Books by Maria-Jose Iriarte-Chiapusso
Level 4 of the cave of Pico Ramos (Muskiz, Bizkaia) is a shell midden occupied by the humans who ... more Level 4 of the cave of Pico Ramos (Muskiz, Bizkaia) is a shell midden occupied by the humans who visited the cave during the 6th and 5th millennium cal BC. This volumen includes the following studies: excavation, stratigraphy, chronology and materials; Holocene sea-level; vegetation, use of fuelwood and agriculture; identification and exploitation of marine molluscs; a seasonality study and spatial analysis of the oyster shell; land and other non-marine molluscs; fish remains; faunal remains, including taphonomy; and a conclusion chapter to contextualise this archaeological site.
Evolution of landscape during Prehistory in the Basque Country
Nowadays the landscape from the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai compnses several main natural habit... more Nowadays the landscape from the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai compnses several main natural habitats (marsh, coastal
heathers, alluvial forests) an others which have been a result of human uses (crops, meadows; tree repopulations, urban areas,
etc). Using palaeobotanical techniques, it is proposed here a reconstruction of the landscape dynamics in this Biosphere
Reserve, and an evaluation of the principal changes affecting the main ecological units in this area through the Holocene.
Nowadays the landscape from the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai compnses several main natural habit... more Nowadays the landscape from the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai compnses several main natural habitats (marsh, coastal
heathers, alluvial forests) an others which have been a result of human uses (crops, meadows; tree repopulations, urban areas,
etc). Using palaeobotanical techniques, it is proposed here a reconstruction of the landscape dynamics in this Biosphere
Reserve, and an evaluation of the principal changes affecting the main ecological units in this area through the Holocene
Las Bardenas Reales (SE de Navarra) constituent un vaste territoire dont la situation
juridictio... more Las Bardenas Reales (SE de Navarra) constituent un vaste territoire dont la situation
juridictionnelle lui a conféré des caractéristiques qui ont été déterminantes dans son évolution
naturelle (l'absence d'endroits habités qui contraste avec l'intense occupation humaine depuis des
époques préhistoriques). Les récentes études paléobotaniques nous parlent d'un paysage végétal
qui supporte déja l'intervention humaine depuis le milieu du 2° millénaire a.e. Par conséquent, la
comparation entre le revetement végétal de cette époque et l'actuelle suggere une probable
variation de l'ambient bioclimatique et, surtout, l'intensification progressive du profit humain des
ressources naturelles de cette aire géographique.
A comparison is made between pOllen records from several localities in close proximity, but belon... more A comparison is made between pOllen records from several localities in close proximity, but belonging to two clearly different environments, viz. the high moorlands of northern Burgos, and the catchment area of the Ebro River. From Early Holocene
onwards, the northem valleys of the area reflect a higher percentage of arboreal taxa than that found in the higher moorlands, specially those trees which have sorne mesothermic
affinities. The records from high areas suggest that the woodlands in these localities were dominated by Pinus and Juniperus since the Late-Glacial. Unfortunately, Late-Glacial
records have been preserved only in the sequences from the higher moorlands. Nevertheless, regional data suggest that the northern catchment area of tributaries of the Ebro River may have funcioned as refuge areas of mesophilous vegetation even earlier than the beginning of the Holocene.
The pollen sequence of San Mamés de Abar (Burgos, Spain) starts during a lateglacial forest stage... more The pollen sequence of San Mamés de Abar (Burgos, Spain) starts during a lateglacial forest stage, in which the main components of arboreal pollen are Pinus and Betula. Several
mesophylous taxa, such as Fagus, Caprinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Juglans and Fraxinus have been identified. After a stage of deforestation, attributable to younger Dryas, the lower Holocene
is characterised by the prevalence of Pinus, Betula, Corylus, and to a lesser extent Quercus, while the last part of the sequence is abundant in herbs and shrubs taxa.
