Research Methodology
Recent papers in Research Methodology
Although male partner cooperation is often essential for successful use of the female condom, only a few studies have directly assessed men's experiences of using the device. We examined barriers to and facilitators of female condom... more
Changes in the U.S. economy have made the attainment of a higher education credential more important than ever to ensure self-sufficiency. Therefore, it is critical that the child welfare, K-12, and higher education systems encourage and... more
Traditionally regarded as the Cinderella sector, further education (FE) is not yet recognized for its research potential and, if researched at all, tends to be 'researched on' rather than proactively enabled to carry out research itself.... more
One major strand of Pierre Bourdieu’s work involved revealing the interests, struggles, and structures of domination underlying apparently disinterested values and ideals. This article discusses the set of values and ideals surrounding... more
The Second Annual Transpersonal Research Colloquium (TRC) was held in Northampton, UK on September 15-16, 2016. This document is the final program with presenters abstracts, bios, and contact information. For further information, see... more
Purpose -The research study involved an exploration of the thoughts and perspectives of Generation X aerospace engineers regarding strategies, processes, and methods to enhance the transfer of knowledge from baby boomers to Generation X... more
This critical essay describes and demonstrates the uses and unique contributions of performative writing as a form of inquiry into the materialities and mobilities of sociocultural communicative phenom- ena. Embracing an Anzaldu an... more
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Rescaling the local: Multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (2), 171-185 For the past six years successive UK governments in... more
As educational technology practitioners and researchers engage in research in the field, a wide array of research methodologies are available to them. One such methodology is the Delphi Technique. Use of the Delphi Technique offers many... more
Unique in its integration of theory and application, this comprehensive book explains survey design, implementation, data analysis, and continuing data management, including how to effectively incorporate the latest technology (e.g.,... more
The local festival dedicated to the Anniversary of the Vision of Agia (Saint) or Osia (venerable, blessed, saint) Pelagia is celebrated on the Greek island of Tinos and is dedicated to one of the most recent Orthodox saints, Agia Pelagia,... more
This précis presents a description, critical analysis, and evaluation of the quality, meaning, and significance of Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences (Seidman, 2013).
This article explores the use of the methodology of portraiture and the analytic framework of critical race theory (CRT) to evaluate success and failure in urban classrooms. Portraiture and CRT share a number of features that make the two... more
As a very often repeated observation says, in order to find out what anthropology is, one must see what anthropologists do, and what they do is mainly ethnography. Ethnography can be understood both as a process and as a product. As a... more
Benefits of customer loyalty scheme and brand loyalty programmes of Accor Hotels: A case study based on Mercure London City Bankside Hotel. The research on the subject of customer loyalty in the hotel industry and fostering such... more
Wykresy, schematy i diagramy nie są wyłącznie ilustracjami. Jak dowodzi Model i metafora, można je dziś uznać za niezbędne narzędzia ułatwiające tworzenie współczesnej humanistyki. Wykorzystując jednocześnie teksty i obrazy, książka w... more
Evidence-based decision-making in Abu Dhabi cultural sector is increasingly being influenced by the development of data generation from a coordinated statistical system. The Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi has increased its... more
Virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMD) appear to be effective research tools, which may address the problem of ecological validity in neuropsychological testing. However, their widespread implementation is hindered by VR induced... more
objective To identify the main drivers of costs of facility delivery and the financial consequences for households among rural women in Tanzania, a country with a policy of delivery fee exemptions.
Populism is one of the most dynamic fields of comparative political research. Although its study began in earnest only in the late 1960s, it has since developed through four distinct waves of scholarship, each pertaining to distinct... more
Acrescentei a ficha de avaliação do volume tendo em vista sua tradução para o português. A dispetto della sua ampia diffusione, la ricerca qualitativa continua a essere bersaglio di critiche sulla solidità dei suoi risultati e sulla loro... more
"In recent projects I have used flip cameras with participants from ethnic minority communities who were recording their experience of adult learning as enrichment. In another project we used more expensive cameras in a health setting in... more
The right to (a project for) the city. Mboka bilanga or extensive peri-urban urbanization as a lever for the development of Kinshasa Henry Lefebvre's right to the city is introduced in this chapter; it is presented in order to directly... more
This thesis studies a specific relationship between matter and form which can no longer be related to stability, solidity and objectuality, as it has been traditionally interpreted. To this aim, it firstly explores the plurivocity in the... more
This book reviews the main methods used by comparative-historical sociologists.
Cette deuxième édition de Méthodes statistiques en sciences humaines a été produite dans le même esprit que la première. L’intention est à nouveau de présenter les outils statistiques dans une logique méthodologique et pratique, en les... more
Editorial "Vitamins Against Viruses: Implausible Pro-Vaccine Publications Contrasted Against Ignored Public Health Campaigns and Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials" from Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 2019 June
Objective A qualitative study examining women's perceptions and experiences of routine enquiry for domestic violence in a maternity service.
Como se recoge en el título del trabajo, su finalidad es la de especificar los estudios relacionados con el periodismo en Internet además de los elementos que configuran y determinan la comunicación de estos nuevos medios. Las... more
A faux Foucaldian considers the status of genealogy in IR.
This article explores how researchers for library and information science (LIS) journals in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) blended both qualitative and quantitative methods into their articles between the period 2002 and 2010. The mixed methods... more
This document presents lists of frequently used phrases that have a general acceptance in all disciplines that you can use in specific sections of your paper. This means that they are phrases that referees and readers frequently... more
Archives and the documents within them are at the heart of the practice of history and the occupational culture of historians. A majority of historical work has been characterized and defined by research in archives of varying kinds. Yet... more
BACKGROUND Interviews are among the most familiar strategies for collecting qualitative data. The different qualitative interviewing strategies in common use emerged from diverse disciplinary perspectives resulting in a wide variation... more
INTRODUCCION Una acción eficaz para contrarrestar las prácticas incorrectas en la función pública, conocidas popularmente bajo el término de corrupción, requiere la aplicación sistemática de medidas de diversa naturaleza. Tales medidas... more