarily concerned with the preparation of financial statements, which summarise the results of operations for selected period of time and show the financial position of the company at particular dates. In other words Financial Accounting reports on the resources available (Balance Sheet) and what has been accomplished with these resources (Profit and Loss Account). Financial Accounting is mainly concerned with requirements of creditors, shareholders, government, prospective investors and persons outside the management. Financial Accounting is mostly concerned with external reporting. Cost Accounting, as the name implies, is primarily concerned with determination of cost of something, which may be a product, service, a process or an operation according to costing objective of (v) With the application of Standard Costing and Budgetary Control methods, the optimum level of efficiency is set. (vi) Cost comparison helps in cost control. Comparison may be period to period, of the figures in respect of the same unit or factory or of several units in an industry by employing Uniform Costs and Inter-Firm Comparison methods. Comparison may be made in respect of cost of jobs, process or cost centres. Prime Cost The aggregate of Direct Material, Direct Labour and Direct Expenses. Generally it constitutes 50% to 80% of the total cost of the product, as such, as it is primary to the cost of the product and called Prime Cost. Cost Object Cost object is the technical name for a product or a service, a project, a department or any activity to which a cost relates. Therefore the term cost should always be linked with a cost object to be more meaningful. Establishing a relevant cost object is very crucial for a sound costing system. The Cost object could be defined broadly or narrowly. At a broader level a cost object may be named as a Cost Centre, where as at a lowermost level it may be called as a Cost Unit. Cost Centre CIMA defines a cost centre as "a location, a person, or an item of equipment (or a group of them) in or connected with an undertaking, in relation to which costs ascertained and used for the purpose of cost control". The determination of suitable cost centres as well as analysis of cost under cost centres is very helpful for periodical comparison and control of cost. In order to obtain the cost of product or service, expenses should be suitably segregated to cost centre. The manager of a cost centre is held responsible for control of cost of his cost centre. The selection of suitable cost centres or cost units for which costs are to be ascertained in an undertaking depends upon a number of factors such as organization of a factory, condition of incidence of cost, availability of information, requirements of costing and management policy regarding selecting a method from various choices. Cost centre may be production cost centres operating cost centres or process cost centres depending upon the situation and classification. Cost centres are of two types-Personal and Impersonal Cost Centre. A personal cost centre consists of person or group of persons. An impersonal cost centre consists of a location or item of equipment or group of equipments. In a manufacturing...
In today's business world accounting is considered as 'the universal language of all business', b... more In today's business world accounting is considered as 'the universal language of all business', because it is the medium for reporting financial information about a business entity to users, such as shareholders, banks and managers. A proper accounting system is essential to any business, whether big or small, in order to manage its daily functions and run it successfully. The main obligation of any business is to maximize profits, minimize losses and at the same time maintain its position as a responsible entity within the society. So, in the current business world, everybody should have the knowledge of accounting discipline irrespective of the job one is doing. Due to the rapid advancement in business activities due to industrialization and globalization, the need for people having knowledge of accounts have increased manifold. It is impossible to survive in today's advanced business environment without adequate knowledge of basic accountancy. Especially all business students should have some background in accounting to understand, interpret and present the results of business. Keeping this objective in alignment, this study material is prepared to augment the basic as well as advanced understanding of students in the related aspects of Corporate and Management Accounting. The Study Material which is divided in two parts covers in the details the concepts of Corporate Accounting in Part-I and discusses Management Accounting and Valuation in detail under Part-II. Besides, as per the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982, students are expected to be conversant with the amendments to the law made up to six months preceding the date of examination. The legislative changes made upto June 30, 2019 have been incorporated in the study material. However, it may so happen that some developments might have taken place during the printing of the study material and its supply to the students. The students are therefore advised to refer e-bulletin and other publications for updation of the study material. In the event of any doubt, students may write to the Directorate of Professional Development, Perspective Planning and Studies of the Institute for clarification. Although due care has been taken in publishing this study material, the possibility of errors, omissions and /or discrepancies cannot be rules out. This publication is released with an understanding