Papers by Gilbert O. Obwoyere
International Journal of Environmental Impacts: Management, Mitigation and Recovery
Environmental and Social Impact Statement (ESIS) for a proposed development is vital in guiding d... more Environmental and Social Impact Statement (ESIS) for a proposed development is vital in guiding decision makers arrive at an informed decision. Many studies have analysed ESIS quality using qualitative methods with limited statistical analysis. In this paper, we present findings of a statistical analysis of qualitative data of ESIS using Somers' delta test (Somers'd). we report on how public participation and analysis of alternatives influence the quality of ESIS. Results show that there is a strong and positive correlation between the quality of ESIS and public participation and also between the quality of ESIS and the analysis of alternatives, which is statistically significant, p < 0.0005, Somers' d = 0.676 and p < 0.0005, Somers' d = 0.682, respectively.
Cutting-edge Research in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 11, 2021
The potential utility of drought-resilient and under-utilized Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) as li... more The potential utility of drought-resilient and under-utilized Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) as livestock forage supplements has not been indisputably determined under the Kenyan conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine plausible pathways in the search for alternative feeding innovations to combat feed scarcity and feed quality as well as providing ideal interventions for adapting climate resilient livestock production systems. Arid and semi-arid areas of Baringo, Laikipia and Nyeri were selected for this study due to the prevalence of Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) in these counties. The qualitative changes in nutrient content of Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) are hypothesized to be linked to anatomical characteristics, physiological condition as well as phenological stage of plant growth. Proximate analytical techniques were used in evaluation of nutrient content of Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) using on-farm forage sampling. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) methods were us...
This study investigated the access to and factors that influence the utility of agro meteorologic... more This study investigated the access to and factors that influence the utility of agro meteorological information by smallholder irrigation farmers in Lari Wendani and Perkerra irrigation schemes in Kenya. A systematic random sampling procedure was employed to select 255 farmers. The units of measurements were farmers, irrigation and extension staff. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and a multiple regression analysis model was used to analyse the influence of several independent variables on access to and utilisation of agro meteorological information.. The factors affecting farmers’ access and adoption of agro meteorological information were related to inadequate extension personnel, inaccuracy of forecasts and the communication of agro meteorological information itself. The study emphasizes the need to make use of different types of dissemination channels for different periods and content and also the need to increase extension agents’ participation in the disseminati...
Bulletin of the African Bird Club, 2014
ABSTRACT The results of the first ornithological survey of Lake Kenyatta, a freshwater lake in La... more ABSTRACT The results of the first ornithological survey of Lake Kenyatta, a freshwater lake in Lamu County on the northern Kenyan coast, are presented. A total of 138 bird species belonging to 50 families were recorded. Of these, five species are of global conservation concern, four are regionally threatened, nine are restricted to the East Africa coastal biome and 20% are migratory. The lake and its surroundings are currently threatened by hippopotamus–fishermen conflicts, encroachment for agriculture and settlement, tree cutting, overfishing, invasive aquatic weeds and overgrazing. We recommend further ornithological studies and promotion of ecotourism and capacity building for communities in order for them to manage this important resource sustainably.
Open Journal of Forestry, 2021
Terminalia brownii is an indigenous tree species highly valued in the Kenyan drylands for its pro... more Terminalia brownii is an indigenous tree species highly valued in the Kenyan drylands for its products such as timber for wood curving, medicine, and charcoal production, among others. Due to this high value followed by overutilization, its population in the drylands is dwindling. Concern about the species' low regeneration as shown by low germination has been raised. This research was conducted on the seed borne fungal organisms that are associating with the germination of this species. T. brownii seeds were collected from cluster patches of the species in Kendu Bay, Kimose and Ndumoni in Homabay, Baringo and Kitui counties of Kenya respectively. The seeds were harvested for fruit probing for maturity confirmation. Random sampling was used in selecting thirty trees, 50 meters apart, from which fresh fruits were uniformly collected from the crowns. The research adopted a complete block experimental design where one hundred seeds each from the three sites, were subjected to a germination test, seed borne fungal organisms' presence, identified organisms cultured and DNA and DNA sequencing carried out for identification. Fungal organisms associated with germination success of T. brownii were Fusarium equiseti, Pestalotia sp, and Alternaria alternata. Paired t test run between germinants versus the number of sown seeds gave N = 12, p-value of 0.000, t = 16.29. On the other hand, paired t test run between fungal infected seeds with the number of germinants gave N = 12, p-0.000, t = −8.78. Fungi associated with germinants included Penicillium sp, and the data analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test run showed significant difference at a p value of 0.000. Identified organisms associating with none germination and germination success on the other hand were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Fungal organisms associating with germination success of T. brownii
