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The crucial feature that made Bank of England notes a means of exchange was the promise to pay the
Bible historian Alfred Sendrey notes a "sudden and unexplained upsurge of large cho
erceptible affair, or it may be a slur between notes a semitone apart, so that there is actually no
The narrator of the song notes a change that seems to have come over his girl
overdose with other tricyclic antidepressants, notes a company letter sent to healthcare profession
he editing of Wilhelm Rust for the edition and notes a deterioration of standards after his death,
Girbig notes a further 48 were lost to unknown causes makin
Salim Ali notes a wide range of superstitions related to them
In his book Danse Macabre, Stephen King notes a strong Lovecraftian quality to X, based on X
Moreover, Dill notes a difference in the plots between in the two v
But it notes a decrease in STDs in South Africa and neighbo
Notes: A Punisher-like vigilante who like Darcy was
Notes: A marine biologist who gains her powers after
The Occident notes a rabbi with a similar name as having been a l
), with introduction, metrical translation and notes; a commentary on Virgil (3rd ed., 1881); and a
for the steps are lined up next to the musical notes, a significant innovation in dance notation at
Lucier notes a synchronistic event, his reading of If on a
In PiHKAL, Shulgin also notes a cruder method of producing the same product
The early medieval master Hai Gaon notes a method for attaining a dream question involv
Allmusic notes a "swinging R&B vibe pervasive throughout the
s: a series of Monographs, a series of Lecture Notes, a series of Student Texts, and (jointly with
Raghunathan,K (1985) Miscellaneous notes: a peculiar feeding habit of Brahminy Kite.
ty of just one instrument, minimum Synthesizer notes, a string arrangement just hearable in the end
Beare notes a compromise view, which is that "a cubit of l
in the first movement, bars 162-168, with the notes a-g-a-d-h-e.
"After a few weeks," notes Aalen and Tronvoll, "all donor countries caved
re extant what are probably two sets of school notes abbreviating his treatises on mythology; one i
ading Will's Journal, the four friends compare notes about high school and recount the "glory days"
ducer Fred Zollo commented in the show's liner notes about "Teamwork": "One of the most remarkable
s, and began a lifelong collection of detailed notes about them.
His notes about painting and calligraphy are of great in
Notes about the songs
His book also contains many notes about the founding of the drawing academy in t
A traveler's guide to the island, with notes about the island's history (and directions to
Although there was positive notes about the impressive gore effects and the fact
tly tweeting, updating his profile and writing notes about government announcements and party polic
was published by Dennison & Brown in 1888 with notes about the monument and its dedication.
were copied and returned to their owners, and notes about them were made and indexed.
des his astronomical observations and personal notes about the American frontier environment and hi
bands singles but there are a few interesting notes about the selection: "Deliver us from Free Wil
, book reviews, letters to the editor and PNEU Notes about news from various districts.
spects (including the 25 May moon speech), and notes about how this led on to subsequent missions
The end credits often feature humorous notes about Croshaw's reviews such as "systematicall
le episode, maybe some cultural references and notes about the episode.
troumboulopoulos starts with some introductory notes about himself and the content, then presents 4
w middle C (F#3) to the E one octave and three notes above middle C (E5).
The Tenor who sings notes above the Lead.
I've updated the notes above so that it makes sense.--Goonerak
n the episodes a NY bank that transferred bank notes abroad was involved with the Russian mob.
According to Donovan's notes accompanying the album Donovan's Greatest Hits
Inlay notes accompanying The Glorious Burden (European Dig
This innovative machine could also sort notes according to their value and remove counterfei
d Das Hohe Lied, translated in verse, and with notes according to the Midrash (Berlin, 1878); and M
evision Companion assigned authorship in their notes accordingly.
It ends with a loud tremolo, a group of grace notes acending to an A Major chord in the highest re
Notes, Acknowledgments, Index, About the Author
The manuscript has many notes added by a later hand.
Notes Adult Video News in their review, "Hardcore fa
Broadwater's website notes advantages to consumers of cutting the cost of
Notes: After "A.W.O.L." ends, there is a brief repri
The Great Brain Is Back (Published from loose notes after the author's death)
nk of Scotland was able to start redeeming its notes again, with interest, and in March 1729, it re
Notes: Agreement for the Future - CenterLeft - coali
Liner notes: Alan Robinson
ence and French author-translation queries and notes all in a single alphabet.
careens, bolts, stutters, glides, and flashes notes all over the place at a frequently breathless
c, hanging like a locket in the upper left are notes all in red also in the shape of a heart.
Notes: Almami Samari Touray was a leader of Guinea d
As described in the cast recording's liner notes Almira is an "embittered also-ran."