Pendant un sondage effectué dans l´abri rocheux J3 à la montagne de Jaizkibel (à l´extrême nord o... more Pendant un sondage effectué dans l´abri rocheux J3 à la montagne de Jaizkibel (à l´extrême nord oriental de
Gipuzkoa) a été localisé le squelette d´un individu adulte, masculin, inhumé à l´intérieur d´un amas coquiller. Cet
amas coquiller n´a pas été remué et il présent des traits de stratigraphie interne. En tout cas, le limite extérieure
de l’amas présente une intéressant inter-stratification avec les niveaux d´habitation périphériques au même endroit, ce qui évidence de différentes phases d´occupation. Dans le sein même de l’amas coquiller on observe, sous l´individu inhumé, de niveaux sans céramique, tandis que les niveaux qui le couvrent contiennent quelques fragments céramiques. L´individu a été daté dans le 8300 BP et il correspond, donc, au période Epipaléolithique.
The palynological analysis of Labeko Koba has been strongly conditionated by the bad conservation... more The palynological analysis of Labeko Koba has been strongly conditionated by the bad conservation of pollinic remains in most of the sequence. The analysis of three corelative columns (near four meters of depth) has had to complete with isolated samples coming from coprolithes of hyena and sealed bones. The considered representative samples reveal that the sequence starts in inferior IX sublevel (Castelperroniense), with the presence of mesothermophylous elements (among them, Castanea), attributed to the würmian interstadial. With the only
exception of the top of level VII (that returns to present mesothermophylous elements, including Castanea), the rest of the stratigraphical sequence displays characteristically stadial botanical asociations. In this sense, it's remarkable the low representation of arboreal taxa and the relevant presence of Ephedra in the superior section of level IX. It has not been possible to obtain conclusions about levels IV and superior,
because to indicated taphonomic problems.
Books by Maria-Jose Iriarte-Chiapusso
heathers, alluvial forests) an others which have been a result of human uses (crops, meadows; tree repopulations, urban areas,
etc). Using palaeobotanical techniques, it is proposed here a reconstruction of the landscape dynamics in this Biosphere
Reserve, and an evaluation of the principal changes affecting the main ecological units in this area through the Holocene.
heathers, alluvial forests) an others which have been a result of human uses (crops, meadows; tree repopulations, urban areas,
etc). Using palaeobotanical techniques, it is proposed here a reconstruction of the landscape dynamics in this Biosphere
Reserve, and an evaluation of the principal changes affecting the main ecological units in this area through the Holocene
juridictionnelle lui a conféré des caractéristiques qui ont été déterminantes dans son évolution
naturelle (l'absence d'endroits habités qui contraste avec l'intense occupation humaine depuis des
époques préhistoriques). Les récentes études paléobotaniques nous parlent d'un paysage végétal
qui supporte déja l'intervention humaine depuis le milieu du 2° millénaire a.e. Par conséquent, la
comparation entre le revetement végétal de cette époque et l'actuelle suggere une probable
variation de l'ambient bioclimatique et, surtout, l'intensification progressive du profit humain des
ressources naturelles de cette aire géographique.
onwards, the northem valleys of the area reflect a higher percentage of arboreal taxa than that found in the higher moorlands, specially those trees which have sorne mesothermic
affinities. The records from high areas suggest that the woodlands in these localities were dominated by Pinus and Juniperus since the Late-Glacial. Unfortunately, Late-Glacial
records have been preserved only in the sequences from the higher moorlands. Nevertheless, regional data suggest that the northern catchment area of tributaries of the Ebro River may have funcioned as refuge areas of mesophilous vegetation even earlier than the beginning of the Holocene.
mesophylous taxa, such as Fagus, Caprinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Juglans and Fraxinus have been identified. After a stage of deforestation, attributable to younger Dryas, the lower Holocene
is characterised by the prevalence of Pinus, Betula, Corylus, and to a lesser extent Quercus, while the last part of the sequence is abundant in herbs and shrubs taxa.
