International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2011
... e-mail: Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ... Fisch... more ... e-mail: Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ... Fischer: Jena. Mays SA. 1996. Healed limb amputations in human osteoarchaeology and their causes: A case study from Ips-wich, UK. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6: 101– 113. ...

American Journal of Archaeology, 2017
All the reactions were performed in an oven-dried apparatus under an inert atmosphere of argon. 1... more All the reactions were performed in an oven-dried apparatus under an inert atmosphere of argon. 19 F NMR, 13 C NMR, 1 H NMR spectra were recorded on a 200 MHz or 400MHz multinuclear spectrometer, 19 F NMR spectra are referenced to external CFCl 3 , 1 H NMR and 13 C NMR spectra to TMS. In all NMR measurements CDCl 3 was used as a solvent. Elemental analyses were performed by the Service de Microanalyses of the Centre d'Etudes Pharmaceutiques, Châtenay-Malabry. The diastereoselectivities were determined by 19 F NMR and GC. Allylation reaction with magnesium N-Benzyl-1,1,1-trifluoro-4-penten-2-amine 3a To a solution of imine 1 (187 mg, 1.0 mmol) and allyl bromide 2a (181 mg, 1.5 mmol) in ether was added successively magnesium turning (36 mg, 1.5 mmol) and 2 drops of TMSCl at room temperature. After 45 min of stirring, the reaction was quenched with a saturated aqueous NH 4 Cl solution (15 mL). The mixture was extracted with ether (2 x 20 mL), dried

Archaological research in the neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica is result of a long-term c... more Archaological research in the neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica is result of a long-term cooperation of a large Greek-Bulgarian team. The greek-bulgarian border separates the location in two sectors: Sector Topolnica in Bulgaria and sector Promachon in Greece. Archaological excavations took place in sector Topolnica within the years 1980-1991, in sector Promachon within 1992-2003. Geophysical surveys were curried out 1995, 1996 and 2002 in sector Promachon and 2010, 2011 in sector Topolnica. Two methods were employed: Geomagnetic and Geoelectric with a Vertical Electric Probing (VES). Burned settlement structures have been investigated, as well as the culture deposits of 5 occupations levels and the kind of the geological sub-structure. Structures of the two upper archaeological levels extend on the whole excavated area, they have irregular forms and offer a distribution picture like a mosaic. Near trenches two strata draw themselves considerably, which were verified also by ...
American Journal of Archaeology, 2009

In the late Neolithic, at the end of the VI century BC. In the region of Middle and Lower Struma/... more In the late Neolithic, at the end of the VI century BC. In the region of Middle and Lower Struma/Strimon establish culture Topolnica-Akropotamos. Its appearance changes radically the appearance of the area and structure of Neolithic habitation system during this period consists of numerous large settlements along the plateaus along the rivers. These concerns and the settlement Promachon-Topolnica. The study is of utmost importance to the prehistory of the Balkans. It's about eponyms object given the name of the late Neolithic culture Topolnica-Akropotamos. The article presents the results of the study of decorated ceramics, as is the focus of bitumen (type Topolnica), black on red pottery (type Strumsko and Akropotamos). Stratigraphy of the neolithic Promachon-Topolnica change current ideas about the development of this type of decoration.One of the important discoveries made in Promachon-Topolnica is the finding of the earliest in the Balkans graphite drawing. The inspection revealed a genetic link between dark picture "type Strumsko" wide and graphite drawings, which proved to be synchronous. Terms were not only ornamental their schemes, but also ceramic forms. This discovery also changes the traditional view that the homeland of graphite decoration of ceramics is Thrace. This fact is confirmed by our observations on the earlier vessels late Neolithic Graphitized surface of the object Promachon-Topolnica that allowed to trace the process of occurrence of graphite drawing that is near the Middle Struma/Strimon. It is noteworthy that the complex Kaloyanovets (Karanovo IV) in Thrace, a synchronous Topolnica-Akropotamos (Late Neolithic) graphitized vessels are completely unknown.Overall we can say that in the region of Middle and Lower Struma culture Topolnica-Akropotamos having a decorative canon, which is maintained after the sunset. Thus, this interesting culture leaves its imprint in the form of influences and technical innovation on large parts of Southeast Europe.
The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of gre... more The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of great importance for the history of the Neolithic in the Balkans. Promachon-Topolnica is the Bulgarian-Greek border. Survey results are a good example is the scientific cooperation among the Bulgarian and Greek archaeologists. The village is famous for the study of a large dug into the earth temple bull. Here for the first time using graphite as a technology to decorate pottery. This is a tradition from earlier Graphitized black topped technology vessels.

