意味 | 例文 (32件) |
loss of employmentとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 失職
「loss of employment」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 32件
(1) Realization of labour movement without loss of employment例文帳に追加
(1)失業なき労働移動の実現 - 厚生労働省
the loss of employment caused by a compulsory reason発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
自発的でない理由による失業 - EDR日英対訳辞書
(Employment decreased in the manufacturing industry, but the employment loss was kept to a lowlevel, due to such means as reduction of new hiring)例文帳に追加
(製造業では雇用減も、採用抑制等により少量にとどまる) - 厚生労働省
Meanwhile, when creation and loss of employment of continuing business establishments are analyzed by workforce size (Fig. 1-2-50), we see that continuing business establishments with almost all employment sizes are reducing employment, but those with one to five employees are increasing employment.例文帳に追加
一方、従業者規模別に存続事業所における雇用の創出と喪失について見ると(第1-2-50図)、存続事業所においては、ほとんどの規模で雇用を減少させているが、従業者数1~5人の事業所では雇用を増加させている。 - 経済産業省
The quality of the employment situation of energy is determined from the profit and loss ratio of energy.例文帳に追加
このエネルギーの損益率からエネルギーの運用状況の良否を判定する。 - 特許庁
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「loss of employment」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 32件
Employment of a form of penetrating through some of the lot of cells suppresses increase of pressure loss due to clogging of the partition walls.例文帳に追加
多数のセルのうちの幾つかについて貫通させた形態を採用することで隔壁の目詰まりによる圧力損失の増大が抑制できる。 - 特許庁
This indicates that, in line with the decline of husbands' income, wives are increasingly participating as labour force in order to support the household budget; we need to further promote the environment so that these people can easily meet their wishes for employment .(Employment decreased in the manufacturing industry, but the employment loss was kept to a low level, due to such means as reduction of new hiring) In 2012, both export-bound production and domestic-bound production declined due to the slowdown of the world economy, end of eco-car subsidy program, etc .例文帳に追加
つまり夫の年収低下とあいまって妻が家計補助の観点から労働参加をしていることが増えていると考えられるが、こうした者が就業希望を実現しやすいような環境整備をこれからも進める必要がある。 - 厚生労働省
In 2009 when the impact of the financial crisis was grave, the net decrease rate of employment was largest in the transportation, postal services and manufacturing industry, in which the effect of employment loss was strong in continuing business establishments .例文帳に追加
リーマンショックの影響が大きく表れた2009年に雇用純減率が大きかった運輸業,郵便業、製造業ではいずれも存続事業所の雇用消失効果が大きかった 。 - 厚生労働省
According to the Cabinet Office, the loss in lifetime income in the case of leaving work to have a child and then returning to employment as a part-time or arubaito worker compared with continued employment as a permanent employee is in the region of \\200 million.例文帳に追加
内閣府によれば、出産を機に退職し、その後パート・アルバイトとして再就職した場合、正社員として就業を継続した場合と比べて、逸失する生涯所得は約2億円に上るとの試算もある。 - 経済産業省
The decrease rate was alleviated in 2010; in the transportation and postal services, the employment loss in continuing business establishments was reduced and the effect of opening new business establishments became stronger than in 2009; in the manufacturing industry, the employment loss in continuing business establishments was reduced and employment creation was expanded, but the effect of opening new business establishments became weaker than in 2009 .例文帳に追加
2010年には減少率は縮小したが、運輸業,郵便業では存続事業所の雇用消失幅の縮小に加えて事業所新設の効果が2009年より高まったのに対し、製造業では存続事業所の雇用消失が縮小、雇用創出が拡大したものの、事業所新設効果は2009年よりも小さくなった 。 - 厚生労働省
The loss of employment and skills and the knowhow that makes each company different from others that results from the exit of enterprises and business establishments is also a significant loss for the Japanese economy.例文帳に追加
廃業によって、雇用や、企業固有の技術・ノウハウなどが失われてしまうのは我が国経済にとっても大きな損失であると言えるだろう。 - 経済産業省
Industries placed in the first quadrant gain their jobs structurally, for which employment increases during both periods of economic recovery and periods of recession. Industries placed in the second quadrant gain and loss their jobs procyclically, for which employment increases during periods of economic recovery and decreases during periods of recession. Industries placed in the third quadrant loss their jobs structurally, for which employment decreases during both periods of recovery and periods of economic recession. Finally, industries placed in the fourth quadrant adjust their jobs countercyclically,for which employment moves counter to movements in the economy.例文帳に追加
第1象限に属する業種は景気回復期と後退期のいずれにおいても雇用が増加する「構造的増加」業種、第2象限に属する業種は景気回復期に雇用が増加し後退期に減少する「循環的増減」業種、第3象限に属する業種は景気回復期と後退期のいずれにおいても雇用が減少する「構造的減少」業種、そして第4象限に属する業種は景気と雇用の動向が反転している「反循環的増減」業種である。 - 経済産業省
The decrease rate was alleviated in 2010; in the transportationand postal services, the employment loss in continuing business establishments was reduced and the effect ofopening new business establishments became stronger than in 2009; in the manufacturing industry, theemployment loss in continuing business establishments was reduced and employment creation was expanded, butthe effect of opening new business establishments became weaker than in 2009 .例文帳に追加
2010年には減少率は縮小したが、運輸業,郵便業では存続事業所の雇用消失幅の縮小に加えて事業所新設の効果が2009年より高まったのに対し、製造業では存続事業所の雇用消失が縮小、雇用創出が拡大したものの、事業所新設効果は2009年よりも小さくなった。 - 厚生労働省
意味 | 例文 (32件) |
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