eMily Alemán-McAlpine

Program Director at the Wege Foundation

eMily Alemán-McAlpine is the Program Director at the Wege Foundation. Her responsibilities include leading the program team in the foundation priority areas of environment, education, arts and culture, and community health and well-being. Her role is to ensure equitable processes, funding, and programming with a cross cutting focus on civic engagement, environmental sustainability, equity, and inclusion. Her emphasis on equitable and accessible granting making in the areas with the largest racialized gaps ensures that organizations can access mission aligned funding to achieve racial equity.

In her previous role as Senior Community Liaison at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, she developed and implemented statewide programs to improve health outcomes in BIPOC and historically under resourced communities. She engaged diverse stakeholders including non-profit organizations, community members, government officials, and city leadership to address the social determinants of health.

eMily was also the Executive Director of the Hispanic Center of Western Michigan. She advocated for increased access and culturally relevant services for Latinx people and created programs to support families to be socially and emotionally healthy, and economically stable. The programs she developed and implemented focused on advocacy, legal services, education, economic mobility, cultural competency, mental health services, and civic engagement.

She continues her commitment to racial equity, liberation, and justice locally and nationally by serving as Co-Chair of the Council of Michigan Foundations Public Policy Committee, Hispanics in Philanthropy Advisory Committee, River Restoration Equity Stakeholder Advisory Board and other groups focused on a racially just and equitable society.