Papers by Vera Nigrisoli Wärnhjelm
Storiografia Medica in Europa nel Novecento / Medical Historiography in Europe in the Twentieth century, 2023
The controversial historical figure of the Queen Christina of Sweden
attracted the attention of m... more The controversial historical figure of the Queen Christina of Sweden
attracted the attention of medical historiography mainly from an anthropological
perspective during the second half of the Twentieth century in
Sweden. Even though these first investigations were born in the cultural
context of historical revisionism of the Queen’s figure, they still represent
the essential point of departure to be considered by the medical historians.
The recent Italian studies focused on the Queen’s court physicians
opened new perspectives and new sources for a more objective medical
historical investigation.
Perché scrivere? Motivazioni, scelte, risultati, 2017
7. AICLU-Tagung, …, 2012 Publications. ...
La Regina Cristina e le scienze / Queen Christina and the sciences. Istituto Svedese di Studi Classici a Roma / The Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome. 2015-02-12, 2017
This article discusses the knowledge of the Italian language in Sweden in the early modern period... more This article discusses the knowledge of the Italian language in Sweden in the early modern period, with particular regard to the 17th century. Previous studies on this topic have stated that the Italian language was one of the culturally important languages in Sweden in this period. To verify these findings, the results has been compared to the first-hand sources contained in some odeporic texts (letters, diaries, reports, etc..) written by Italian travelers in Sweden in the 17th century. This article also introduces the reader to a contextualized overview of Swedish history as well as the history of the Italian language in the 16th and 17th centuries. In addition, the article also provides a quick introduction to cultural contacts between Italy and Sweden until the 17th century. The analysis of several 17th century odeporic texts confirms previous studies, based on literature and archives research, and shows how the Italian language, although it was an academic subject at the unive...
Un epistolario medico del Seicento: la corrispondenza di Cesare Macchiati, medico di corte al seg... more Un epistolario medico del Seicento: la corrispondenza di Cesare Macchiati, medico di corte al seguito della regina Cristina di Svezia. Lineamenti di analisi e ricerca.
Queen Christina of Sweden, 17th Century, Queen Christina's academies, history of academies, c... more Queen Christina of Sweden, 17th Century, Queen Christina's academies, history of academies, cultural patronage, Accademie svedesi, Regina Cristina di Svezia, storia delle accademie, patronato culturale
Sul Viaggio settentrionale (1700) di Francesco Negri : con uno spoglio lessicale degli scandinavismi, 2015
This paper focuses on the travel account Viaggio settentrionale, written by Francesco Negri (1623... more This paper focuses on the travel account Viaggio settentrionale, written by Francesco Negri (1623-1698), a priest from Ravenna, and published posthumously in 1700. In the first part, after a brief initial paragraph about the vision of the north and Italian travellers in Scandinavia until the 17th century, Negri’s itinerary is reconstructed on the basis of the information given in the work and with the aid of other sources. Another paragraph is devoted to the work’s genesis and its various editions.In the second part the focus is on Negri’s interest, among others, for Scandinavian languages in particular and linguistic facts more in general: an interest proved by the numerous linguistic remarks scattered throughout his work. A glossary with all the “scandinavisms” (this term is used to refer not only to Swedish and Norwegian but also to Lappish and Finnish words and expressions) of the Viaggio and a semantic index follow.
In viaggio con la regina Cristina : lettere di Orazio Del Monte e Cesare Macchiati (1667), 2013
Edizione commentata di 16 lettere scritte da Orazio Del Monte e dal protomedico Cesare Macchiati ... more Edizione commentata di 16 lettere scritte da Orazio Del Monte e dal protomedico Cesare Macchiati al cardinale Decio Azzolino giuniore durante il secondo viaggio in Svezia della regina Cristina (apr ...
Cesare Macchiati, lettere dal Nor
Nell'articolo sono presentati i risultati delle ricerche effettuate dalle due autrici presso ... more Nell'articolo sono presentati i risultati delle ricerche effettuate dalle due autrici presso l'Archivio Storico del Vicariato a Roma nel 2017 su Cesare Macchiati, protomedico della regina Cristina ...
Edizioni e riedizioni: Ambrosio Frediani e il primo manuale di italiano per stranieri in Svezia
The article investigates two Italian-language manuals for foreigners published by Ambrosio Fredia... more The article investigates two Italian-language manuals for foreigners published by Ambrosio Frediani in 1660 in Greifswald, Germany, and in 1667 in Uppsala, Sweden. Following a short biography of Fr ...
Tre lettere del Seicento su Cristina di Svezia. : Lorenzo Adami al cardinale Decio Azzolino.
L'Universita del Dalarna, in Svezia, offre corsi accademici statali di italiano completamente... more L'Universita del Dalarna, in Svezia, offre corsi accademici statali di italiano completamente on line dal 2003. L'insegnamento e impartito, grazie ad una piattaforma di videoconferenza, con lezioni ...
Papers by Vera Nigrisoli Wärnhjelm
attracted the attention of medical historiography mainly from an anthropological
perspective during the second half of the Twentieth century in
Sweden. Even though these first investigations were born in the cultural
context of historical revisionism of the Queen’s figure, they still represent
the essential point of departure to be considered by the medical historians.