Gipuzkoa) a été localisé le squelette d´un individu adulte, masculin, inhumé à l´intérieur d´un amas coquiller. Cet
amas coquiller n´a pas été remué et il présent des traits de stratigraphie interne. En tout cas, le limite extérieure
de l’amas présente une intéressant inter-stratification avec les niveaux d´habitation périphériques au même endroit, ce qui évidence de différentes phases d´occupation. Dans le sein même de l’amas coquiller on observe, sous l´individu inhumé, de niveaux sans céramique, tandis que les niveaux qui le couvrent contiennent quelques fragments céramiques. L´individu a été daté dans le 8300 BP et il correspond, donc, au période Epipaléolithique.
exception of the top of level VII (that returns to present mesothermophylous elements, including Castanea), the rest of the stratigraphical sequence displays characteristically stadial botanical asociations. In this sense, it's remarkable the low representation of arboreal taxa and the relevant presence of Ephedra in the superior section of level IX. It has not been possible to obtain conclusions about levels IV and superior,
because to indicated taphonomic problems.
heathers, alluvial forests) an others which have been a result of human uses (crops, meadows; tree repopulations, urban areas,
etc). Using palaeobotanical techniques, it is proposed here a reconstruction of the landscape dynamics in this Biosphere
Reserve, and an evaluation of the principal changes affecting the main ecological units in this area through the Holocene.
heathers, alluvial forests) an others which have been a result of human uses (crops, meadows; tree repopulations, urban areas,
etc). Using palaeobotanical techniques, it is proposed here a reconstruction of the landscape dynamics in this Biosphere
Reserve, and an evaluation of the principal changes affecting the main ecological units in this area through the Holocene
juridictionnelle lui a conféré des caractéristiques qui ont été déterminantes dans son évolution
naturelle (l'absence d'endroits habités qui contraste avec l'intense occupation humaine depuis des
époques préhistoriques). Les récentes études paléobotaniques nous parlent d'un paysage végétal
qui supporte déja l'intervention humaine depuis le milieu du 2° millénaire a.e. Par conséquent, la
comparation entre le revetement végétal de cette époque et l'actuelle suggere une probable
variation de l'ambient bioclimatique et, surtout, l'intensification progressive du profit humain des
ressources naturelles de cette aire géographique.
onwards, the northem valleys of the area reflect a higher percentage of arboreal taxa than that found in the higher moorlands, specially those trees which have sorne mesothermic
affinities. The records from high areas suggest that the woodlands in these localities were dominated by Pinus and Juniperus since the Late-Glacial. Unfortunately, Late-Glacial
records have been preserved only in the sequences from the higher moorlands. Nevertheless, regional data suggest that the northern catchment area of tributaries of the Ebro River may have funcioned as refuge areas of mesophilous vegetation even earlier than the beginning of the Holocene.
mesophylous taxa, such as Fagus, Caprinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Juglans and Fraxinus have been identified. After a stage of deforestation, attributable to younger Dryas, the lower Holocene
is characterised by the prevalence of Pinus, Betula, Corylus, and to a lesser extent Quercus, while the last part of the sequence is abundant in herbs and shrubs taxa.
Gipuzkoa) a été localisé le squelette d´un individu adulte, masculin, inhumé à l´intérieur d´un amas coquiller. Cet
amas coquiller n´a pas été remué et il présent des traits de stratigraphie interne. En tout cas, le limite extérieure
de l’amas présente une intéressant inter-stratification avec les niveaux d´habitation périphériques au même endroit, ce qui évidence de différentes phases d´occupation. Dans le sein même de l’amas coquiller on observe, sous l´individu inhumé, de niveaux sans céramique, tandis que les niveaux qui le couvrent contiennent quelques fragments céramiques. L´individu a été daté dans le 8300 BP et il correspond, donc, au période Epipaléolithique.
exception of the top of level VII (that returns to present mesothermophylous elements, including Castanea), the rest of the stratigraphical sequence displays characteristically stadial botanical asociations. In this sense, it's remarkable the low representation of arboreal taxa and the relevant presence of Ephedra in the superior section of level IX. It has not been possible to obtain conclusions about levels IV and superior,
because to indicated taphonomic problems.
