Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020
Objectives of the Programme
This programme shall contribute to the further development of an area where equality and the rights of persons, as enshrined in the Treaty, the Charter and international human rights conventions, are promoted and protected. Its nine specific objectives are to:
- Promote non–discrimination
- Combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance
- Promote rights of persons with disabilities
- Promote equality between women and men and gender mainstreaming
- Prevent violence against children, young people, women and other groups at risk (Daphne)
- Promote the rights of the child
- Ensure the highest level of data protection
- Promote the rights deriving from Union citizenship
- Enforce consumer rights
Types of actions funded
- Training activities (staff exchanges, workshops, development of training modules,…)
- Mutual learning, cooperation activities, exchange of good practices, peer reviews, development of ICT tools…
- Awareness-raising activities, dissemination, conferences,…
- Support for main actors (key European NGOs and networks, Member States' authorities implementing Union law,…)
- Analytical activities (studies, data collection, development of common methodologies, indicators, surveys, preparation of guides…)
EU added value
All actions to be funded by the programme must produce results whose benefits go beyond one single Member State. The following elements should in particular be looked at: Does the project contribute to the effective, comprehensive and consistent implementation of Union law instruments and policies? Will it improve public awareness and knowledge about the rights, values and principles deriving from Union law? Will it improve the understanding of potential issues affecting these rights? Is it likely to develop mutual trust among Member States and to improve cross- border cooperation? What is its transnational impact? Does it contribute to the elaboration and dissemination of best practices? Will it create practical tools and solutions that address cross-border or Union-wide challenges?
Budget 2014-2020
EUR 439 million
Participating countries
All Member States, Iceland (all specific objectives) and Liechtenstein (only for non–discrimination, racism, xenophobia, rights of persons with disabilities and equality between women and men)
Previous Programmes 2007-2013
The Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme replaced three earlier funding programmes which expired in 2013:
- Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme
- Daphne III Programme
- Progress Programme: Anti-discrimination and Gender Equality strands.
See Programmes 2007-2013 for more details of pre-2014 programmes in these fields.
Legal basis: Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
Annual work programmes
- 2014: Act(53 kB) & Annex(172 kB)
- 2015: Act(83 kB) & Annex(852 kB)
- 2016:Act (222 kB) & Annex(879 kB)
- 2016 modification:Act (153 kB) & Annex(494 kB)
- 2016 Non substantial modification:Act(252 kB) & Annex(44 kB)
- 2017 Commission implementing decision:Act(94 kB) & Annex(820 kB) & Corrigendum to annex(37 kB)
- modification to REC 2017 AWP:Act(219 kB) & Annex(908 kB)
REC Programme leaflets in all languages