The recent Italian studies focused on the Queen’s court physicians
opened new perspectives and new sources for a more objective medical
historical investigation.
attracted the attention of medical historiography mainly from an anthropological
perspective during the second half of the Twentieth century in
Sweden. Even though these first investigations were born in the cultural
context of historical revisionism of the Queen’s figure, they still represent
the essential point of departure to be considered by the medical historians.
The recent Italian studies focused on the Queen’s court physicians
opened new perspectives and new sources for a more objective medical
historical investigation.
paying attention, there is Cesare Macchiati (1629-1675), a doctor at the Roman court of Queen Christina of Sweden from 1659 to 1675. Materials and Methods: As a court doctor, Macchiati joined the Queen on two
journeys to Northern Europe, towards Sweden, respectively between 1660 and 1668, leaving about fifty letters, addressed to Cardinal Decio Azzolino Jr, as a documentation of these journeys. Results: From the study of these letters, it is possible to deduce some biographical information on court medical practice, the queen’s temperament and illnesses and the circulation of a new medical knowledge at the court, which was favoured by the journey. Conclusions: The biography highlights how the role of a court doctor, which was consolidated by the experience of the journey to Europe in Macchiati’s case, becomes a prerequisite for a professional rise on his return to Rome in the most important city medical institutions, such as the university, the Roman medical college at the pontifical curia, characterized by a cosmopolitan context thanks to the international professional background, developed at the Queen’s court.
lungs. The article underlines the essential contribution of the learned surgeons to the development of practical anatomy in the late Seventeenth century as illustrated by the specific case of the Queen’s autopsy report by the court surgeon Alessio Spalla.
Methods: The study is based on the analysis of the published literature and the comparison of archival sources as the anonymous report of the Queen’s autopsy, preserved in Vienna and the unknown autopsy by Spalla, discovered in a private archive.
Results: The comparison of Spalla’s autopsy with the Viennese report of an anonymous practical doctor -suspected to be Marcello Malpighi-, who also participated in the Queen’s dissection highlights how the two perspectives of investigation – the surgical-morphological and the medical-practical ones – are integrated in the theoretical and practical dimension of practical
Conclusions: The unpublished report of the surgeon Spalla integrates the knowledge of the queen’s illness and death, stands as an example of a private autopsy performed by a court surgeon in the late Seventeenth-century Rome and as a case study on the development of new hybrid areas of knowledge, such as practical anatomy.
the unknown autopsy by Spalla, discovered in a private archive.
Results: The comparison of Spalla’s autopsy with the Viennese report of an anonymous practical doctor -suspected to be Marcello Malpighi-, who also participated in the Queen’s dissection highlights how the two perspectives of investigation – the surgical-morphological and the medical-practical ones – are integrated in the theoretical and practical dimension of practical
anatomy. Conclusions: The unpublished report of the surgeon Spalla integrates the knowledge of the queen’s illness and death, stands as an example of a private autopsy performed by a court surgeon in the late Seventeenth-century Rome and as a case study on the development of
new hybrid areas of knowledge, such as practical anatomy.
Il capitolo contiene un'esposizione ragionata delle varie opere del Caro, ancora reperibili nelle maggiori biblioteche svedesi, delle diverse edizioni e dei loro possessori originari.
Intorno a questi interrogativi indagano i 49 saggi che compongono il volume: differenti per taglio e per argomento, essi presentano aspetti specifici del perché si scrive o del perché si è scritto, e del perché lo si fa (o si è fatto) proprio in italiano. La prospettiva è interdisciplinare: i contributi, per formazione degli autori e per strumenti scientifici impiegati, sono ascrivibili alla storia della lingua e a quella della letteratura, alla glottodidattica e alla critica letteraria, all’italianistica e alla comparatistica, non di rado con felici approcci transdisciplinari. A corredo del volume, uno spazio in rete dedicato ai Materiali supplementari.
dell’XI Congresso degli Italianisti Scandinavi (Università del Dalarna –Svezia, 9-11 giugno 2016).
Tema dell’incontro è stato l’edizione di testi inediti o editi e le loro riedizioni, anche attraverso i moderni metodi digitali o grazie alla traduzione in altre lingue. Testimonianza dell’ampia e vitale attività di ricercatori in Italianistica in Scandinavia e delle vivaci collaborazioni degli italianisti in Europa, i ventisette contributi qui raccolti spaziano dalla linguistica alla letteratura, dalla storia e cultura italiana alla traduttologia e didattica dell’italiano, coprendo un ampio
spazio cronologico da Dante ai giorni nostri.
Medical Historiography in Europe in the Twentieth century
History of the medical profession in Europe
Methods The study is based on the analysis of the published literature and the comparison of archival sources as the anonymous report of the Queen's autopsy, preserved in Vienna and the unknown autopsy by Spalla, discovered in a private archive.
Results The comparison of Spalla's autopsy with the Viennese report of an anonymous practical doctor -suspected to be Marcello Malpighi-, who also participated in the Queen's dissection highlights how the two perspectives of investigation - the surgical-morphological and the medical-practical ones - are integrated in the theoretical and practical dimension of practical anatomy.
Conclusions The unpublished report of the surgeon Spalla integrates the knowledge of the queen's illness and death, stands as an example of a private autopsy performed by a court surgeon in the late Seventeenth-century Rome and as a case study on the development of new hybrid areas of knowledge, such as practical anatomy.