International Journal of Research Publications, 2020
The numbers of Acacia drepanolobium trees are declining over much of Africa and large mammals par... more The numbers of Acacia drepanolobium trees are declining over much of Africa and large mammals particularly more prone and vulnerable to loss of habitat owing to human settlement encroachment. In Ol pejeta conservancy a sanctuary for the protection of the endangered black rhino, there is significant browse and vegetation pressure on the habitat particularly on the Acacia drepanolobium tree population. This study aimed to investigate the Acacia drepanolobium and ants' interaction under different browsing intensities, determine effect of prescribed burnings on Crematogaster ants and Acacia drepanolobium interaction, investigate the tenancy dynamics of ants under varying morphological characteristics of Acacia drepanolobium trees, and finally to determine if Crematogaster ants' communities/ colonization on Acacia drepanolobium change over time. Twelve (12) randomly chosen plots (keyed in a waypoint on the GPS) with fifty or more Acacia drepanolobium trees were studied for the study as follows, two (2) in a Chimpanzee Sanctuary where elephant, giraffe and rhino are excluded (control), six (6) in the reserve and four (4) in the Ranch. Two (2) plots treated with prescribed burning (fire) were compared with two un-burnt plots. All data collected was fed and entered into Excel spreadsheet and Statistical Package for the Social Science version 20 for analysis. The data were then processed into quantitative tables to give a comparative analysis for response obtained. Size class distributions of the reserve, Ranch and control were compared by means of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and other relevant parametric statistics. The result shows that in Ol pejeta conservancy browsing levels has statistically significant effect on Crematogaster ants and Acacia drepanolobium interaction. There was a strong and notable distinction between the four acacia ant species in the overall extends and levels of tenancy while responding to varied browsing pressures; Crematogaster mimosae and Tetraponera penzigi were found to be the most abundant/frequently observed ant species occupying trees in the reserve where there is intensive browsing (Reserve) and the ranch with medium browsing intensity. From this research experimental evidence explains the ability of trees to re-induce greater spine and gall numbers and that ant tenancy in A. drepanolobium is influenced by the tree's morphological characteristics. The findings and results also indicated that prescribed burning significantly affected the type of ant inhabiting the A. drepanolobium tree. Going by the results of this paper, it was concluded that this mutualism is a key component of Ol pejeta biodiversity and ecosystem function. The study recommends that the results in this research should be used in determining ecological factors that influence conservation sustainability and predict the consequences of heavy browsing pressure, morphological characteristics and prescribed burning on the health of Acacia drepanolobium.
International Journal of Energy Production and Management, 2020
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a tool for an integrated assessment of multi... more Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a tool for an integrated assessment of multifaceted impacts of a proposed project. ESIA can identify areas of potential conflicts and prevent conflicts from occurring early through appropriate mitigation measures. This notwithstanding, conflicts and public opposition arising from implementation of proposed projects which have been subjected to ESIA have been observed in various sectors in different countries and jurisdictions. Kenya is one of the African countries endowed with substantial renewable energy resources including geothermal, wind and solar energy resources. The country is now scaling up the development and utilization of these resources to meet growing energy demand. However, implementation of environmental procedures mainstreamed in the development of renewable energy resources, if inappropriately applied, has the potential to slow down development and exploitation trajectory of these resources. While all proposed renewable energy projects are subjected to the ESIA process, in some instances challenges have emerged at implementation resulting in conflicts that could be avoided. There is a clear need to understand, empirically, which of the ESIA procedural steps is critical in underpinning conflict identification for appropriate application. To determine how each of the ESIA procedural steps is likely to influence conflict identification, a statistical analysis was carried out for ESIA procedures based on questionnaire survey responses from sampled ESIA practitioners in Kenya. This article presents findings on the effect of ESIA procedural steps in conflict identification using cumulative odds ordinal logistic regression with proportional odds. Results show that the overall effect (on the dependent variable conflict identification) of the variables, public participation and monitoring is statically significant, χ 2 (2) = 9.12, p = 0.01 and χ 2 (2) = 6.29, p = 0.04, respectively. Further, the exponential of the log odds of the slope coefficients indicate that the independent variables public participation, decision making, project implementation and monitoring are statistically significant [χ 2 (1) = 9.12, p = 0.00; χ 2 (1) = 4.04, p = 0.04; χ 2 (1) = 3.64, p = 0.05 and χ 2 (1) = 3.31, p = 0.00, respectively]. That is to say these independent variables have a statistically significant effect on the dependent variable conflict identification.