Each CD featured detailed liner notes along with two related drink recipes, tips on
played tenor saxophone in the sextet The Blue Notes alongside Chris McGregor, Dudu Pukwana, Mongez
He notes also that "according to the philosopher of sci
The liner notes also feature a surreal and sensationalistic "i
The notes also state "CSIS officers have been serving al
including arpeggios, octave runs, leaps, grace notes, alternating hands, swiftly-changing block cho
f, the riff sounds something like swung eighth notes alternating between the musical notes F natura
In 1930, coins up to 100 levs replaced notes, although 20 levs notes were issued between 19
Base Notes: Amber, Musk, Mandrake root.
xophone playing incorporates very high, shrill notes amidst much squeaking.
in India and providing a forum for exchange of notes among theatre workers from different parts of
In support of this, Hoagland notes, among other things, that "A newspaper article
bers Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions” 2009 notes an important link between Baha'is and Esperant
The right hand plays the notes an octave higher than noted.
ian anthology including extracts from the work notes an obsession with decapitation.
Loomis also notes an antisemitic air absent from most Arthurian
tures individual cards that have lyrics, liner notes, an industrial-style photograph, and comments
she was a member of the Wellesley College Blue Notes, an A Capella group and Phi Sigma Lecture Soci
Tuner programs display notes an octave higher than they should be quite fre
Kealey, D.;Haines P.J.; instant notes, Analytical Chemistry page 182-188
inato consists of nine of the twelve chromatic notes, and the remaining three are found in the them
o international talks in Riga and Geneva, sent notes and messages in the address of the League of N
-Nude Revue) - Performance, production, sleeve notes and design
s previously associated with journal Akwesasne Notes and the journal Indian Magazine.
copy each featuring different corrections and notes, and a typescript of the earlier sections of t
or the first time), as well as his theological notes, and his prison poems.
Quincunx pattern), written in developed jotted notes, and fractured, hasty style, Cyrus may be cons
ritualized relies heavily on sustained 'pedal' notes and drones.
originally compiled from his personal reading notes and printed as supplementary reading for his m
Henry Frederic Turle (1835-1883) was editor of Notes and Queries.
s on word origins for the London-based journal Notes and Queries.
tually successful) legal battle to recover his notes and papers from the Eastland Committee.
Some of Stopes' research notes and correspondence are deposited at the Univer
thms, often the tenor part in mode 5 (two long notes) and the upper part in mode 1 (a long then sho
It publishes articles, notes and reviews about the history of Western philo
In the liner notes and artwork Brendan and Chris identify themsel
2, and the Rotary Club paid off the promissory notes and transferred the land to York on May 18 of
At UC Hastings, she also served as Notes and Comments Editor of the Hastings Law Journa
too familiar, as film historian Douglas Brode notes, and it "seemed likely the play would be put a
After they had gathered up their notes and came to a decision, Waverley School was of
ns of the tracks are not revealed in the liner notes, and are only referred to simply as being "Rec
n de Sermisy, as evidenced by his dedications, notes, and the poignant lament he wrote for his deat
has many fast arpeggios and strongly accented notes, and an effective performance demands lively a
On Hearne's death, in 1735, manuscripts, book, notes and papers came to the Bodleian Library; with
of large chords, octave doublings and repeated notes, and the patterns of movement of the fingers a
ine C&ENtral Science blog which contains news, notes, and reflections from the C&EN magazine.
The field notes and a full analysis of the excavation have not
to those of Crus Beaujolais but with raspberry notes and the signature fresh-peppery nose of the Ca
ludes addressbook, calendar, email, timesheet, notes and website content management modules.
Dodson's legal writings were an edition with notes and references of Sir Michael Foster's Report
im from Batei Midrashot and Leket Midrash with notes and commentary.
to add links to Web pages and files as well as notes and events using a built-in calendar.
s, such as Michael Pachter, in their published notes and financial news outlets, such as Reuters, M
led, and the publication of the complete work, Notes and Various Readings of Shakespeare (1779-1783
Burial of Somerled of Argyll, in West Highland Notes and Queries, 1991.
Notes and Counter Notes also reprints a heated war o
Technology, dedicated to student-written case notes and comments discussing the most important rec
Around 1872, Lord Leighton dictated notes and observations on his methods of painting an
d to differences in the editions and the Marek notes and said that if the diary was to be accepted
Richard II: Literature Revision Notes and Examples.
With arguments, marginall notes, and annotations,' London, 1647; 1660; 1673.
tains 486 pages, Volume 2, 467 with 4 pages of notes and 12 pages of subscribers.