that the Institute shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions and/or discrepancies or any action taken in that behalf. Should there be any discrepancies, errors or omissions noted in the study material, the Institute shall be obliged, if the same is brought to its notice for issue of corrigendum in the e-Bulletin 'Student Company Secretary'. The Institute has decided that the examination for this paper under new syllabus from December 2019 session onwards to be held in Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) format. EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME CORPORATE AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Accounting helps organization in taking management decisions, formation of planning and control system. It also helps expert advice in financial reporting with formulation and implementation of organizational strategies. A proper accounting system is essential to any business, whether big or small, in order to manage its daily functions and run it successfully. The main obligation of any business is to maximize profits, minimize losses and at the same time maintain its position as a responsible entity within the society. So, in the current business world, everybody should have the knowledge of accounting discipline irrespective of the job one is doing. Due to the rapid advancement in business activities due to industrialization and globalization, the need for people having knowledge of accounting, especially, Corporate and Management Accounting have increased manifold in light of the rise in the magnitude of financial transactions and its complexities. Moreover, the business scene is now getting dominated by more of corporate sector than sole proprietorship form of business exposed to stringent regulatory framewok, which in turn, calls for more scientific approach towards the critical financial facets of the business. It is impossible to survive in today's advanced business environment without adequate knowledge of basic accountancy.
, we have gathered the information regarding the UGC-CARE Listed Journals using the URL: https://... more , we have gathered the information regarding the UGC-CARE Listed Journals using the URL: The UGC-CARE List has been categorized into two groups as UGC-CARE List Group I and UGC-CARE List Group II. The UGC-CARE List Group I list the journals that qualified through the UGC-CARE protocols. However, the UGC-CARE List Group II indexed the journals that existed under the globally recognized databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, etc. The following table consists of UGC-CARE Listed Journals, which existed in UGC-CARE List Group I and alphabetical ordering through journal name-wise. Alphabetically UGC-CARE List Journals S. n o.
International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2022
Mobile App based cab-booking platforms, like Ola and Uber offer cab services, by linking customer... more Mobile App based cab-booking platforms, like Ola and Uber offer cab services, by linking customers who need a ride with those cab drivers, who are willing to drive. This is achieved using big data and smart algorithms that match customer demand with supply. This report studies, issues related to dynamic pricing, and discusses how big data and dynamic pricing, benefits consumers and provides a tool to companies to provide better services and lower prices during normal demand.
International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2021
Oeconomia Copernicana, 2021
What consumer seeks, thinks, likes, prefer and buy is of great importance to the companies to kno... more What consumer seeks, thinks, likes, prefer and buy is of great importance to the companies to know and study the buying behavior. Every individual has his own taste and preferences which are influenced by many factors. Consumers are now using youtube, blogs, facebook reviews and ratings to seek recommendation, peer advice about products & services and also about the company. Social media is serving as a medium in journey of the consumer purchase decision. The trend of online marketing is increasing day by day all over the world as well as in India also. So these days business owners are developing a solid social networking strategies to market their brand on social net working sites. Social media marketing is the employment of social media technologies, channels, and software to create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for an organization's stake holder. Main purpose of this research paper to find out the challenges and opportunities for social media marketing in rural India and to find out necessary steps which are required to enhance online shopping.
International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2021
Social media usage is gaining pace at a very high rate. This report analyses the use of social me... more Social media usage is gaining pace at a very high rate. This report analyses the use of social media be used as a marketing tool and customer reach. I had done this project with a digital marketing firm in Delhi NCR. The main objective of the research was to understand from user perspective as to what channel or medium of communication do they prefer for brand awareness. The businesses can align their IMC strategy with the users' responses. This will help them to reach their target audience in the best possible way. This will in turn help to get not only ROI but also ROMI i.e. Return on marketing investment on each channel. The main objective of this study is to find out the effectiveness of digital marketing on integrated marketing communication and to know the preferred channel through which brand awareness is made.
