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good thermal insulationの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 55


To provide a wall surface of good appearance having high thermal insulation efficiency.例文帳に追加

外観体裁が良好な高断熱の壁面を構築する。 - 特許庁

Such double window systems provide good thermal insulation and increase air conditioning efficiency. 例文帳に追加

そのような二重窓システムは断熱性に優れており,冷暖房の効率を高めてくれる。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


遺棄分解性の良好な軽量構造材、断熱材及びその製造方法 - 特許庁

The insulation layer 30 is filled with the filler 40 having good thermal conductivity.例文帳に追加

絶縁層30には熱伝導性が良好な充填材40が充填されている。 - 特許庁


To provide composite foam having good thermal insulation properties over a long time by a simple method.例文帳に追加

長期にわたって良好な断熱性を有する複合発泡体を簡便な方法で提供する。 - 特許庁


As a coil insulation material 13, SiO_2 or the like having low thermal expansion coefficient and good workability is used.例文帳に追加

コイル絶縁材料13に熱膨張率が低く、加工性の良いSiO_2等を用いる。 - 特許庁

To provide a double-glazing which exhibits good thermal insulation performance, sound insulation performance and translucence performance and may be relatively inexpensively mass produced.例文帳に追加

良好な断熱性能、遮音性能及び透光性能を発揮するとともに、比較的安価に量産することができる複層ガラスを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an insulation resin sheet impregnated with glass fiber fabric of low thermal expansion, a laminated plate using the insulation resin sheet impregnated with glass fiber fabric and having good insulation reliability between walls, a multilayered printed wiring board having good implementation reliability, and a semiconductor device having good thermal shock resistance.例文帳に追加

本発明は、低熱膨張のガラス繊維布入り絶縁樹脂シートと、当該ガラス繊維布入り絶縁樹脂シートを用いた壁間絶縁信頼性に優れる積層板、実装信頼性に優れる多層プリント配線板、及び熱衝撃性に優れる半導体装置を提供するものである。 - 特許庁

To obtain a porcelain product having high strength, light weight and thermal insulation property without adding alumina of large specific gravity and good heat conductivity.例文帳に追加

比重が大きく、熱伝導性のよいアルミナを添加せず高強度で軽量且つ断熱性を持った磁器製品を得ること。 - 特許庁


The slurry has excellent transportability with pump and good adhesivity and gives a heat-insulation layer having a pore ratio of60% and low thermal conductivity.例文帳に追加

ポンプ圧送性や付着性に優れ、しかも気孔率が60%以上の低熱伝導率の断熱層を得ることができる。 - 特許庁


To provide a tank with insulating caissons displaying good thermal insulation while at the same time being of a simple structure and low cost.例文帳に追加

良好な断熱を示しながら同時に、簡易な構造かつ低コストである断熱ケーソンを有するタンクを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a molding material which has good moldability, strength, thermal insulation properties and color and achieves weight saving.例文帳に追加

良好な成形性、強度、断熱性、色味を有し、軽量化も達成される成形材料を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide an engine valve hard to rise in temperature with an oxidized layer of a good thermal insulation effect existing also on the outer peripheral face of a head part.例文帳に追加

傘部の外周面にも断熱効果の良好な酸化層が存在していることで昇温し難いエンジンバルブを提供する。 - 特許庁

That is, the insulator is fixedly filled between the P-type and N-type thermoelectric materials pairs, and the electric insulation film is formed of a thin film having good thermal conductivity.例文帳に追加

すなわち、P型、N型の熱電対間に絶縁材を充填固定し、電気絶縁膜を薄く熱伝導性の良好な薄膜で形成する。 - 特許庁

To provide a wooden building capable of maintaining good thermal insulation property for a long period and, at the same time, having safety and amenity.例文帳に追加