Preface ix Acknowledgements x List of contributors xi List of sites xii Introduction xiv PART I. ... more Preface ix Acknowledgements x List of contributors xi List of sites xii Introduction xiv PART I. INTRODUCTORY AND OVERARCHING STUDIES 1. Inventing the Final Neolithic 3 Colin Renfrew 2. Transformation and changes at the end of the Neolithic Kostas Kotsakis 3. Village nucleation and centralisation in the Later Neolithic of SouthEastern Europe: A long-term, comparative approach William A. Parkinson, William P. Ridge and Attila Gyucha 4. Greece in the 5th and 4th millennia B.C.: Researching the "missing" 4th millennium Ioannis Aslanis 5. The shadowy "proto-Early Bronze Age" in the Aegean John E. Coleman and Yorgos Facorellis 6. Casting doubts on metallurgy and the transition to social complexity: The evidence from the Aegean Maria Mina PART II. THE BALKANS 7. Settlement pattern changes during the Central Balkans Copper Age Aleksandar Kapuran, Aleksandar Bulatović and Dragan Milanović 8. Modelling the black box: Bulgaria in the 4th millennium BC Inga Merkyte 9. Possible approaches to tracing the fate of the population of the Varna, Kodjadermen-Gumelniţa-Karanovo VI and Krivodol-Sălcuţa cultures Petya Georgieva 10. Kozareva Mogila: A settlement and necropolis in the West Black Sea region 107 Petya Georgieva, Margarita Popova and Veselin Danov 11. The Chalcolithic settlement at Varhari: A production and trade centre in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains 120 Kamen Boyadzhiev and Yavor Boyadzhiev 12. The latest Late Chalcolithic settlement at Tell Yunatsite: Plan and architectural remains 128 Velichka Matsanova and Tatyana Mishina Contents vi 13. Late Chalcolithic cult tables from Tell Yunatsite, Bulgaria Stoilka Terzijska-Ignatova 14. Rethinking the absolute chronology of the SouthEastern Balkans in the latter half of the 5th and in the 4th millennium BC Mariusz Kufel and Łukasz Pospieszny 15. Graphite and carbon: Relative and absolute chronology between the Aegean and the Black Sea in the 5th millennium BC Agathe Reingruber 16. Lithic technology in the region between the Lower Danube and Marmara in the 6th and 5th millennia BC

Mit Rücksicht auf die gegenseitige Verbundenheit des geomorphologischen Bildes eines Gebiets mit ... more Mit Rücksicht auf die gegenseitige Verbundenheit des geomorphologischen Bildes eines Gebiets mit dem Siedlungswesen, der Wirtschaft und der sozialökonomischen Entwicklung soll das in dieser Studie in Bezug auf Zentralmakedonien, aufgrund der archäologischen Befunde vor allem der Keramik, getan werden. Das geomorphologische Bild eines Gebietes spielt ohne Zweifel eine entscheidende Rolle in der wirtschaftlichen und der kulturellen Entwicklung seiner Einwohnerschaft. Freilich läßt sich dies am deutlichsten in der prähistorischen Zeit erkennen, als der Mensch in noch engerer Verbindung mit der Natur und den Naturereignissen stand. Das Siedlungswesen, die Wirtschaft und die sozialökonomische Entwicklung unterlagen dem starken Einfluß der obengenannten Faktoren. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob und wie stark die geomorphologische Lage Zentralmakedoniens auf seine kulturelle Entwicklung wirkt und ob sich dies in den archäologischen Funden und Befunden erkennen läßt.* Den Anlaß für ein...