East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2019
Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is an important zoonotic disease which has remained persistent in many ... more Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is an important zoonotic disease which has remained persistent in many areas of the World. Control and eradication has proved problematic due to the challenges in effective screening and diagnosis. Limited information on the status of BTB in Kenya presents a need to investigate its occurrence in cattle population. The study was carried out using an indirect antibody Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA-IDEXX-USA) to assess the agreement with Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test (CITT) test results between August and December 2013 in Laikipia County. The study also determined the apparent prevalence of cattle BTB antibodies in Laikipia County. A total of 276 bovine serum samples were tested using MPB70 and MPB83 recombinant proteins as capture antigens in the ELISA kit. Data were recorded in Microsoft Excel and exported to SPSS 16.0 for analysis. Apparent prevalence was calculated as a proportion at 95% CI, Kappa statistics computed, and test of signi...
African Journal of Ecology, 2018
The value of ecosystems functions performed by forests in the climate change era has prompted inc... more The value of ecosystems functions performed by forests in the climate change era has prompted increasing attention towards assessment of carbon stocks and fluxes in tropical forests. The aim of this study was to understand how forest management approaches and environmental controls impacted on soil CO 2 efflux in a tropical Eastern Mau forest which is one of the blocks of the greater Mau complex in Kenya. Nested experimental design approach was employed where 32 plots were nested into four blocks (disturbed natural, undisturbed natural, plantation and glades). In 10 m 2 plots, data were collected on soil CO 2 efflux, soil temperature and soil moisture using soda lime methods, direct measurement and proxy techniques, respectively. There was significant forest management type effect (F 3,127 = 3.01, p = 0.033) and seasonality effect (t test = 3.31, df = 1, p < 0.05) on mean soil CO 2 efflux. The recorded mean soil CO 2 efflux levels were as follows: plantation forest (9.219 ± 3.067 g C M −2 day −1), undisturbed natural forest (8.665 ± 4.818 g C M −2 day −1), glades (8.592 ± 3.253 g C M −2 day −1) and disturbed natural forest (7.198 ± 3.457 g C M −2 day −1). The study concludes that managing a forest in plantation form is primarily responsible for forest soil CO 2 efflux levels due to aspects such as increased microbial activity and root respiration. However, further studies are required to understand the role and impact of soil CO 2 efflux on the greater forest carbon budget. Résumé La valeur des fonctions écologiques remplies par les forêts en cette ère de changements climatiques a suscité une attention croissante envers l'évaluation des stocks et des flux de carbone dans les forêts tropicales. Le but de cette étude était de comprendre comment des approches de gestion forestière et les contrôles environnementaux influaient sur la production de CO 2 des sols dans la forêt tropicale orientale de Mau, qui est un des blocs du vaste complexe de Mau, au Kenya. Nous avons employé une approche de conception expérimentale imbriquée: 32 parcelles ont été intégrées dans quatre blocs (naturel perturbé, naturel non perturbé, plantations et clairières). Dans les parcelles de 10 m², nous avons collecté les données sur les émissions de CO 2 du sol, sa température, son humidité par les méthodes de chaux sodée, de mesures directes et de techniques par intermédiaire, respectivement. Il y avait un effet significatif du type de gestion forestière (F 3,127 = 3.01, p = 0.033) et un effet de la saisonnalité (test de t = 3.31, df = 1, p < 0.05) sur la moyenne de l'émission de CO 2 du sol.
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, 2017
The management measures used for sustainable utilization of Clarias gariepinus in Lake Baringo do... more The management measures used for sustainable utilization of Clarias gariepinus in Lake Baringo do not have a stock assessment reference, attributable mainly to a lack of information on biological limits and target reference points. Assessment of Clarias gariepinus stock in Lake Baringo was carried out between August 2013 and July 2014. A total of 2772 fish were sampled from 25 boats (40%) for 5 days each week for length and weight measurements. Fish Stock Assessment Tools and yield model were used to estimate population parameters, exploitation rate and optimal fishing scenarios. Annual C. gariepinus standing biomass was estimated at 21 383 kg, L ∞ = 114.30, K = 0.37 year À1 , W = 0.0147L 2.81 , Z = 1.14 year À1 , M = 0.61 year À1 , F = 0.53 year À1 , and exploitation rate = 0.46 year À1. The relative yield-per-recruit (Y 0 / R) and biomass-per-recruit (B 0 /R) resulted in E max = 0.44 and F MSY = 0.50 year À1. The yield-per-recruit ratio at maximum sustainable yield was 29.12%, and the SSB MSY per recruit ratio = 56.10%. The steady-state biomass, exploitation rate and optimal fishing scenario indicated a pristine fishery for the lake, suggesting the current fishing efforts should not be exceeded to enable sustainable economic utilization of C. gariepinus.
