



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > incurringの意味・解説 > incurringに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 47

mers can legally start their journey without incurring a penalty.
But after incurring a shoulder injury on the first play of his s
generate stamps for every recipient without incurring a high cost.
ltics, the pair tested positive for cocaine, incurring a two 1/2-year suspension from the league.
the club voluntarily entered administration, incurring a 10-point league penalty, resulting in rele
pproval may have the game rejected, possibly incurring additional costs in further testing and resu
oints, his final kickoff went out of bounds, incurring an illegal procedure penalty that placed the
1966-67 before being removed stateside after incurring battle damage.
After incurring considerable financial losses through gambli
ayed six months before Cooper was available, incurring costs of $100,000 for the delay in filming.
hind them, or pushing enemies back, possibly incurring damage if they hit walls or are pushed off l
Failure to produce or retain records; Incurring debts as a result of gambling; Incurring deb
paired by the government of Pakistan in 1995 incurring expenditure in lacs of rupees.
than is reliable and predictable and without incurring extreme costs.
Tarawa should have been bypassed, instead of incurring heavy Marine casualties during the seizure.
amoto in a game against the Giants on May 2, incurring his first loss of the year.
the White Fire where it flew two runs before incurring its incident.
n by fellow sedevacantist George Musey, thus incurring latae sententiae excommunication.
In 2003, after incurring many years of financial debt, Archbishop Jos
ft touched during training with one aircraft incurring minor damage.
at Lik-Sang had not contested the case, thus incurring no legal fees, and had not paid any damages
e project, Osisko can obtain a 50 % stake by incurring project expenditures.
required to form a trans-cycloalkene without incurring severe angle strain which is the cause for t
d as an act of helping someone else although incurring some cost for this act, could have evolved s
Warspite sustained fifteen hits, incurring such considerable damage that she almost fou
d awards to current or former pupils without incurring taxes, The City of London School War Memoria
hristijan Albers both had to change engines, incurring ten-place penalties.
right matters, R2-D2 triggers an avalanche, incurring the wrath of the local fauna.
-4 with a 5.59 earned run average, and began incurring the wrath of Cardinals fans.
no avail for Scylax, he released him anyway, incurring the Persian commander's wrath.
In August of that year, after incurring the wrath of army commander John Pope for tw
Foo to test the functionality of Foo without incurring the side effect of using a real Dangerous ob
ised as a way to say Birkat HaMazon, without incurring the wrath of the Spanish Inquisition, which
s were believed to have supernatural powers, incurring the anger of the losing party to such a case
was ordered home, in April 1666, on pain of incurring the charge of treason, and obeying was impri
as well as for infrastructure improvements, incurring the ire of local developers by supporting in
pped training camp and held out that season, incurring the wrath of Canadiens General Manager Sam P
he calls "a beacon we cannot renounce", thus incurring the excommunication Saint Pius X issued agai
s at the time of the declaration of a peace, incurring the loss of a small fortune had the peace co
s highy influential Patriachal Family, thus, incurring the wrath of many orthodox Nair & other uppe
1584 to ask his brothers to cover his debts, incurring their disapproval for living with a woman wi
ographs a discarded piece of crumpled paper, incurring their ire.
In incurring these losses during ferocious fighting in Mi
en speaks about bizarre subjects, inevitably incurring Touka's wrath.
June 1915 and served in France and Belgium, incurring two wounds and also being awarded the Milita
incurring unlawful expenses in connection with an elec
ionaries have published in inadequate Malay, incurring Van der Tuuk's scorn.

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