良好な断熱性能を長期間維持することができると共に、安全で快適な木造建築物を提供する。 - 特許庁

The insulation layer 3 is filled with the filling material 4 having a good thermal conductivity, and is so formed as to cover the substrate 1 (or the first interconnection layer 2).例文帳に追加

絶縁層3には熱伝導性が良好な充填材4が充填され、基材1(または第1の配線層2)を被覆するように形成される。 - 特許庁

As thermal conductivities of insulation membranes 31, 3, 33 of the respective heating regions are differentiated from each other, thermal efficiencies of faces contacting to the pressurizing chamber 21 are differentiated from each other and the heating region has the good thermal efficiency as it becomes closer to the nozzle 28.例文帳に追加

各発熱領域11〜13は、絶縁膜31,3,33の熱伝導率を違えることによって、圧力室21に接する面の熱効率に差が設けられ、ノズル28に近い側がより熱効率の良い発熱領域となっている。 - 特許庁

To provide a resin-coated electric wire having a good insulation, flexibility, strength, and circularity and a good thermal aging resistance and lubricity and being good at preventing dangling in flames.例文帳に追加

絶縁性、柔軟性、強度及び真円性に優れ、且つ耐熱老化性、潤滑性および燃焼時の垂れ防止に優れる樹脂被覆電線を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a thermoconductive elastomer composition which is excellent in heat resistance, is good in thermal conductivity, is flexible, is good in adhesiveness to an object, has a good electric insulation property, is good in moisture resistance, is little deteriorated, and has good moldability.例文帳に追加

耐熱性に優れ、熱伝導性が良好であり、柔軟性があって対象物との密着性が良く、電気絶縁性があり、耐湿性が良好で劣化しにくく、成形性が良好である熱伝導性エラストマー組成物を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a light molded refractory for metal casting having good insulation (thermal insulation) that can suppress sticking of metal caused by penetration of molten metal and surface reaction without need for postprocessing such as coating.例文帳に追加

コーティング等の後処理の必要が無く、金属溶湯の浸透や表面反応による金属の貼り付きが抑制され、保温性(断熱性)が高く、かつ軽量な金属鋳造用耐火成形体を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a thermal head exhibiting high thermal insulation and high heat dissipation properties without requiring a complex manufacturing process, and capable of good high speed printing with low energy.例文帳に追加

複雑な製造工程を必要とすることもなく、しかも、高い断熱性と高い放熱性が得られ、低エネルギでの良好な印字かつ高速な印字を行うことができるサーマルヘッドを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a high thermal conductivity resin composition which is excellent particularly in thermal conductivity and insulation, ensures good moldability, surface smoothness and dimensional stability, is inexpensive and easy to produce, and to provide a molding thereof.例文帳に追加

特に熱伝導性と絶縁性に優れ、成形加工性、表面平滑性、寸法安定性も良好で、安価で製造の容易な高熱伝導性樹脂組成物及びその成形体を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide clothing such as headgear being lightweight, high in thermal insulation effect, good in air permeability while improving its heat-blocking and thermal-insulating functions when it is hot, and also enabling heat retaining ability when it is cold.例文帳に追加

軽量で、断熱効果が高く、暑い場合の遮熱、断熱の機能を高めながら通気性もよく、寒い場合の保温の双方が可能な帽子などの衣料を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide an insulation layer-forming glass composition and an insulation layer-forming material not substantially containing PbO in its glass composition and having good thermal stability of glass, a low softening point and a coefficient of thermal expansion matched to the shrinkage behavior of a glass substrate or the like.例文帳に追加

ガラス組成中にPbOを含有せず、またガラスの熱的安定性が良好であるとともに、軟化点が低く、しかもガラス基板等の収縮挙動に整合した熱膨張係数を有する絶縁層形成用ガラス組成物および絶縁層形成用材料を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide an insulation layer-forming glass composition and an insulation layer-forming material not substantially containing PbO in its glass composition and having good thermal stability of glass, a low softening point and a coefficient of thermal expansion matched to the shrinkage behavior of a glass substrate or the like.例文帳に追加