Die Siedlung von Dimini ist bekanntlich ein Be griff in der Vorgeschichte Griechenlands und zu ... more Die Siedlung von Dimini ist bekanntlich ein Be griff in der Vorgeschichte Griechenlands und zu gleich die einzige fast völlig ausgegrabene Siedlung des 5. Jahrtausends. Deshalb darf man sie nicht übersehen, wenn man die Siedlungsstruktur dieser Zeit in Griechenland untersuchen will. Angesichts dieser wichtigen Stellung und neuer Forschungsergebnisse bedarf das Siedlungsbild von Dimini nach Meinung des Verfassers einer Revision. Die zeitliche Stellung und die Funktion der Mauerringe wurden bereits in einigen Arbeiten (ASLANIS 1993a, 133 ff.; ASLANIS 1990a, 183 ff.; ASLANIS 1990b, 19 ff.) behandelt. Deshalb dürfen die vorliegenden Ausführungen als eine Fortsetzung dieser Diskussion gelten. Dimini wurde nahe der Stadt Volos in Thessalien von H.G. Lolling lokalisiert (LOLLING 1884, 99 ff.) und von dem Archäologen V. Stais 1901 fast völlig freigelegt (Abb. 1). Zwei Jahre später setzte Ch. Tsountas die Grabung fort und verbesserte den Siedlungsplan (TSOUNTAS 1908, 28) (Abb. 2). Nach sei...

The aim of this paper is to discuss two main problems pertaining to the settlement patterns in Ch... more The aim of this paper is to discuss two main problems pertaining to the settlement patterns in Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age in Southeast Europe: the appearance of fortified settlements and the formation of tell settlement in Southeast Europe. For this, recent excavation data will be drawn mainly from the Greek-Bulgarian excavation at Tell Yunatsite in Bulgaria. The first part of the paper offers a definition of a fortification, its necessity, its possible form and its earliest appearance. Tell Yunatsite represents one of the various fortified forms of Southeast Europe, consisting of an earthen wall und a ditch, which encircled the densely built settlement. The second part of the paper discusses what a “tell” (or “toumba” or “tepe”) is and when its formation began. The settlement of Yunatsite allows a distinction to be made between two types of tells: tell-formed settlements, which began on the flat land and were fortified, and tell-founded settlements, which were established on top of abandoned Chalcolithic sites and began as already elevated settlements. The first type appears mainly during the Chalcolithic period, but also in the beginning of Early Bronze Age, while the second type emerges only at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.

Vdaka zachrannému vyskumu pravekého sidliska Agrosykia ν blizkosti anìického mesta Pella a s vyuz... more Vdaka zachrannému vyskumu pravekého sidliska Agrosykia ν blizkosti anìického mesta Pella a s vyuzitim vysledkov vyskumov na lokalitach Mandalo a Mégalo Nisi Galanis, ktoré neboli este komplexne spracované, sa podarilo stratigraficky preukazat' naslednost' neskorého neolitu a najstarsieho chalkolitu. Vpriebehu vyvojafäzy Dimini je uzemie zapadného Macedónska pod silnym kulturnym vplyvom ζ Thesalie. Sidliska s mal'ovanou keramikou stylu Dimini sa koncentruju ν okoli priesmykov kvôli kontrole cestnych spojov. Prechod k postdiminskej faze (faza Rachmani ν Thesalii) prebieha kontinualne a ai pocas nasledujuceho obdobia su sidliska ζ rôznych dôvodov opust'ané. Dank einer Rettungsgrabung in der prähistorischen Siedlung Agrosykia, nahe der antiken Stadt Pella, und mit Hilfe der noch nicht ausfuhrlich publizierten Ergebnisse der Grabungen in Mandalo und Mégalo Nisi Galanis war es möglich, die stratigraphische Abfolge des späten Neolithikums und des beginnenden Chalkolithikums zu verfolgen. Während der diminizeitlichen Phase steht das Gebiet Westmakedoniens unter dem starken kulturellen Einfluß Thessaliens. Die Siedlungen mit bemalter Keramik der Dimini-Art konzentrieren sich an Pässen, um die Kommunikationswege zu kontrollieren. Der Übergang zur nachdiminizeitlichen Phase (Rachmani-Phase in Thessalien) verläuft kontinuierlich, und erst danach werden die Siedlungen aus verschiedenen Gründen verlassen. Thanks to rescue excavations at the prehistoric settlement of Agrosykia, near the ancient city of Pella, and following a preliminary, not yet completely published, analysis of the results from excavations in Mandalo and Mégalo Nisi Galanis, there is now a complete stratigraphie series for the Late Neolithic through Early Chalcolithic periods. During the Dimini phase Western Macedonia fell under the strong cultural influence ofThessaly. The settlements with Dimini style painted pottery were concentrated around mountain passes in order to control communication routes. Settlement during the transition to the post-Dimini phase (the Rachmani phase in Thessaly) is continuous, with the abandonment of the settlements for various reasons occurring later.