The creators of any pandemonium are ultimately the sufferers of that pandemonium. Traffic congest... more The creators of any pandemonium are ultimately the sufferers of that pandemonium. Traffic congestion is one such problem that bothers those to the most who are responsible to create it. Daily commuters of any city are the major contributor to traffic congestion in one way or the other. The present study has been undertaken to understand the problem of traffic congestion from the perception of daily employee commuters of a higher education institute of Chandigarh, India who are contributors as well as sufferers of traffic congestion. The questionnaire method has been used to collect the data from every respondent of the target population to analyze the per capita vehicles, fuel consumed, the gas emitted, and mode of commutation used by the respondents. The various factors contributing to traffic congestion have also been analyzed using factor analysis. The main factors contributing to the congestion on traffic roads as suggested by respondents are irresponsible behavior of the society, increased number of vehicles and poor maintenance of roads.
India is one of the worst affected countries in term of the congested roads. The Existing traffic... more India is one of the worst affected countries in term of the congested roads. The Existing traffic conditions in India resulted into wastage of time of passenger, higher fuel consumption, loss of productivity, minimization of number of trips for the taxi drivers, higher repair and maintenance cost of transport vehicles, higher stress level among drivers, higher pollution and increased number of accidents. Therefore it is high time to think about the solutions at individual level or at organizational level rather than blaming the traffic management authorities only. An attempt is made to find out the viable solution for the traffic congestion at micro level in the form of Vehicle pooling. Design/Methodology/ Approach: The aim of the paper is to explore the perception of the daily commuters towards the solution of traffic congestion in Chandigarh-the City Beautiful. The data of 3430 respondents from one of the premier higher educational institute have been collected through survey method using self-constructed questionnaires. Cross tab and exploratory factor analysis have been applied to analyze the data. Findings: Traffic Control measures were given as Mandatory Vehicle Pooling, Odd-even System and Congestion pricing to the participants of the study. Car Pooling has come out as most preferred measure from the viewpoint of respondents. Moreover, more than half of employees and students have shown their personal interest in vehicle pooling due to its economic and social benefits. However, half of the respondents do not want to use vehicle pooling personally due to some other factors. Originality: It is an original and unique study which has conducted at the higher educational institute level. Large numbers of people commute daily through their personal vehicles to these Educational institutes which lead to heavy traffic congestion on the specific peak hours in the city. The study measures the perception of these daily commuters towards their preference towards Vehicle pooling as a sustainable green practice.
SUMEDHA Journal of Management, 2014
Consumer is the focus of all the marketing activities. Knowledge of his activities and behaviour ... more Consumer is the focus of all the marketing activities. Knowledge of his activities and behaviour is one of the most important aspects of the marketing. The consumers buy the goods to satisfy a number of needs and drives. Human wants are unlimited and varying time to time; from place to place and man to man. The study of consumer behaviour holds great interest for us as consumers, as students and scientists, and as marketers. Consumer Behaviour is a rapidly growing discipline of study. It includes the study of what they buy, why they buy it, how they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, and how often they buy it. The automobile industry today is the most lucrative industry. Due to the increase in disposable income in both rural and urban sector and easy finance being provided by all the financial institutes, the passenger car sales have been significantly increased. In this chapter an attempt has been made to Here we have made an attempt to know why consumers buy the durable products from a particular dealer and which type of dealers are preferred by the consumers. We have also made an attempt to know which method of payment is preferred by the consumers. Consumer can pay the price of durable products by cash or installment method.
Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 2014
Consumer behaviour doesn't remain the same or constant in every situation it changes time to time... more Consumer behaviour doesn't remain the same or constant in every situation it changes time to time. There are various factors which affects consumer behaviour. As the change comes in these factors, consumer behaviour also changes. The demographic factors which affect consumer behavior are: (1) age (2) sex (3) marital status (4) income (5) family background (6) education (7) occupation (8) family size (9) geographic factors (10) psychological factors. In this grim battle for snatching maximum share of market, only those producers are destined to emerge victorious who will be able to read the pulse of the buyers. And this is here, where buyer behaviour has a very important role to play. There are so many demographic factors like age, sex, income, occupation, education, marital status and family background which affects the behaviour of consumers. Here an attempt has been made that how and to what extent these factors affects the behaviour of consumers. It is quite necessary for the manufacturers of four-wheeler to know the behaviour of consumers. So, that they can increase their sales and capture the maximum share of the market. In this research paper an attempt has been made to know the affect of demographic factors on consumer behavior.
Journal of Commerce & Trade, 2015
In this research paper an attempt has been made to know the Impact of Promotional Activities, Aft... more In this research paper an attempt has been made to know the Impact of Promotional Activities, After Sale Services, Mileage and Resale Value on the Purchase Decision. The research will help the manufacturers of four wheelers intaking suitable decisions regarding Promotional Activities, After Sale Services, Mileage and Resale Value.It will further help the manufacturesto make necessary changes in theirPromotional Activities, After Sale Services, Mileage and Resale Value. The study was carried out in Himachal Pradesh state. The researcher has used both primary and secondary data for this research. The researcher has collected primary data from the owners of four wheeler. Consumer behaviour is the process whereby, individuals decide whether, what, when, where, how, and from whom to purchase goods and services. The automobile industry today is the most lucrative industry. Due to the increase in disposable income in both rural and urban sector and easy finance being provided by all the financial institutes, the passenger car sales have been significantly increased.
International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2020
This paper aims to examine the application of theory of planned behaviour (TBP) and its subsequen... more This paper aims to examine the application of theory of planned behaviour (TBP) and its subsequent evolution. Additionally, the theory of planned behaviour examined through the lens of social entrepreneurship. The paper explores the factors in relation to the aspects of the theory of planned behaviour. Entrepreneurial purpose plays a significant part in the academy and practice of entrepreneurship. The paper examines entrepreneurs' intentions in the field of the venture of social creation. This paper studies the factors that led a social entrepreneur to take such a career venture, what enticed the social entrepreneur to develop this social enterprise, and why.
In the era of digitalization and globalization, E-entrepreneurship development in the rural areas... more In the era of digitalization and globalization, E-entrepreneurship development in the rural areas is still a challenge. According to 2011 Census 68.84% people are living in rural areas of India. People in rural areas suffer with unemployment, poor infrastructure facilities which may be solved with the development of the rural E-entrepreneurs. E-entrepreneurship is defined as entrepreneurship based on the digitisation of business processes and procedures that were previously performed manually in conventional businesses. India is undoubtedly adopting e-commerce rapidly and is also setting the benchmark for retail growth in the coming times, with increasing internet penetration and mobilebased consumer behaviour and the advent of e-commerce and improving digital payments infrastructure.Rural E-entrepreneurs increase the standard of living and purchasing power of the people by offering employment opportunity to the people in villages. This paper is an attempt to understand the problems,challenges and opportunities for rural E-entrepreneurship in the context of development in Indian rural market and suggestions to overcome the problems.
Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, 2019
Abstract – Online shopping trend is extremely common now days. This process takes a medium for
pu... more Abstract – Online shopping trend is extremely common now days. This process takes a medium for
purchasing goods and services which is internet. You will find numerous elements which can affect
consumer's online purchasing behavior. These elements could differ from individual to individual. Online
users in Bangladesh have risen rapidly during the last few years. Marketers are using this pattern by
opening up online outlets to entice buyers to shop online. Nevertheless, translating internet users to
online buyers remains challenging for marketers. The goal of this analysis is analyzing things affecting
on online shopping behavior of customers that could be just about the most crucial issues of e
commerce and advertising field. The goal of this paper is reviewing the current literature to be able to
determine the different major specific factors which effect customer's goal to shop online for electronics
goods and suggest an integrated design which will describe the buyer's intention to follow internet
shopping. This report examines the outcome of 7 factors on consumers' confidence in online buying
electronic items and technology.
