University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Language and Literature Didactics
In Basque, there is recurrent tendency to express both the source and goal of movement for the description of translational motion even in cases where one of these elements is pleonastic. This construction called 'Complete Path' shows up... more
In this work, different occurrences of the connective (land" in some Basque proverbs gathered in the 16 th and 19 th centuries are studied. {:And" appears in grammatically definable types of constructions beyond pragmatic ambiguity; the... more
This paper deals with the exploitation of dictionaries for the semi-automatic construction of lexicons and lexical knowledge bases. The final goal of our research is to enrich the Basque Lexical Database with semantic information such as... more
We present a new morphological processor for Biscayan, a dialect of Basque, developed on the description of the morphology of standard Basque. The database for the standard morphology has been extended for dialects and an opensource tool... more
Using a prototype approach to emotion concepts, two studies were conducted in the Basque Country, where an ancient non-Indo-European language is still spoken, to identify the mental state words that Basque speakers are most certain name... more
This paper describes the representation of Basque Multiword Lexical Units and the automatic processing of Multiword Expressions. After discussing and stating which kind of multiword expressions we consider to be processed at the current... more
This paper describes the components used in the design and implementation of NLP tools for Basque. These components are based on finite state technology and are devoted to the morphological analysis of Basque, an agglutinative... more
In this paper we present the results of the combination of stochastic and rule-based disambiguation methods applied to Basque languagel. The methods we have used in disambiguation are Constraint Grammar formalism and an HMM based tagger... more
This paper describes the work carried out to improve the robustness of the morphological,analyser/generator for Basque which can be adapted to several domains,and variants of the language. This analyser is used as a lemmatiser in several... more
This paper presents the conclusions reached from the development of a system for Named Entity recognition in written Basque. The system was designed in four steps: first, the development of a recognizer based on linguistic information... more
- by Ruben Urizar
This paper describes the components used in the design and implementation of NLP tools for Basque. These components are based on finite state technology and are devoted to the morphological analysis of Basque, an agglutinative... more
Azken urteotan testu teknikoetatik terminologia automatikoki erauzteko tresnak ari dira garatzen zenbait hizkuntzatarako, ingeleserako batez ere. Lengoaia Naturalaren Prozesamenduan (NLP) eta beste eremutan egindako ikerketen ondorioz... more
- by Ruben Urizar
We present a new morphological processor for Biscayan, a dialect of Basque, developed on the description of the morphology of standard Basque. The database for the standard morphology has been extended for dialects and an opensource tool... more