Hitchcock provides sleeve notes, and the track listing below conforms to that
History of Ireland edited, with introduction, notes, and vocabulary by Osborn Bergin.
for the year 1307 was 10 million ting of paper notes and 3 million dan of grains.
the proposals of Joseph Scaliger, who provided notes and additions.
s on the analog optical sound track to produce notes and chords.
ord and phrase searches, accessing study bible notes and commentaries, referencing various modern t
ave since released five studio albums: Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses, The Curse, A Death-Grip
including, Best Recording Package, Best Liner Notes and Best Historical Album.
However, the notes and commentaries are all different.
variable, often repeated series of suweet-chu notes, and the call is a sharp chep.
a pen-sensitive screen, supporting handwritten notes and portrait-oriented screens.
al printing on porous paper resulted in blurry notes and words that were difficult to read.
showed it to John, he added the long sustained notes, and one of the nice things about the structur
Calvert went on to publish over 300 notes and articles on the Odonata.
just received a consignment of Bank of England notes, and the cashier, on receiving the cheque, han
Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries 1919
ell in his/her own emotions, responding to the notes and occasional dissonance.
ave to survive in the past without using ¥1000 notes and ¥500 coins.
on Girder Records with all new artwork, liner notes and more.
10 Notes and references (no work needed)
omas Shadwell in an abusive pamphlet entitled " Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco" (1
ation is chiefly based, was a new edition with notes and additions of Barbosa's great work on paris
Administers the sale of state bonds and notes and is the investment officer for most state f
ters triggered the cross default of the Senior Notes and the PIK Notes, causing in excess of US$985
d Thomas Worthington, who proofed and provided notes and annotations.
Working from Jette's notes, and in consultation with Koyukon tribal elder
at most basses have to resort to hit their low notes, and without losing richness on high notes.
ter Risks columns for ACM Software Engineering Notes and Communications of the ACM.
varies by model, typically they can count both notes and coins and check standard bank bundles or b
lication Tuesday of a book comprising personal notes and hours of recordings of former President Ne
His notes and collations have been used by various edito
Bands that moved him included The Blue Notes and Stevie Wonder.
int of the photograph with Lange's handwritten notes and signature sold in 1998 for $244,500 at Sot
With notes and comments by William A. Baker.
ial, and contains an 8-page booklet with liner notes and rare photos.
He is the author of several hundred liner notes and interviews with American composers, and se
and called The Glass Household, based on Ray's notes and writings.
Some ragas omit notes and others have zigzagging ascents or descents
As the wine ages, it can develop smoky notes and more earthy and animal flavors like leathe
smates and teachers welcomed her, shared their notes and studied with her, helping her to catch up
Islamic architecture and began a collection of notes and photographs that he later donated to the A
Nebulae Found in the Years 1895 to 1907; with Notes and Corrections to the New General Catalogue a
Little Nothing," which has the same first five notes and a line that says "Every Little Moment"--a
f the BASIC programming language used by Lotus Notes and other IBM Lotus Software products.
He had loaned Grose his notes and does not have a copy of these notes or of
on,' which was reprinted by the trustees, with notes and additions, in 1804 and 1826.
to antiquarian journals and for his letters to Notes and Queries.
o 13 verses, based on the number of Sof Passuk notes, and the other that divides them into ten vers
y was noted in his experiments on insects, but notes and conclusions from Boyle's Experiment 41 dea
Dissertations on Sacrifices,' with additional notes and indexes by John Allen, was published in 18
ine and gracious floral bouquet with green top notes and powdery base of wood and spices.
of Gregorio Leti, with a preface, prolegomena, notes, and appendix, fol., London, 1754; another edi
ress had to protect the newly established bank notes and restrain the notes of the state banks as m
He travelled extensively and took notes and photographs that were the basis of his lat
Folders, Flags, Tags, and Notes and on-the-fly handling of duplicates.
bsite (link below) contains reviews, programme notes, and many examples of the play's robust and ut
uthwestern Pennsylvania in Song and Story with Notes and Illustrations, with an Appendix: The Battl
She worked with her husband's notes and comments to create the story of a man she
terspersed with many genealogical and literary notes, and about fifty anagrams, epigrams, and elegi
eping it by writing down an enormous number of notes and texts of Persian Poetry as well as popular
h Release 6.5 this functionality is built into Notes and presence awareness is available in email a
* 6 Notes and references
series but came from Mel's original character notes and yet she's still listed in the Companion Li
on like text documents, web snippets, e-mails, notes, and files from other applications.
These are Uncle Sam's fist, the narrator notes, and behind it is American labor "Uncle Sam's
the old school, and his chief works were legal notes and responsa on the Talmud and the Shulkhan Ar
ralist, philosopher, and collector of valuable notes and of manuscripts, and of anecdotes of the li
es of gamaks that might be applied to specific notes, and the types that may not.
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