Wetlands, 2016
Nyando is the second largest and one of the most economically important wetland ecosystems fringi... more Nyando is the second largest and one of the most economically important wetland ecosystems fringing Lake Victoria, Kenya. Lake level fluctuations and a range of anthropogenic activities degrade its ecological integrity, reduce its area and the quality of goods and services it provides. This study investigated the impacts of spatio-temporal variations in the lake's water levels on the wetland. Satellite images, ground truthing and semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect data on land use and community perceptions respectively. Results indicate that the shoreline receded significantly (tstat = 5.5328; p-value < 0.0052) with the wetland area decreasing by 31 % between 1984 and 2010. Lake level recession exposed 752 ha of new land at an annual rate of 29 ha/ year. The vulnerability of the wetland is worsened by the majority of respondents (60 %) being unable to associate the lake level recession with the wetland degradation. Eighty-six percent cultivate the exposed land for agricultural production with only 4 % of the respondents considering the land as ecologically sensitive and thus needing conservation. Development of a comprehensive and participatory wetland management plan, diversification of agricultural and fisheries production and introduction of ecologically sensitive alternative livelihood activities are recommended to ensure sustainable management.
Hotel service quality has long been a concern for scholars and practitioners. Previous researches... more Hotel service quality has long been a concern for scholars and practitioners. Previous researches indicate that the service quality of hotels in Kenya is yet to match international standards. It has been argued that one reason why hotels do not deliver quality service is due to the substantial gap of the living standards of Kenyans and international tourists and the lack of proper investment in the sector due to fluctuations in growth in the past. The purpose of the study was to examine the financial implications of rating of hotels. The study was conducted in tourism establishments in Nairobi and parts of Rift Valley and it focused on rated hotels in Kenya. The research design used sociological survey targeting 50 hotel establishments. The researcher relied on primary and secondary data for information from which an analysis was conducted and conclusions deduced. The primary data was collected through face-to-face interviews among tourists and hotel managers using a structured ques...
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology
Southwestern (SW) Mau is experiencing anthropogenic and natural disturbances; creating canopy gap... more Southwestern (SW) Mau is experiencing anthropogenic and natural disturbances; creating canopy gaps influencing microclimate in the forest. This study determined the influence of canopy gap size on three microsite conditions (soil temperature, soil moisture and light intensity) in SW. The study utilized Ecological Survey Research Design; plots of 500 m by 500 m were laid in disturbed and undisturbed sites of Itare, Maramara and Ndoinet blocks. In the sampled gaps within the plots in disturbed sites; soil moisture and temperature were measured using Kensizer soil tester (3-in-1 moisture/light/pH). Light intensity was measured using the Luxmeter (model HTC LX-104). In undisturbed sites, 500 m by 500 m plots were laid and 30 m by 20 m quadrats randomly nested 19 times within. Four measurements were taken for every Microsite condition per sub-plot. Data was analysed using R and Microsoft excel. Descriptive statistics were given and Kruskal-Wallis test employed to determine differences in...
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2014
Cet article analyse les facteurs socio-économiques qui influencent l'utilisation de la fumure org... more Cet article analyse les facteurs socio-économiques qui influencent l'utilisation de la fumure organique face à la baisse de la fertilité des sols dans un contexte de changements climatiques dans la région semi-aride de Kibwezi. Un modèle Logit est estimé pour isoler les variables affectant la décision d'utiliser la fumure organique afin de corriger cette baisse de fertilité des sols, à partir des données collectées auprès des producteurs. Les résultats montrent une corrélation entre les variables socio-économiques et l'utilisation de la fumure organique face à la baisse de la fertilité des sols. Ainsi, on constate que les variables socioéconomiques telles que le statut matrimonial, les connaissances techniques locales, l'accès aux ressources, les relations sociales dans le village d'une part, et le niveau d'éducation des chefs de ménages d'autre part, ont respectivement une influence significative sur la probabilité d'utilisation de la fumure organique aux seuils de 5% et de 10%. Les autres facteurs potentiels n'ont aucun effet significatif sur la probabilité d'utiliser la fumure organique pour corriger la baisse de fertilité des sols dans la région. Enfin, pour accroître le taux d'adoption de cette stratégie, une sensibilisation plus accrue des producteurs sur l'importance de la fumure organique doit être faite.
