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Young leaves have the name as kinome (leaf bud) for edible use. 例文帳に追加
若葉は食材として木の芽の名称がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Also, it is used in marinated leaf bud, 'kinome miso' (miso mixed with leaf bud) and 'kinomedaki' (boiled leaf bud with soy sauce) of tsukudani (food boiled in sweetened soy sauce). 例文帳に追加
また、料理の木の芽和え、「木の芽味噌」に使われる他、佃煮の「木の芽煮」の材料となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Bamboo shoots and seaweed should be arranged in a bowl, and then the broth should be poured on them and then garnished with kinome (a young leaf of the Japanese pepper tree). 例文帳に追加
器にタケノコとワカメを盛って、煮汁をはり、木の芽(山椒の若葉)を添える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Raisho confined himself within Kannonmaru Castle and prepared to counterattack Oda at the Kinome-toge mountain path. 例文帳に追加
頼照は観音丸城に立てこもり、木芽峠で信長を迎え撃つ準備をする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(nihai-zu (vinegar and soy sauce mixed in roughly equal proportions), sanbai-zu (vinegar, soy sauce and mirin (or sugar) mixed in roughly equal proportions), ponzu (a seasoning made from citrus juice), ponzu-shoyu (soy source containing citrus juice), tosa-zu (vinegar flavored with bonito shavings, konbu kelp, sugar and soy sauce), kimi-zu (vinegar mixed with yolk, dashi, mirin, etc), shoga-zu (vinegar with ginger), Yoshino-zu (ginger with kuzu-starch mixed for giving thickening nature), goma-zu (vinegar mixed with grinded sesame, soy sauce, etc), mizore-zu (vinegar with grated radish), yuzuka-zu (vinegar with yuzu citrus juice: literally, yuzu-flavored vinegar), kinome-zu (vinegar with minced leaves of Japanese pepper trees), nanban-zu (Japanese sweetened vinegar with some red pepper flakes), wasabi-zu (vinegar with wasabi juice), karashi-zu (vinegar with mustard) 例文帳に追加
(二杯酢、三杯酢、ポン酢、ポン酢醤油、土佐酢、黄身酢、生姜酢、吉野酢、胡麻酢、みぞれ酢、柚香酢、木の芽酢、南蛮酢、わさび酢、からし酢) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the opening scene, 'Although my name is 'Banzuiin Chobei, it is too early for me to become Buddha', in the secone act, 'I have a 'tenbinbo' (a stick with the same weight of two burdens hanging from the edge of the both sides to carry them) on the shoulders', and in the third act, 'The time is just around 'kinome-doki' (spring but in this season it is said that someone behaving strangely pops up). 例文帳に追加
序幕の「名が幡随院の長兵衛でも仏になるにゃアまだ早え」や、二幕目の「天秤棒を肩にかけ」、三幕目の「時候も丁度木の芽時」などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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