Keywords: Adoption, Diffusion, Internet, Online Shopping
Sambodhi, 2020
The outbreak of the covid-19 disease which initially outburst in the states of Delhi and Mumbai s... more The outbreak of the covid-19 disease which initially outburst in the states of Delhi and Mumbai slowly has fall its reach to every Indian state and Union Territories. With each passing day since its inception of first case which goes back to Jan 2020 in India has witnessed a sequential increase in the number of cases of persons inflicted with covid-19. As a result to this, the government of India has taken various measures which are critical to reduce its spread. The key factors of which include the implementation of lockdown, social distancing, and covering of face through facemasks were indeed crucial to stop the spread and thereby stopping the virus from entering into zone of community transmission. However the pandemic has created an atmosphere of fear, doubts, depression, and anxieties and overall disturbance in functioning of normal lifestyle of human societies. The roads and places which once used to be full of public and other vehicular traffic chain at once reduced to empty spaces. Also the persons who were out from their houses for purpose of jobs, studies were suddenly halted to their places with limited amount of resources. The silent screams were heard from all sectors and mainly the labour class who render services in unorganized sector. This paper portrays the effect of Covid-19 virus on unorganised sector and also documents the need of Social work intervention in the management of Covid-19 disease.
Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 2019
Consumer behaviour does not stay identical or constant in each scenario it changes time to time. ... more Consumer behaviour does not stay identical or constant in each scenario it changes time to time. There are various factors which affect consumer behaviour. As the change comes in these factors, consumer behaviour also changes. The demographic factors that have an effect on consumer behaviour are: (1) Age (2) Gender (3) Marital status (4) Financial Status (5) Family background (6) Education (7) Occupation (8) Family size. In this research paper an attempt has been made to know the impact of various demographic factors on consumer behaviour. The data for the research is collected through questionnaire. In this grim battle for snatching the most share of the market, only those producers will win the battle, who are able to study the behaviour of the consumers. And here consumer behaviour has a vital role to play. Here an attempt has been made that how and to what extent these demographic factors affect the behaviour of consumers. It is revealed from the research that it is very necessary for the manufacturers of electronic products to know the behaviour of consumers. So, that they can increase their sales and capture the most of the market share.
purchasing goods and services which is internet. You will find numerous elements which can affect
consumer's online purchasing behavior. These elements could differ from individual to individual. Online
users in Bangladesh have risen rapidly during the last few years. Marketers are using this pattern by
opening up online outlets to entice buyers to shop online. Nevertheless, translating internet users to
online buyers remains challenging for marketers. The goal of this analysis is analyzing things affecting
on online shopping behavior of customers that could be just about the most crucial issues of e
commerce and advertising field. The goal of this paper is reviewing the current literature to be able to
determine the different major specific factors which effect customer's goal to shop online for electronics
goods and suggest an integrated design which will describe the buyer's intention to follow internet
shopping. This report examines the outcome of 7 factors on consumers' confidence in online buying
electronic items and technology.
Keywords: Adoption, Diffusion, Internet, Online Shopping
purchasing goods and services which is internet. You will find numerous elements which can affect
consumer's online purchasing behavior. These elements could differ from individual to individual. Online
users in Bangladesh have risen rapidly during the last few years. Marketers are using this pattern by
opening up online outlets to entice buyers to shop online. Nevertheless, translating internet users to
online buyers remains challenging for marketers. The goal of this analysis is analyzing things affecting
on online shopping behavior of customers that could be just about the most crucial issues of e
commerce and advertising field. The goal of this paper is reviewing the current literature to be able to
determine the different major specific factors which effect customer's goal to shop online for electronics
goods and suggest an integrated design which will describe the buyer's intention to follow internet
shopping. This report examines the outcome of 7 factors on consumers' confidence in online buying
electronic items and technology.
Keywords: Adoption, Diffusion, Internet, Online Shopping