ガラス組成中に実質的にPbOを含有せず、ガラスの熱的安定性が良好であるとともに、軟化点が低く、しかもガラス基板等の収縮挙動に整合した熱膨張係数を有する絶縁層形成用ガラス組成物および絶縁層形成用材料を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a covered yarn soft in touch feeling, good in thermal insulation and good in skin touch, to provide a method and an apparatus for producing the same, and to provide high-stretch clothing using the same.例文帳に追加

風合いが柔らかく、保温性、肌触り良好なカバリング糸、カバリング糸の製造方法、カバリング糸の製造装置及びカバリング糸を用いた高伸縮性衣料を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a semiconductor device that can be applied to large electric power by forming an electrical insulation with a structure that is mechanically strong in addition to having good electrical insulation performance and thermal conduction performance, and to provide a method of manufacturing the semiconductor device achieving these functions.例文帳に追加

電気的な絶縁性能、および、熱伝導性能が良好であることに加え、機械的にも強固な構造の電気絶縁部を形成して大電力に適用可能とした半導体装置、及びこれら機能を実現するような半導体装置の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a power semiconductor device having a thermally conductive insulating resin layer in which thermal conductivity is ensured stably and good electric insulation is also ensured by minimizing voids.例文帳に追加

この発明は熱伝導性が安定して確保されかつボイドが抑制されて良好な電気絶縁性が確保された熱伝導性絶縁樹脂層を有する電力用半導体装置を提供するものである。 - 特許庁

The light diffusing layer 130 is composed of a raw material having good thermal insulation, and prevents the heat deformation and the heat deterioration of the frame due to heat generated during the connection of the flexible wiring board 140 with the circuit wiring board 150.例文帳に追加

光拡散層130は断熱性の良好な素材で構成され、可撓性配線基板140と回路配線基板150との接続時に生ずる熱によるフレームの熱変形や熱劣化を防止する。 - 特許庁

To obtain an optical transceiver apparatus which holds a thermal insulation of an optical semiconductor element module from a conductive enclosure, has a good and stable performance and is superior in reliability.例文帳に追加

光半導体素子モジュールと導電性筐体との熱的絶縁性を保ち、良好かつ安定した性能を持つ信頼性の優れた光送受信器を得る。 - 特許庁

An adhesive layer 11 is formed on a passenger compartment side surface 4a of the roof structure body 4 and an elastic support member 12 (melamine resin elastic form) having good thermal insulation owing to the adhesive layer 11 is attached on the roof structure body 4.例文帳に追加

屋根構体4の車室内側表面4aには接着層11が形成されており、この接着層11により断熱性を有した弾性支持材12(メラミン樹脂系弾性フォーム)が屋根構体4に対して取り付けられている。 - 特許庁

To provide a duct material and duct which is manufactured with good production efficiency, excels in thermal insulation and sound absorption properties and structural strength, and furthermore excels in recyclability.例文帳に追加

生産効率よく製造することができ、断熱性および吸音性および構造強度に優れ、さらにはリサイクル性にも優れたダクト材およびダクトを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a polyethylene for foaming blow molding, which exhibits high foamability, moldability, mechanical strength, good surface appearance and excellent durability, and raises thermal insulation, sound absorbency and rigidity, and is suitable for a lightweight container.例文帳に追加

高発泡性、成形性、機械的強度、表面外観が良好で、かつ耐久性にも優れ、断熱性、吸音性、剛性がアップし、軽量容器に適する発泡中空成形用ポリエチレンを提供。 - 特許庁

To provide a heat-conductive pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet having thermal conductivity, flame retardancy, insulation and flexibility with good balance, to provide a heat-conductive pressure-sensitive adhesive composition forming the sheet, and to provide electronic elements comprising the sheet.例文帳に追加