series of seasons. Between 1956 and 1968, José Miguel
de Barandiarán, together with a number of collaborators,
excavated a large area of the deposit (some 100m2), and
since 1996 a new series of fieldwork has been carried
out under the direction of Alvaro Arrizabalaga, in a much
smaller area. Owing to the taphonomic circumstances
of this deposit, the difficulties in obtaining a consistent
geochronological framework for it, and the complex nature
of the lithic assemblage, great confusion has arisen
about the stratigraphic units that should be included in a
discussion about the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition
at Lezetxiki. Strictly speaking, the only level that can
be attributed to this period is Level III, which is sub-divided
into IIIa and IIIb, separated by an erosional contact.
Sublevel IIIa, with abundant industrial remains, is dated
in the Aurignacian, whereas Sublevel IIIB, in which hardly
any lithic industry or remains of fauna associated with
human activity were found, corresponds to a very late
phase of the Mousterian. As a result of the circumstances
in the initial series of excavations, mixing of some materials
between the two sublevels may have taken place,
although their original differentiation was made by José
Miguel de Barandiarán, and these possible cases should
be regarded as few in number.
To demonstrate the practicability of the described model for archaeological research, the model is tested furthermore for the case of Pleistocene hunter-gatherers in Northern Spain who show a number of considerable changes in behavioral patterns. With limited success, it has been attempted to explain these processes of changes by models like the Repeated Replacement Model (see Bradtmoeller et al. 2012 and Schmidt et al.2012). Turning to the resilience of the observable behavioral systems provides here a promising alternative.
the introduction and development of a productive economy on the coastal strip of northern Spain.
This paper summarizes the results obtained from different kinds of studies (archaeozoology, archaeomalacology,
archaeobotany, ceramics and lithic assemblages) carried out on the different stratigraphic sub-levels. The palaeo-economic traits of the groups occupying the cave from the fifth to the third millenia cal BC are considered in the context of the social and economic development characterizing the process of introduction and consolidation of a productive
economy in the region
Este breve texto explica, en clave historiográfica, los motivos por los cuales los modelos territoriales aplicados desde mediados del siglo XX a la ecúmene paleolítica en la Península Ibérica continúan aún distorsionando nuestra visión. El paradigma del hábitat durante el Paleolítico superior en una cavidad situada a baja altitud se ha ido replicando, aunque se acumulan pruebas que acreditan su insuficiencia. Los últimos quince años han proporcionado una visión más verosímil de este escenario, pero los autores echan en falta una reflexión profunda acerca del concepto de territorialidad empleado. Consideran que la falta de visibilidad arqueológica no está a veces relacionada con la ausencia de información de partida, sino con los filtros epistemológicos bajo los que examinamos el registro.
material recuperado y el interés que presenta, era adecuado parar la actividad en el yacimiento, llevar a cabo estudios detallados y realizar la primera publicación en formato de monografía para ser publicado por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. La primera monografía incluye: 1) la caracterización general del yacimiento y su entorno (Cuadros S43 y S45), y 2) la presentación de los niveles excavados en la zona baja del yacimiento, todos niveles con cerámica de probable adscripción a la Edad del Bronce. Este trabajo presenta los resultados llevados a cabo por el equipo científico que forma parte del proyecto. Queremos subrayar que una parte importante del trabajo se ha realizado con financiación propia, asumida por los propios investigadores, y por el proyecto del Plan Nacional de I+D+i HAR2011-23716 dirigido por Lydia Zapata.
profundidad con varias unidades estratigráficas que incluyen cerámica, restos de cultivos y fauna doméstica. La datación de un hueso de bóvido de la base del sondeo ha proporcionado una cronología que corresponde a la Edad del Bronce (Beta 317437: 4240-4010 cal BP / 2290-2060 cal BC) y que es coherente con toda la secuencia.