Energy and Sustainability VIII, 2019
Comprehensive and transparent public participation during Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) p... more Comprehensive and transparent public participation during Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes for renewable energy projects is vital in identifying, addressing and mitigating potential environmental risks associated with such renewable energy projects. Public participation during EIA is a vital platform where all stakeholders of a given renewable energy project contribute to addressing the environmental concerns of renewable energy projects, thereby contributing positively to informed environmental decisions that mitigate negative environmental impacts. This paper presents a comparative analysis of public participation practice during an EIA process in Kenya’s renewable energy sub-sector vis-à-vis the international best practice operating principles. Further, the paper presents insights on the substantive contribution of public participation in environmental risk management based on questionnaire survey responses from EIA Practitioners and other stakeholders in Kenya’s r...
Food insecurity among smallholder farmers has been a result of the inability of households to pro... more Food insecurity among smallholder farmers has been a result of the inability of households to produce all its food requirements due to lack of access to productive resources and unfavourable production environment among other factors. Smallholder farmers tend to be risk averse, they avoid investing in capital intensive production to avoid increasing their levels of risk arising from crop failures due to weather and climate variability. A a study was carried out to investigate the access and factors that influence the utility of agro meteorological information by smallholder irrigation farmers in Lari Wendani and Perkerra irrigation schemes in Kenya.Results indicated that 98% of the farmers were able to access agro meteorological information through radio. More than 60% indicated that they could not access meteorological information from bulletins, mobile, internet and extension services.The factors affecting farmers adoption of agro meteorological information were related to the ina...
Journal of ecology and the natural environment, 2017
Forest ecosystems are important to ecological, economic and social wellbeing, particularly for th... more Forest ecosystems are important to ecological, economic and social wellbeing, particularly for the adjacent communities who depend on it. Understanding the socioeconomic dynamics that make households choice to be involved in forest conservation is crucial for sustainable management of natural resources. This study therefore examined the socioeconomic factors that influenced households’ participation in forest management. Multistage probability sampling technique was used to select 202 respondents from households adjacent to Aberdare forest ecosystem. Data collected was analysed using Chi-square test, Spearman’s rho correlation and multinomial logistic regression. The factors that influenced participatory forest management included forest management approach (χ² = 17.551, p < 0.001), distance to the forest reserve (χ² = 29.071, p < 0.001), distance to the national park (χ² = 27.303, p = 0.008), gender of household head (χ² = 10.719, p = 0.002), land tenure (χ² = 34.313, p < ...
In the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs) part of West Pokot County of Kenya, the growing season fo... more In the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs) part of West Pokot County of Kenya, the growing season for agricultural activities occurs during the peak rainfall season of March, April and May (MAM). Farmers in these areas rely on smallholder agriculture as their livelihood source which in turn depends on the amount and distribution of rainfall. This paper examines the changing pattern of rainfall and the associated impacts on smallholder agriculture in Senetwo Location, Kenya. Annual rainfall trend between 1983 to date showed that in the MAM season rainfall increased in Senetwo location a condition suitable for the good subsistence agricultural performance. Conversely, the smallholder farmers of Senetwo location occasionally suffer heavy economic and resources loss due to unprecedented adverse variability in rainfall patterns. The annual numbers of rain days declined but rainfall intensity increased. Coupled with declining number of rain days, the study established a shift in the onset of...
Lake Turkana fishery consists of seven endemic and 12 commercially exploited species and is the s... more Lake Turkana fishery consists of seven endemic and 12 commercially exploited species and is the second largest producer of freshwater fish in Kenya. It supports livelihoods of approx. 300,000 people locally. The lake is managed by beach management units (BMU) through a co-management arrangement between the government and stakeholders. Despite this, it faces management related challenges that have resulted in plummeting fish production due to uncontrolled fishing effort, increased competition among fishermen and deficient statistics to support management objectives. This study investigated institutional factors influencing BMUs’ performance by examining training and level of understanding of BMU laws and regulations, funding sources and usage and equipment ownership. A cross-sectional study was adopted and purposive sampling used to collect data from 693 respondents using questionnaires. Chi square was used to test for statistical differences at 95% significant level using MINITAB st...
Papers by Gilbert O. Obwoyere