本発明は、熱伝導性、難燃性、絶縁性及び柔軟性をバランス良く備えた熱伝導性感圧接着性シート、該シートのもととなる熱伝導性感圧接着剤組成物、並びに、該シートを備えた電子部品を提供する。 - 特許庁

The insulation layer 30 is filled with particulate filler 40 having good thermal conductivity, and contains air gaps 50.例文帳に追加

絶縁層30には、絶縁層30の熱伝導率が良好な粒子状の充填材40が充填され、さらに絶縁層30には空隙50が含有されている。 - 特許庁

To provide a substrate excellent in mechanical strength with good insulation and heat conductivity with high toughness, and with its thermal expansion coefficient similar to that of a thermoelectric element.例文帳に追加

絶縁性が良好で機械的強度に優れ、かつ靭性が高くて熱伝導性に優れさらに熱膨張係数が熱電素子に近い基板を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a thermal insulation paper tray wherein a base can be held in a hand even when containing contents of high temperature such as hot water, strength of the paper tray is increased and good shape retention is realized.例文帳に追加

本発明は、熱湯などの高温の内容物を入れた時でも、底の部分を手で持つことができ、また、紙トレーの強度を上げ、保形性のよい断熱紙トレーを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a good thermal coupling between the electronic components and the outer environment, by means of an electronic apparatus having electrical insulation characteristics, which does not need openings for passing metallic components that are responsible for conducting heat to the environment.例文帳に追加

電子構成部品と外部環境の間に、外部環境に熱を伝導する役割を果たし、金属構成部品を通過させるための開口を必要としない、電気絶縁特性を有する電子装置により、良好な熱結合を提供する。 - 特許庁

To protect an insulating material to electrically insulate between a bottom plate portion of a reaction furnace and an electrode from heat by reaction, absorb a thermal expansion difference, and maintain good insulation.例文帳に追加

反応炉の底板部と電極との間を電気絶縁する絶縁材を反応時の熱から保護し、熱膨張差を吸収できるとともに、良好な絶縁性を維持する。 - 特許庁

To provide an adjuster of a disc brake which can realize reduction in weight and also whirl stop of a piston, thermal insulation to a dust boot by a single whirl-stop means which is inexpensive and has good assembling efficiency.例文帳に追加

軽量化と同時に、ピストンの回り止めとダストブーツに対する遮熱を、安価で組み付け性の良い単一の回り止め手段により実現するディスクブレーキ装置のアジャスタを得る。 - 特許庁

To provide a cooling structure of a cylinder block, having excellent facility of assembling a spacer to a water jacket, and having good thermal insulation of a cylinder bore.例文帳に追加

スペーサのウォータジャケットへの組み付け性が良好であるとともに、シリンダボアの保温性も良好な、シリンダブロックの冷却構造の提供。 - 特許庁

To provide a photosensitive insulating resin composition giving a cured product excellent in resolution, electric insulation and thermal shock resistance and also having good heat and chemical resistances.例文帳に追加

解像性、電気絶縁性、熱衝撃性に優れるとともに、良好な耐熱性、耐薬品性を有する硬化物が得られる感光性絶縁樹脂組成物を提供する。 - 特許庁

The accommodation section Ua1 includes: a cylinder section that consists of a material with good thermal conductivity and having an opening at one end; and a protection insulation section that consists of a thermally conductive nature resisting material to cover the surrounding of the cylinder section, and the endothermic section Ut is connected with the closing end side of the cylinder section in a condition that the thermal conduction is possible.例文帳に追加

収容部Ua1は、良熱伝導性材料からなる一端が開口した円筒部と、円筒部の周囲を覆う難熱伝導性材料から成る保護断熱部とを備え、前記吸熱部Utは円筒部の閉口端側に熱伝導が可能な状態に接続される。 - 特許庁

To provide a thermally conductive resin composition giving a small molded body which exhibits good thermal conductivity and low anisotropy of the thermal conductivity while maintaining an electrical insulation property preferable as an electric-electronic component; and to provide a molded body produced by using the thermally conductive resin composition.例文帳に追加

電気・電子部品として好適な電気絶縁性を維持しつつ、良好な熱伝導性を発現し、且つ該熱伝導性の異方性が小さい成形体を与える熱伝導性樹脂組成物及び該熱伝導性樹脂組成物を用いてなる成形体を提供する。 - 特許庁

A resin composition comprising a photosensitive resin obtained by reacting an epoxy acrylate compound of a specific structure, a cyanate and a polybasic acid anhydride exhibits good alkaline developability, and a cured product of the same is excellent in electrical insulation reliability and thermal resistance after moisture absorption and has flexibility.例文帳に追加

特定構造のエポキシアクリレート化合物とシアン酸エステル、多塩基酸無水物を反応させて得られる感光性樹脂を含む樹脂組成物は良好なアルカリ現像性を示し、その硬化物は吸湿時の電気絶縁信頼性と耐熱性に優れ、かつ可撓性を有していた。 - 特許庁

To obtain a thermally conductive resin sheet which is packed with two or more types of inorganic fillers having a different particle diameter at a high packing to secure high thermal conductivity, comprises a resin to secure moldability, and inhibits voids to secure good electrical insulation properties and a power module using the same.例文帳に追加

異なる粒径を有する二種以上の無機充填材が高い充填率で充填されて高い熱伝導性が確保され、かつ樹脂が配合させて加工性が確保され、かつボイドが抑制されて良好な電気絶縁性が確保された熱伝導性樹脂シート及びこれを用いたパワーモジュールを得る。 - 特許庁

To provide a phenolic resin molding material which can be molded into a molding having a thermal conductivity at least two times higher than that molded from a conventional phenolic resin molding material, having electrical insulation properties and having a good balance among mechanical strengths, moldability, curing characteristics and cost, and having essential properties not inferior to those of a conventional material.例文帳に追加

従来のフェノール樹脂成形材料に比べ熱伝導率が倍以上高く、電気絶縁性を有し、且つ従来材と同様の基本的特性を損なうことなく、機械的強度、成形性、硬化特性、コストのバランスに優れた成形品が得られるフェノール樹脂成形材料を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a base board mounting type connector maintaining good mounting state by restraining stress generated at soldered part between a fixed part and a circuit board caused by thermal deformation of a housing, regardless of terminal arraying direction of the insulation housing.例文帳に追加

基板実装型コネクタにおいて、絶縁ハウジングの端子配列方向の寸法にかかわらず、当該ハウジングの熱変形に起因して固定部材と回路基板との半田付け部分に生ずる応力を低く抑えて良好な実装状態を維持する。 - 特許庁

To provide a freezer oil which can sufficiently satisfy lubricity, refrigerant compatibility, thermal and chemical stability, and electrical insulation property in a good balance and can prevent the lubrication failures of compressors, when used together with a HFC refrigerant, and to provide a hydraulic fluid composition for freezers, using the freezer oil.例文帳に追加

HFC冷媒と共に用いた場合に、潤滑性、冷媒相溶性、熱・化学的安定性、電気絶縁性をバランスよく十分に満足し、圧縮機の潤滑不良を防止することが可能な冷凍機油、並びにその冷凍機油を用いた冷凍機用流体組成物を提供すること。 - 特許庁


Since the thermal insulation layer 20 is between the gel coat layer 10 and the FRP layer 40, the mesh of the glass mat due to shrinkage does not appear on a surface of a product and then it is possible to manufacture the FRP multi-layered molded body 50 having the good surface condition.例文帳に追加

断熱材層20がゲルコート層10とFRP層40の間にあるので、積層樹脂の収縮によるガラスマット目が製品表面に現れず、良好な表面状態のFRP複層成形体50を製造することができる。 - 特許庁

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